Russian 4d becomes:

Larissa Nikonova

?Fakty and commentary?,

18 March 1999





Majorities are ready although to now test the recently invented medicine

for AIDS on themselves. " Nevertheless worse will no longer be ", are

counted those despairing. But so whether this?


" We do not know details, but medicine actually exists! "


At the entrance into the embassy of the republic of Armenia in Kiev me "

they intercepted " two fellows:


- you do go to the consul? If you please, write down us by volunteers into

the hospital, where they treat from AIDS! Or although learn address, and

there we themselves it will find. They are concordant to sign any papers,

let on us they experiment...


To Yevgeny 22 years, to Sergey - 24. They from the different cities were

completely randomly encountered here, before the door of embassy. Against

the thought to become " their " volunteers pushed the note in " the

Komsomol truth ", which told about the fact that in Armenia is invented the

medicine for AIDS - armenikum. Children here gathered things and - here.

But the address of hospital to them they do not give, they say: wait, until

about the method they declare officially, conclude the agreement about the



- yes I cannot 4 await! - Sergey is tuned more than decisively - 4 it is

sick already the sixth year, the children, with whom we together infected

themselves through the general/common syringe, already almost all

poumirali. 4 with each day I also feel itself increasingly worse. Necessary

be treated now or it will be late.


- 4 without the medicines for long I will not lengthen, but in the native

city cannot be reached anything, says Yevgeny - in Kiev still you will meet

some necessary preparations, but on the exorbitant prices. On the average

in the month for the treatment it departs to 800 dollars. Sum mad, and

children, in essence, escape themselves by the improvised means: for

strengthening of immunity drink travki, " akul'i cartilages ", gerbalayf,

everything, which will fall under the hand. Why not to risk and with this



The colleagues of embassy acknowledged that they did not expect such an

agiotage around the new medicine. Sergey and Yevgeny - it is far from first

candidates for the treatment: already the second week here ring patients,

their parents, physicians, even school teachers. Everyone wants to know:

actually whether is invented means from " plague KHKH of century ", or this

is sequential " joke from the Armenian radio "? " We are not specialists in

this region, but they are ready to confirm: medicine for SPIDA actually

exists! " - reported the representatives of embassy.


In the confirmation of their words they granted " TO FACTS " information

about the preparation of armenikum, literally recently registered in the

republic. As completes chairman Farmkomiteta the republics of Armenia,

academician Aemilius Gabrielyan, study in this direction they conducted

already several years. The preparation of the high immune and bactericidal

activity of the wide spectrum of action was developed/processed. Its strong

antiviral effect was discovered during studies on the cellular material.

this served as an impetus to the goal-directed work on the creation of

means against AIDS.


Taking into account the special importance of this development, is carried

it out under the control of the ministry of national security of republic,

which made it possible to pass all necessary stages of tests within the

compressed periods. Then medicine they began to test/experience on the

people - of course from their agreement. Are today because of armenikumu

already cured 13 patients, two of whom were in grave condition. In-depth

laboratory investigations did not reveal/detect in them the virus of

immunodeficiency. In the opinion of physicians, more to these people VICH

it does not threaten. In view of the special social and epidemic threat of

AIDS, new medicine as soon as possible they will try to inject in the

production, and its studies will be carried out in parallel with the



.. so having waited for either direction or address of hospital, children

did not nevertheless change their intention:


- Yerevan let us reach, and we will there simply on the streets ask, where

they treat from AIDS. However, they must know! - efficient planned out

route Sergey.


- let us arrive, let us sit down under the door of hospital and from the

place will not move, did add Yevgeny - really they will not help?


VIC- those infected " they treat " by mercury, charged/loaded by water and

even... cosmetic mashes


- me greatly it wanted everything, that they speak about the effectiveness

of armenikuma, to prove to be truth, tells the scientific worker of the

department of AIDS OF NII º - SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE» epidemiology

and infectious diseases Svetlana Antonyak. - but already too frequently it

was necessary to encounter/collide with the charlatans! In the department

those desiring come to treat our patients with the different methods: pier,

by them nevertheless already something to lose, so why not to test on them

one invention or another? VIC- infected they consider as raw material for

studies. But indeed this diagnosis yet does not indicate death! Let us say,

abroad in 50% of patients, who obtain medicinal preparations, the first 10

years disease flows/occurs practically asymptomatically, they conduct the

previous means of life. And only is much more lately developed BY SPID. But

our VIC- infected, as a rule, " burn " into the first 6--7 years. How it

can be otherwise, if of tens of necessary preparations we can them ensure

only with one? It is more accurate, they could, because now and this do not

exist. Have long ago not acted even the simplest antibiotics, analgin,

aspirin... It is no wonder that the patients easily fall with the fishing

rod of swindlers and are ready to believe what conveniently.


this department for VIC- those infected was created in 1987 and became the

Ukraine's first. Better equipment is here assembled, the chief/leading

specialists work, here they will go after the consultations and convey the

heaviest patients. Nevertheless, neither proper diagnostic base nor the

necessary conditions for the inspection/examination and the treatment here

it is created. Kiev center cannot be even compared with the analogous

center of Pokrovskiy in Moscow, the centers in Latvia, Estonia, Poland. We

are inferior to them according to all indices, except one - increase in

those fallen ill.


On the calculation in the department - it is more than 600 VIC- those

infected and patients with AIDS. According to the information of

physicians, only three them them assume/take all necessary preparations -

the so-called " triple cocktail ". They buy it abroad for their money. " We

are grateful to them, that they at least make it possible themselves to

inspect, to follow their health, says Svetlana Antonyak. - otherwise how we

could become acquainted with the action " of triple cocktail "? "


Self-treatment flourishes among the patients. 22-year Ludmila recently

died. Girl for a long time was treated by sublimate (mercury): it learned

about this method from the newspapers and decided to try. " Inventors "

promised healing both from cancer/crab and from AIDS. Svetlana Nikolayevna

dissuaded patient. But perhaps her you will stop! Less than in year Ludmila

entered into the department in the heaviest state. The virus of

immunodeficiency, naturally, anywhere did not disappear, but to it was

added even poisoning by mercury. It was impossible to save girl.


- us all " they threw " many times. The business frankly is made on VIC-

those infected! - counts the President of the Kiev center of mutual aid

with VICh/SPIDe " we with you " Oleg yavorskiy. - to children propose

tablets, and liqueurs, and even... cosmetic mashes! Well, 4 already "

ground kalatch ", 12 years with this diagnosis, and here are the novices,

which recently learned about their illness, they are sufficient at any

straw. They sell apartments, is removed/taken last jacket, provided they

treated them. After understanding that they are deceived, many reduce the

calculations with the life. State makes nothing in order to end this "

business on the blood ", even new national program on the fight with AIDS,

until now, is not accepted! Each survives singly. 4 he would want to say to

all " volunteers ": do not hurry to agree to the doubtful experiments, do

not make it possible for swindlers itself to use! But I fear, they will not



Ritu from the Crimea brought into the department mom. Its daughter of 11

years ago infected herself from the fellow, who was her first love. In the

small town the diagnosis instantly became known to all, and Rite arrived