Characterization of novel autoantibodies in autoimmune pediatric neurologic disorders

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An increasing number of pediatric autoimmune disorders are being recognized, and often affect previously healthy children. We are interested in testing CSF collected in patients who may have an autoimmune encephalopathy. Using a combined western blot/immunohistochemistry/proteomic approach, we are working to identify novel autoantibodies that cause disease. A wide range of patients are eligible for inclusion, ranging from sporadic ADEM, optic neuritis and transverse myelitis to unexplained encephalitis or movement disorders. Although this is a research study, we are able to share positive results with referring clinicians.


Our studies are approved by the OHSU IRB and are funded by the Partners Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.


Michael Kruer, MD
Divisions of Developmental Pediatrics & Pediatric Neurology
Oregon Health & Science University
707 SW Gaines St.
Portland, OR 97239
Phone: (503)494-1351
Fax: (503)494-6868

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Last revised 03-Jan-2011 by Steven Leber