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Russian 4a becomes:

?Komsomol'skaya truth?,

18 June 1999

Splitting and sea-scape they will become the first pair in the world, that cured from AIDS?

 Now, when splitting Kolesnikov, sent by?Komsomolkoy? to undergo medicine for AIDS, recovered (at least about this they testify the analyses of Armenian physicians and its health), we can take breath and acknowledge, as they survived for the outcome of their enterprise. Joke whether - on the map/chart/card is set not only universal discovery/opening, but also real human life! Especially as chief specialist in AIDS in Russia Vadim Pokrovskiy stated to us: I do not want to give my patients for the experiments. Suddenly this medicine will do to them irreparable damage?? Many now me ask: why selection fall precisely on I do split Kolesnikov? Everything is very simple. For several days to Proceedings about?Armenikume? his mom arrived to me into the editorial staff and she asked to help to cure son. To help 4 it it could in no way, but telephone just in case she wrote down. And when on the planning session they decided to send volunteer, 4 here it recalled about Cole. Valentina Kolesnikov immediately it agreed to everything - and to transport son into Yerevan (road and hotel it paid?kp?), and to publish its photographs and history of life. We warned/prevented: your life in the city strongly will be complicated. in me will appear although some chance!? - he said splitting... this already then, when the matter goes to the correction and I split, only from the patients boldly the one telling about itself, journalists will reach, it into the joke to me will pronounce: I will arrive home and I will begin ppo you notes to write?. To arrange I split into the clinic/clinical aspect it was also complex. At first the adviser of the minister of national security Of levon Of gevorkyan did consider us as provocateurs?zaslannymi young Cossacks? from Pokrovskiy and by German spies. German because we brought with ourselves German film crew.  ?Uyezzhayte, no one here called you. To us there is no matter to your action?, - these were its first words. But to us with the special correspondent in Yerevan Vardanom Aloyanom to step back was nowhere - we could not throw I split, which already looked on us as to the magicians of emerald city. And finally strict Gevorkyan was softened, after forcing us Vardanom to sign the agreement, to proclaim which we, until now, do not have a right. Many readers asked us: why you do not describe the process of treatment in more detail? They not could. In the clinic/clinical aspect to Cole us they released very rarely and only in the presence Of levona Of artemovicha. 4, true, secretly it agreed with the doctors to live a little in the staff physician in order to support I split its mom. But me revealed/detected vydvorili. But here still began problems poser'ezneye - I split medicine persistently it did not take. First whether its case was too neglected, then doctors gave the strongly diluted dose to it, fearing complications to the sick heart. But only neighbors on the chamber recuperated on the eyes and were prepared for the extraction, and in our if still the ferments and of the blood harmful virus. So that skeptics began to seize us: they blew about their action, and hit- that blown! Only fellow they did in vain encourage!? But we from the tracks did not lose heart. Its mom flew away to Kaliningrad, the sea-scape arrived flying in its place, bride if. And here new misfortune - in it they also revealed/detected VIC- infection. We did not consider ourselves right to write about this - to participants in this drama even without that it was reached in the life. But fact swam out outside, about it trumpeted the newspapers. Glory to god, the disease of sea-scape proved to be not such neglected, whereas and it got well after the first course of treatment. Communication/report about the recovery of pair brought Levon Of mkhitaryan, the main thing infektsionist republic, which led the clinical tests of preparation. 4 I will not describe the gladness of children - you can present its themselves. Now they think about the wedding - although money not the fiance, not in bride does not have. It is necessary, probably to gather for peace/world on the thread... Then, if the independent international commission, which thus far then did not arrive to Yerevan, will confirm the results of treatment, they will become the first in the world pair, which cured from AIDS. On the following week splitting and sea-scape they will already be in Moscow. We is arranged the independent appraisal/review in several laboratories, where accurately they will say - are healthy children or not. But for the readers we do organize the?Pryamuyu line? with all participants in our action. Prepare questions and gifts... Nosov's Ol