Underwater Pictures, Kona Coast, Big Island of Hawaii, June 2004

I took these pictures with a Nikonos V, 28 mm lens, using Fuji Velvia 100 and Kodak Elite Chrome Extra Color. Some are natural light. For the rest, I used an Ikelite 50 Strobe.

I scanned the slides with a Canon slide scanner.

I dived with Pacific Rim Divers and Aloha Dive Company. ---Len Sander

Click on the thumbnail to get a large picture.

Bluefin Trevally
Bandit Angelfish (rare)
School of goatfish
A surprised turtle
Manta ray at night
Manta closer
Another one showed up
These are big guys
Friendly damselfish
Steindachner's moray (rare)
Hawaian turkeyfish
Bluestripe snapper
Intrepid snokeler. Note label on arm