s c r y i n g

Trump scrying-- the precursor to tarot readings, runic divination and all other versions of informal oracular inquiry-- was very popular in the Middle Imperial Period of Chaos. It was a skill possessed by Dworkin, and he brought it with him to Amber, teaching some few of his descendents the art.

What follows is a brief on the Amber way of scrying, called the Eternal Triangle.

1) The Starting Position
Represents the person you are asking about (usually yourself) in your coming conflict. If the reading is about you, and if the Trump you draw is of yourself, this is a both a good and a bad sign; it means the coming conflict is something you will face alone, devoid of facades or tricks. Your enemy knows you well. On the other hand, it means that you know yourself, as well, and will not lose the conflict through any failing of your own. If the Trump is not your own, this is the face you will put to the world, and most especially, your enemies. Consider carefully how you view the card you have drawn.

2) The Amber Bower
Represents order, stability, skills you've already learned and rely on; what you can count on in the coming conflict; where you come from. If the Trump you draw is of someone you can trust, this is a good sign. If it is of someone you cannot trust, look for betrayal from within. Look at it also as "the person you were."

3) The Chaos Bower
Represents chaos, change, things you must learn and have not yet; what you must do to survive the coming conflict; where you are going. Look to become more like the person in the Trump you draw; you can learn from this. Consider it also as "the person you will become."

4) The Crossing Position
Signifies what you will have to overcome to succeed.

5) The Mirrored Moment
This is the card placed underneath the Starting and Crossing Positions; it is the reflection of the entire struggle. If this card is your own, the core of your conflict is internal.

6) The Ally
This is the card placed beneath the Amber Bower. It can be considered to further illuminate the Amber Bower, as it indicates in part who you can trust, or who will aid you. It is unwise to assume that this is the person you can trust, however; it could simply be the face of an enemy of the past who forced you to learn the skills you will need to succeed now.

7) The Enemy
Placed beneath the Chaos Bower, it is often considered another reading of that position. Otherwise, it can indicate the face of your enemy. If it shows the face of someone you think you otherwise trust, of course be cautious of them in the future; but also consider every aspect of the Trump you've drawn. It may provide valuable insight into the enemy's weakness, even if it does not betray the identity of the enemy.

8) The Unholy
Named for an ancient alchemical ingredient, this card signifies the catalyst of the events in question.

9) The Open Door
This card could also be called "the Crucial Moment." This card signifies the turning point in the conflict.

10) The Dog Star
The Dog Star represents what you will gain from the conflict.

11) The Traitor's Gate
This card represents the shuffling of the order of things-- the changing of priorities, goals, dreams, friends, allies, enemies, etc.

12) The Sacrifice
This card represents what you will lose in the conflict.

13) The Endgame
This card represents the goal of the entire endeavor.

Some scryings of note:

Keeping to the Shadows

Updated by the GM on October 20, 1998.
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