Unit/Project Design Assignment

Teachers are curriculum planners! But how do you plan for instruction? This assignment will give you experience in unit planning and development.

You will develop a project/unit that spans 3 to 4 weeks (15 to 20 days) of instruction. The complete project/unit will include the following components:

You are encouraged to work in pairs. If you do, then we have a slight modification to the assignment. First, we will require 6 complete lessons rather than 3. Second, we will require that each member specify which lessons they took special care to develop. Finally, each partner will need to write their own rationale for the unit.

Plan to use materials from a variety of sources including those available at your school, other textbooks and science resources. IRIS and the World Wide Web are good sources of materials. These materials will be helpful in finding investigations, activities, and assessments. Remember, as teachers you plan and modify curriculum and not create curriculum, so use as many resources as possible. Your only obligation is to give credit to the source of the material. Also, it is okay if you piggy-back other assignments you developed in this course (i.e. previous lesson plans, assessments, etc.)

You should make use the rubrics that has focused course work in developing your unit. As an instructional team, we will also make use of the rubrics in providing you feedback. The following rubrics have focused our work in the course:

Because this assignment is so critical to your development as a teacher, we will expect at least one draft of your work. We will provide commentary to help shape your work.

Overview of Project Design Due Dates

Project/Unit Development (First Draft) November 29thth

Draft 1 conferences December 4 - 6th

Project/Unit Development (Final Draft) December 13th


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