War on Iraq

Puzzle Cast of Characters Rational Choice Citations News Sources


    The goal of this project is to investigate the decision-making process in order to help understand the method by which political leaders manage complexity and uncertainty.  Decision-making may be thought of as the evaluation of a decision with the absence of procedures or principles that generate or dictate a 'right' answer in order to reduce complexities and uncertainty. 

    Several steps are taken as part of the rational decision-making process.  Some of these steps include exchanging values for another as well as combining prior values to current indications in order to gain a better understanding of the after-the-fact possibilities.

    This project will explore the rational decision-making process by applying the rational-choice theory in order to better understand the decisions that led to the recent regime-change in Iraq.  The Rational-Choice Theory provides a normative framework whereby one can analyze the various consequences of judgments made without necessarily minimizing subjective uncertainties.  For more information, please see Rational Choice Theory.

    For general background information about the recent regime change in Iraq, please see Links to Mainstream Media Sources.


Project by:  Lena Masri
Political Science 498, Professor Raymond Tanter
International Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
December 13, 2003