
Other Interesting sites- Find your own

It's estimated that the World Wide Web consist of hundreds of millions of documents and resources. Trying to navigate to an area of interest proves to be therefore, a formidable task. Rese archers and students at Stanford, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon and other institutions have put together "search engines" to help us with this task. Yahoo (Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle) is a Web guide developed at Stanford to help index some of the more useful sites. In late 1995, Yahoo indexed some 60,000 "worthy" sites, sorted into 10,000 categories. Whereas Yahoo lists sites hierarchically by category (i.e., it is a "Web directory"), other search engines such as OpenText and InfoSeek, are often more comprehensive. One can prompt any of these search engines to provide Web site information on topics as diverse as medicine, gardening, space, and art. Boolean logic can be used to restrict and define searches.

Some search engines are topic specific. Neil Busis has set up an excellent search engine for Neuroscience-related topics at Neurosciences on The Internet . Another Neuroscience Web Search Engine is available at atNeuroscience Web Search.

Our suggestion to you is to pick a disease, or other topic, and find out what resources are available using these search engines. For example, the topics of Epilepsy or Alzheimer's should yield several interesting sites. Return to this page when you are finished.



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