Math 145, Fall 2011


Math 145 is a companion course to Math 115. For four hours a week we will work on problems that explore aspects of calculus that are not covered in the regular calculus course because of time constraints, and at the same time, learn the material of those courses more thoroughly.

We'll also mix it up on occasion, and try unusual ways of doing problems. Plus we'll have some guest speakers, practice exams, and review sessions.


Mark Conger
Office 1157 Angell Hall
Office Hours
Office Phone 764-0335
Cell Phone 741-9351

Requirements and Grading

Grades for Math 145 will be either "credit" or "no credit". In order to get credit, you need to:

  1. Miss no more than one class per semester without a documented excuse. Documented means I need paperwork.
  2. While in class, participate actively in solving the problems presented. We will be working in groups almost all the time, so participating means interacting with your peers as well as doing math. There are no penalties for being wrong in this class; I encourage you to become comfortable with being wrong. (You can't do hard problems if you're afraid of being wrong all the time.) The only thing that's not OK is giving up.
  3. Attend two math or science related events outside of class, and give a short presentation to the class on what you saw and heard at each. A list of possible events will be provided, but you may use one that's not on the list if you clear it with me first.

That's it. We will take some quizzes and practice exams in class to prepare for the 115 exams, but no grades will be recorded.


If you feel you need extra help with the material in this class or in 115, you have a number of options.
  1. Come to see me in office hours, or make an appointment to see me another time. I will usually hang around after class (unless it turns out that someone else needs the room right after us) to answer questions as well.
  2. Contact some of your peers in the class or in your calculus class, and get together to have a study session. There are two DHSP mailing lists: sends mail to section 1 (Mon-Wed) sends mail to section 2 (Tue-Thu)

    Consider mailing the lists and asking if anyone would like to get together. Or, you can go to the online directory, enter dhspsec1 or dhspsec2, and it will show you the uniqnames of the people in the group. Note that I'm not on either group, so you can use them to complain about me if you like.

  3. Talk to your calculus instructor. Most instructors love it when you come to office hours and ask them questions. Trust me on this.
  4. Go to the Math Lab. Tutors are there to answer your questions whenever the lab is open. (It's open every day except Saturday, but not all day—click on the link above to see the hours.)
  5. If the above options don't work for you and you need personalized attention, the math department maintains a list of tutors who can be hired to help. Tutoring is not cheap, but it's certainly cheaper than doing badly in 115.

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