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?Komsomol'skaya truth?,

25 June 1999


Splitting it fears, that in its clinic/clinical aspect they can again infect by AIDS


NIKOLAI Kolesnikov, our volunteer, whom?kp? three months ago it sent into Armenia to test/experience new preparation from AIDS, it returns home. In the medium it participated in the telephone?Pryamoy line?, it answered questions of our readers. Splitting it considers that completely it cured from the terrible ailment, this confidence support in it the Armenian physicians, under guardianship of whom it passed the course of treatment. In this case they refer to the analyses, carried out at the cellular level. Russian specialists, on the contrary, are full of skepticism. Vadim Pokrovskiy, chief/leading specialist in Russia in the problem SPI yes, it refused to participate in our?Pryamoy line?, after advancing the categorical condition: let Kolesnikov first return the blood in their clinic/clinical aspect. Analyses in Moscow will not be thus far carried out, and to speak not about which. Is even more strict was strict the leader of the division SPID of Ministry of Pub. Health RF Mikhail Narkevich, who rang into the editorial staff: to?Pochemu Kolesnikov, until now, not in the clinic/clinical aspect? If it will persist, we will find the possibility to dispanserizirovat' of it from the place of residence, in Kaliningrad? It is interesting, as - with the militiaman and in the handcuffs? All depot in the fact that splitting fears: with the sampling of its blood can... repeatedly infect by virus SPI yes indeed Russian doctors, without waiting until official results, they hurried to state: - simply sequential duck/canard... Possibly, so I split they tuned during the treatment in Yerevan. We understand the Moscow physicians: in order to carry out even preliminary verdict on?Armenikumu?, laboratory findings are necessary to them. But splitting, forgive already for the blasphemy, not experimental rabbit. In these three months it suffered much. It is nervous, it is torn away by times. Well he does not want to pass/return the blood to the analyses in native, the not always merciful to its those given fatherland! Quite strange in this situation, that people, whose professional/occupational ambitions, are similar, skhlestnulis' around the new medicine, Russian and Armenian physicians, they know wonderfully each other, I have long ago could leave to the straight/direct professional/occupational contact. However, did not join light/world by wedge on one Cole! In the Yerevan clinic/clinical aspect pass treatment tens of other patients and infected, way to there our specialists is not closed. It is understandable that the greater the new strong preparation against AIDS will be asserted in the rights, the greater it will bring into question traditional methods. But the question about the expediency of financing of present clinics/clinical aspects and centers concerning the fight with AIDS will come up together with this. The discussion deals with the completely significant means from the budget. In the world are expended billions of dollars on the fight with?chumoy KHKH of century?. And suddenly appears this disturbing, unpleasant factor, as notorious?Armenikum?. It is very important so that the physicians would reject/throw ambitions and would combine their efforts/forces. Concerning Nikolai Kolesnikov, the independent appraisal/review will be nevertheless carried out. But, as we agreed, not in Russia, but in one of the European countries, where already they began to check the effectiveness of?Armenikuma?. The representatives of the Ministries of Pub. Health of Russia and Armenia, if it will be to the mutual desire of sides, they can leave there with us. Questions of the readers answer Nikolai Kolesnikov, its bride sea-scape, the leader of the Yerevan republic center of AIDS Leo Zograbyan and our correspondents ol of Nosov and Vardan Of aloyan - Regards, Splitting! 4 of Moscow, my name Sergey. Say, and you truth did ache by AIDS? - in me was VIC- infection, moreover it they confirmed several times in Russia before 4 it arrived to Yerevan. Videlas you me before the treatment! Then it did not doubt, it was sick with 4 or not.. - How do you do, Splitting! To you it was not not terrible to make the unchecked/unverified preparation? - after injections i became so better that in me the desire to live appeared. By the way, this medicine very positively acts on the sexual function. on itself it tested this 4. But before the treatment and to think about?etom? he forgot... - splitting, me Natasha they call, in me 1 daughter is sick with AIDS already more than 10 years 4 it already tested all methods, but better he does not become her. And into Yerevan 4 I can transport it only in such a case, when there guaranteedly they treat. It indeed can not transfer journey! - you 4 I advise not to fear to fly into Yerevan. Only preliminarily you sozvonites'. Ten years of disease - this is large period, time to await no. Let to you it transport! - Regards, The sea-scape: this of light/world from the Moscow area, say, did not fear you to be encountered with sick AIDS? - 4 it greatly I love and am gathered for it marry. Even if there was not?Armenikuma?, the 4 nevertheless it did not step back. Now it is absolutely healthy, and healthy children are born. As soon as it learned, that it was sick, then immediately it arrived and said to me. It is honest to say, 4 it was frightened and for long it cried... But she then understood that I want to be with it a number always, in spite of its illness. My parents to the latter did not know about The kolinom diagnosis. Then - they attempted to separate. 4 veins/strands in grandmother, barely talked neither with the mom nor with dad. And only several days ago 4 for the first time in long time normally it had a talk on the telephone with the mom in my opinion she understood me. -?Komsomolka?! Where gifts to send? You themselves wrote - prepare gifts for if and sea-scapes. We prepared... - send into the editorial staff, we will cross to addressees. Kolesnikovy now cross into another city. Thus far in the new apartment father if equipped room for the newly-weds. - How do you do, Leo Surenovich! 4 close relative of Jan Frenkel. Dada, composer. In our family also misfortune - son is infected by VIC- infection. Is it possible anything to make? - ring me to the republic center of AIDS in Yerevan. 4 I will look, that it is possible to make. - How do you do, Vardan! 4 Armenians from Yerevan, now on the mission in Moscow. How splitting it does feel itself now? - it outwardly appears noticeably. We remember, three months ago, when experiment only began, it was pale shadow, with the furuncles throughout entire body. Judging by the analyses, which were conducted in Yerevan, in its blood was not discovered VICH - is it possible anything to help materially? Maybe, is already opened some calculation? - the discovery/opening calculation for introducing the new medicine is specifically held in control by the position of very physicians of Armenia. They are here careful. In the first stages they were generally against the publication in the press, since they wanted to obtain clinical experiment/experience, to be convinced finally that the medicine acts. But it is already known that now?Armenikum? it will test, also in Georgia. - this, ol, you from Moscow tyuey 'espokoyat. Splitting he did know that in it SPID, that why it and girl its it did infect? In some one of the numbers?kp? it was written, that arrived the sea-scape, in it all order, nothing it is discovered. But then you wrote that sea-scape also you treated. Why you us did deceive? - we did not want to speak about The marininoy disease, but when this circumstance swam out outside, to us nothing and remained, how to recognize this. Splitting it did not hide from it, that it was infected. And girl itself made a decision to associate as it their this private affair. - How do you do, Leo Surenovich! Me they call Tatiana Artemovna. How you do visualize the treatment of patients? indeed you do not want to return your medicine to other physicians! - it is understandable that the Armenian clinics/clinical aspects cannot contain all those desiring. During October in Yerevan will be opened one additional hospital, which will be occupied only by VIC- infected patients. But we are concordant to conclude agreements with meduchrezhdeniyami on the entire world, to bring there our preparation and specialists. There would be desire. Even now in Yerevan are treated the citizens of many states, including USA?Armenikum? is already registered, registered also the method of its use. No longer they will be able to steal it. Through the pair of months the scientific collector/tank, completely dedicated to this preparation, will be ready to press/printing. In it we systematize data of studies and will describe to the entire scientific world that there are n ...