Photos from the Yucatan, 2003

The Colonial city of Valladolid- Part 3

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Valladolid is an authentic Mexican colonial city, very different from the tourist towns and little villages where we previously stayed. Most of the action takes place around the town square, which is a nice park-like area with a fountian. The best restaurants and hotels are on the streets surrounding the square. We were fortunate to see the place on Sunday, when most locals take the day off and many hang out in the square.

Outside the city square

Inside the city square

The cathedral on the square (and across from our hotel) was very busy on Sunday, it was nice to hear the bells ringing

The ubiquitous Madam M

The Hotel San Clemente, where we had our indulgent stay

Heather is very excited to eat something other than Mexican food

Who would have thought that culinary bliss could be found in a chain pizza place?

Signs on the square point the way to the major destinations

A mural of the Mayan worldview

The version of history promoted by Spanish colonial propoganda

Heather outside of the oldest Christian church in the Yucatan, built in the 16th century

I swear that I had nothing to do with this

Architectural beauty

Dan practices for a career in local government

Update! Here is Lopez Obrador, mayor of Mexico City on 7 April 2005. The mayor demonstrates good form as he pontificates during a local political skirmish. The left-wing mayor was accused of disobeying a judge's order in 2001 to stop work on a road to a public hospital through a disputed plot of expropriated land on the outskirts of Mexico city.

Part 4- Chichen Itza

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