Academic Skills Inventory


Today's Date:__________________ Sex: M F Age:_______
Class: FR SO JR SR
Expected Graduation Date (Month/Year):_________________

Major(s):______________________ Minor(s) (if any):___________________


Please read the items in each skill area and check those which apply to you. Read over the descriptions of the skill areas, and indicate any specific skills which you possess that are not already included in that skill area.

NOTE: No one is expected to have all of the following skills or even a majority of them. Thus, it is likely that you will find that you are highly skilled in some areas, moderately skilled in others, and have no skills whatsoever in some areas. The results of this skills assessment will help you to determine which skills you already have and which you might want to develop further.

1. Written/Oral Communication- The ability to convey information effectively in both written and oral communication.

A. Public Speaking:

__ I have made at least 3 oral presentations in a classroom.
__ I have made a formal speech to a large audience (25+ people).
__ I frequently make formal presentations to large groups.

B. Writing Skills:

__ I have written at least 3 lengthy (7+ pages) term papers in a professional format.
__ I have written extensively for a newspaper or periodical.
__ I have authored or co-authored an article for publication.

C. Conveying scientific information coherently:

__ I often have explained a scientific concept to someone.
__ I have presented (orally or in writing) the results of a scientific study.
__ I have created a poster detailing the results of a scientific study.

D. Can you think of any other skills which you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



2. Information Gathering- The ability to obtain relevant information from publications, databases and other appropriate sources.

A. Searching electronic resources (library databases) and reference books for information, and interviewing experts.

__ I have used library databases (such as LUIS or Psychinfo) to search for materials in the library.
__ I have used the Internet/World Wide Web to obtain information for a project.
__ I have gathered information by interviewing experts personally.

B. Critically reviewing publications (scientific/professional books and journal articles).

__ I have read at least 3 articles in a professional journal.
__ I have prepared an annotated bibliography (citations with summaries) for a project.
__ I have frequently looked for logical errors or inconsistencies in a professional article.

C. Constructing a questionnaire or other information gathering tool.

__ I have helped conduct a formal survey project.
__ I have written questions for a survey questionnaire.
__ I have designed and administered a formal survey to a large (25+) group of individuals.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



3. Groups/Organizations/Community- Ability to work effectively in teams and with groups of other people.

A. Working successfully in groups to achieve common goals.

__ I have worked in a group project for a class.
__ I have worked in a team for a project other than for class.
__ I have worked in a self-managed work team for an employer.

B. Assuming leadership roles in groups or organizations.

__ I have actively participated in extracurricular organizations.
__ I have held office in a club or other member driven organization.
__ I have founded or co-founded a formal group or organization.

C. Participating in and organizing community events.

__ I have been a member of at least one community organization.
__ I have actively worked for a community organization.
__ I have personally started a program in my community.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



4. Interpersonal/Counseling/Interviewing/Mentoring- The ability to effectively conduct one-on-one interactions, including counseling, interviewing and administering standardized tests.

A. Interviewing someone to learn about their history, interests, problems.

__ I have spoken with people to gather information about their history, interests or problems.
__ I have interviewed someone for a job or other significant position.
__ I have conducted structured interviews based on a questionnaire for an organization.

B. Counseling those with personal problems.

__ I have counseled friends with serious personal problems.
__ I have had an internship with a mental health-related agency.
__ I have been employed as a psychological counselor.

C. Administering standardized tests or research experiments.

__ I have prepared lists of question to help someone prepare for an exam.
__ I have given someone a psychological test or supervised a research experiment.
__ I have had experience constructing and validating psychological tests.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



5. Behavior Management/Supervision/Teaching- The ability to teach, supervise and manage behavior through personal skills and by monitoring and manipulating relevant aspects of the immediate environment.

A. Teaching.

__ I have formally tutored others in a subject.
__ I have conducted a class session.
__ I have been an assistant for someone teaching a course.

B. Monitoring and managing the behavior of others (setting contingencies, token economy) using psychological principles with a focus on changes in behavior.

__ I have developed and carried out plans to systematically reward someone for accomplishments.
__ I have formally analyzed behavior using principles of behavior analysis.
__ I have set up a token economy or other reward system to control behavior.

