Michigan Transplant Home Page


The Michigan Transplant Home Page is a site on the Internet; specific to Michigan Transplant. You will find the most current information about the transplant programs at UMHS, donation awareness activities, support groups, the staff and facilities at UMHS, etc. It is also the place to look for back issues of the Transplant Express, writing and artwork by Michigan Transplant patients, maps and other information about Ann Arbor. The page is located at:




Transplant Express


The Transplant Express is a quarterly newsletter for all Michigan Transplant patients (those listed for a transplant and those who have received one) and staff. It contains the most up-to-date information from Patient Accounts, transplantation and donation related events in Michigan, support group activities, transplant research at UMHS, and other items of interest to the Michigan Transplant Community. You should receive a copy of the Express at the time of your transplant evaluation; if you do not, ask your transplant social worker for a copy.