Armenicum Information Page TRANSLATION

AltaVista translation

Italian 5

 AIDS Armenicum

 From Erevan, capital of Armenia, the prodigiosi effects of the Armenicum, new antidote wrapped in the mystery, from 10 months experimented from the former ones Soviet republic. In the past months the news of the discovery of a new drug for the cure of the AIDS, famous like Armenicum, it has been brought back from Russian Stampa and Armenian. This news has created much skepticism, com' is right that it is. Mistaken gossips and information have been widely propinate above all in network. Avoiding personal judgments bringing back how much the press and the situated one of support to the Armenicum leaves to trapelare, in how much until to today all it is wrapped in the mystery. To the end of years 80, a group of medical investigators and Armenian scientists have begun the one search new drug in a position to vanquishing the AIDS and to the end their job is state incoronato from the happened one. They have created called preparing Armenicum, in a position to removing the virus of the HIV from the human blood and to restore the immune system. Undoubtedly, before being officially announced, the prepared one has had to pass one series of tests of laboratory. Initially the experimentation has been made single on animals and subsequently on one of the members of the group of the investigators. It was the autumn of 1998. The announcement to world-wide the scientific community is happened in February 1999, after that the Armenian clinics they have begun to receive patients affections from HIV from the foreign country. Today 130 patients are completely recovered. All are under constant monitoring and controlled with rigorous examinations, in their blood not there is more no trace of the virus. The members of this medicine are not revealed to the public for reasons of the emergency and he is considered secret of state in Armenia and all information will remain classified until the licence of the drug. Tutto what one knows is that the Armenicum somiglia to one solution dark brown and it is somministrato to the patients for intravenous way. They can rebel of effects collaterals which fever and badly of head, but the situation it returns normal nel.giro.di three hours from the injection. All the patients they assert to feel after the first injections a great sense of well-being, one strongly desire to walk, to run and simply wants it of living. Other visible effects in little days, are a weight increase, passing of erpetici phenomena, and the improvement of the tone of the voice and of the respiration. The Armenicum recovers also other types completely of virali diseases and in particular, hepatitis C. the aliens who meansottoporsi to a cure in Armenia must make question the embassy of Armenia of just the country, supplying a complete medical documentation. No patient can receive the treatment in Armenia without the approval of entrance. At first, the foreign organizations that are taken care of AIDS they were many skeptics on the news that reached from Armenia, but the attitude is changing thanks gradually to the positive result until today.