Vasili Island, Galernaia Gavan, and Nevsky Region are areas of Petrograd. (trans.)

A chekist is a member of the Cheka, or secret police. (trans.)

A spets is a military "specialist" who was formerly an officer in the tsarist armed forces. (trans.)

The interview in question is in Volia Rossii, No 195, p. 2, "Beseda s kronshtadtsami."  The interviewer, writing under the name "Zritel" (Observer), describes Kozlovsky as a weak, unintelligent and banal character, and implies that he would have been incapable of planning and leading the uprising.

Here and in "Kronstadt Chastushkas" the author is referring to the Soviet newspaper Izvestiia. (trans.)

It is most likely that the author is referring to the Second International, rather than the Third. (trans.)

The Oprichnina was a military and administrative elite under Tsar Ivan IV ("The Terrible"). (trans.)

is the Caucasian region of present Armenia, Azerbaizhan and Georgia. (trans.)

[Town Commune] and Gorprodkom [Town Produce Committee] were official organizations which supplied Kronstadt with produce (Avrich, p. 128).

The lack of coherence in this text is reflected in the original. (trans.)

"The Trial of the 193" was a famous trial of Populists (Narodniks) in the 1870's (see Troitskii, p. 203).

By tradition, the ninth wave is the highest in a series (Akhmanova et al., p. 64).

This appeal was printed by us in full, in N
o 4, of March 6th. (auth.)

Maliuta Skuratov, also known as G. L. Skuratov-Belsky, was a leader of the Oprichnina under Ivan IV, "The Terrible" (see Wieczysnki ed., vol. 21, p. 55).

were agents of the tsarist secret police, which was popularly called the Okhrana or Okhranka (Akhmanova et. al., p. 400).

Carbolic acid (phenol) was put in graves to avoid the spread of typhus and other diseases. (trans.)

Printed as a matter for discussion. (auth.)

This spelling is suggestive of 'Soviet Central Press,' in comparison to the 'North Central Press' elsewhere.  Both are possible correct names. (trans.)

The differences between the three versions of this document given in the text are reflected in the original. (trans.)

Party weeks were periods of reduced or eliminated requirements for party membership.  There were two in Petrograd in 1919 (see Zagoskina, pp. 41-42).

The meaning of the reference to these two towns is not clear. (trans.)

This refers to the system of labor and production organization developed by F. W. Taylor, 1856-1915, an American engineer (Prokhorov, 1970, vol. 25, p. 360).

A chastusha is a "two line or four line folk verse, usually humorous and topical, sung in a lively manner," (Akhmanova et al., p 697).