Kyla  A.  McMullen, PhD
About me
Name: Kyla mcMullen
PhD Institution: The University of Michigan
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Field: Computer Science 
Concentration: Interactive systems
Keywords: Virtual Auditory Environments, Spatial Audio, Auditory Interfaces, Spatial Mental Maps, Auditory-Spatial Memory

Currently, this page serves as the digital repository for all of my research related interests


Interface Design Implications for Recalling the Spatial Configuration of Virtual Auditory Environments. May 3, 2012. The University of Michigan. Chair: Dr. Gregory H. Wakefield


McMullen, K., Roginska, A., Wakefield, G. (2012 - accepted). Subjective Selection of Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) based on Spectral Coloration and Interaural Time Differences (ITD) Cues. Presented at the AES 133rd Convention, San Francisco, USA, 2012 October 26–29.

Roginska, A., Wakefield, G., McMullen, K. (2011 ). Searching for Sources from a Fixed Point in a Virtual Auditory Environment. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Displays (ICAD), 20-24 June 2011, Budapest, Hungary.

Roginska, A., Wakefield, G., Santoro, T., McMullen, K. (2010). Effects of Interface Type on Navigation in a Virtual Spatial Auditory Environment. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Displays (ICAD), 9-15 June 2010, Washington, DC.

McMullen, K., Wakefield, G. (2009). Relationship Learning Software: Design and Assessment. The Proceedings of HCI International 2009, 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 19-24 July 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Eugene, W., Hatley, L., McMullen, K.A., Brown, Q., Rankin, Y., & Lewis, S. (2009). This Is Who I Am and This Is What I Do: Demystifying the Process of Designing Culturally Authentic Technology. The Proceedings of HCI International 2009, 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 19-24 July 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Spatial Audio