Linda's Photography

Bedford Basket

This image was photographed using a 4 x 5 view camera, printed on Luminos Tapestry FB paper, sepia toned, and oil color applied. Please click on the image for a larger more detailed copy of it.

Face, Feathers, and Flowers

This was photographed using a 4 x 5 view camera. Please click on the image for a larger more detailed copy of it.

Negative Reticulation

This is a scan of a negative that has been reticulated. The reticulation process breaks down the film by alternating hot and cold liquids during development. Manufacturers have improved film to the degree that reticulating is more difficult today than in the past. Following the development of this film, it was put in the freezer to dry, creating a feathered pattern throughout the image. Please click on the image for a larger more detailed copy of it.

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