Strategies for Management Consulting

Course Outline
Class 1: Consulting Industry
Class 2: Role of the Consultant
Class 3: Project Entry
Class 4: Diagnosis and Solution
Class 5: Implementation Challenges, Final Deliverables & Exit Strategy
Class 6: Marketing of Consulting Services
Class 7: The Client Relationship
Class 8:  Internal Consulting
                International Consulting – guest speaker
Class 9: Strategy Consulting
Class 10: Managing Consultants
                 Adminstrative Mechanics
                 Unique Situations
Class 11: e-Strategy - guest speaker
Class 12: Independent Consulting
Class 13: The Consulting Career

 * This outline describes the course content as accurately as possible. However, it may be necessary to modify the content of a session in order to meet the availability of a speaker or to tailor the course to the best interest of the students.

Copyright 1999 Leonard Middleton