d r e a d
l o r d s

Named the Dread Lords by Raphael's sources in Chaos, this is the name given to the brothers and sisters of the Serpent and the Unicorn. As told in the creation stories of Amber and Chaos (The Book of the Unicorn and The Book of the Serpent respectively), the Serpent, with the aid of the Unicorn, turned their backs on their brethren and the formless cosmos and made a universe, bounded by Chaos. Later, the Unicorn added Order to the universe, making it what it is today. Effectively, the Chaos and the Abyss surrounding the universe formed a barrier which the other Great Ones could not cross.

The creation of Corwin's universe, with no barrier of Chaos and Abyss, was open to the influence of any external force that took an interest in it.

Syren Lanfear
Cyclops Garm
Satyr Victoria's baby
Gryphon Hyperion
Basilisk Kali