
Whoa! It looks like you're running a defective browser.

My Browser is Broken?

If you got to this page instead of the page you were expecting to see, then you are probably using a browser which lets other people and computers do the following things:

If any of those things sound like a bad idea, then it's time to move to a modern web browser.

How Do I Fix It?

You can't. You have to replace it.

Yes, there are so-called "patches" and "updates" for the broken browser you are using, but these "patches" and "updates" address only very specific attacks after the fact and not the fundamental design problems.

So why isn't the product recalled? Good question.

What Can I Do Then?

You can replace the defective browser. Here are some free ones below. For a more complete comparison see the Wikipedia entry on Comparison of web browsers.

[ext] = avaiable as an extension
Replacement Browsers
small, fast smallest, fastest all-around
WWW WWW, mail, chat, address book, and usenet WWW, mail, chat, address book, and usenet
MS-Windows yes yes yes
OS X yes yes yes
yes yes yes
BSD yes yes yes
BeOS yes yes yes
Solaris yes yes yes
QNX yes yes yes
Mobile phones - yes soon
Extensions yes - yes
Tabbed browsing yes yes yes
Block pop-up ads yes yes yes
Page zoom yes yes yes
Mouse gestures [ext] yes yes
Resume session - yes -
CSS Support excellent excellent excellent
Small Screen Rendering - yes -
Quick Preferences - yes -
Stylesheet Override yes
Skins / Themes [ext] yes yes
Keyboard navigation yes yes yes
HTML Editor - - yes
Other languages yes yes yes
Engine Gecko Presto Gecko

Enjoy your new browser.
... and don't click on the blue 'e'.

Last updated: 18 August 2005