Entrepreneurial Management Course

Course Description

This course provides an overall understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management, and prepares students for starting and succeeding in business. For those planning to work for a corporation, this class will also be of value, orienting them to think and act more intrepreneurially.

Entrepreneurship is about risk and failure: embracing it, and learning from it. This course focuses on the concepts, skills, personal experiences, access to and retention of information and resources, attitudes, and alternatives that entrepreneurs need to make better decisions. These informed decisions positively influence the odds for success, and thereby minimize the odds (and costs) of failure.

This is primarily a team course. Strong emphasis is placed on the development of a business plan that applies the proper methods, techniques, and skills needed to successfully develop and grow a new venture or find, evaluate and purchase an existing company. Several individual assignments are also required. Specific objectives of the course are for students to: gain experience identifying and evaluating potential business ideas; understand capital and other financial resources; create a winning business plan and presentation. The course draws on a broad selection of readings, class lectures and discussions, case studies, guest speakers, and videos.