C. Supervising children or other special populations.

__ I have babysat or otherwise supervised children.
__ I have supervised children in a day care facility or camp setting.
__ I have planned and administered programs for special populations.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



6. Individual differences/special populations/cultural diversity- The ability to work with individuals from special populations and diverse cultures in a sensitive and effective manner.

A. Working with special populations such as mentally ill or elderly.

__ I have visited an institution for special populations (such as a nursing home).
__ I have regularly volunteered or worked with the elderly or other special adult populations.
__ I have held a position in an institutional setting caring for special populations for over 6 months.

B. Working with culturally diverse groups of individuals.

__ I have worked in cooperation with individuals from another culture than my own.
__ I have worked or traveled in cultures other than my own.
__ I use more than one language when working with people from other cultures.

C. Advocacy and empowerment.

__ I have stood up for someone who was being discriminated against.
__ I have sought ways to include people in activities/organizations who have traditionally been left out.
__ I have helped individuals, groups or organizations increase their self-determination.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



7. Critical thinking/Problem solving- The ability to critically evaluate situations and projects in a rational manner and reach conclusions based on the information available.

A. Critically evaluating (detecting flaws in) research studies.

__ I have frequently identified problems with research reported in the media.
__ I have written a critique of a published research study.
__ I have designed a study that would eliminate or compensate for the flaws in a previous study.

B. Systematically evaluating costs/benefits of choices with several options.

__ I have thought about the advantages and disadvantages of each option when making a decision.
__ I have developed a formal written list of costs and benefits of various alternatives in order to make the best decision.
__ I have used formal decision making techniques as a consultant for groups.

C. Taking human biases into account when making decisions and resolving crises.

__ I take into account human cognitive biases that operate in decision making situations.
__ I have solved a conflict between groups or individuals by sorting out the issues at hand and attempting to resolve them.
__ I have been trained and am experienced in formal crisis intervention.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



8. Research Methodology/Statistics- The ability to design, conduct, and analyze the results of research experiments and studies.

A. Designing a formal research study (survey, experiment).

__ I have helped conduct a psychological research project.
__ I have designed a psychological research project.
__ I have personally designed and conducted a psychological research project.

B. Analyzing/interpreting experimental data (e.g., with t tests, ANOVA).

__ I have used hand calculations or a calculator to analyze data from a research study.
__ I have used statistical software programs such as SPSS or SAS to analyze data.
__ I have used software programs to carry out an ANOVA or multivariate analyses.

C. Analyzing results of qualitative (i.e., nonnumerical) research studies.

__ I have gathered qualitative (non-numerical) information about an issue.
__ I have analyzed responses in archival sources to gather qualitative information.
__ I have performed a content analysis of qualitative information (such as answers to open ended questions).

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



9. Ethics/Values- The ability to take into consideration the costs, benefits, and impact of projects on the individuals involved and society in general.

A. Evaluating the risks and benefits of research using human participants.

__ I have discussed the rights and welfare of people in a scientific experiment.
__ I am familiar with the ethical guidelines of a major scientific organization.
__ I have designed a research project in order to minimize the risk to participants and maximize benefits.

B. Evaluating the impact of research projects on society.

__ I have discussed whether a research project was ethical or unethical.
__ I have discussed with others the impact of specific research projects on our society.
__ I have examined whether and/or how research should be conducted in order to maximize the benefits to society.

C. Volunteer work.

__ I have done volunteer work for an agency or other group.
__ I have volunteered for an agency or organization for weeks at a time.
__ I have volunteered for an organization on a yearly basis.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?



10. Technology/Computer- The ability to use computers for information gathering, analysis and dissemination.

A. Using computer software to analyze and present research.

__ I have used a wordprocessor to write a paper.
__ I have used a graphical program or spreadsheet (such as Excel) to present information.
__ I have created a multimedia presentation using computer software (e.g., Power Point).

B. Computer programming, including designing web pages.

__ I have used a Windows based computer system.
__ I have used HTML to design a web page.
__ I am proficient in one or more computer programming languages.

C. Using the Internet to search for information.

__ I have used search engines (Yahoo, Excite, etc.) to search for information on the Word Wide Web.
__ I have e-mailed people I do not already know to get specific information.
__ I have used the Internet to locate and search databases located at remote institutions.

D. Can you think of any other skills you possess in this area that we should be aware of?

