Armenicum Information Page TRANSLATION


Altavista translation

Italian 3

Italian February 10

 10/02 ALTERNATIVE - AIDS: Bindi asks to seem on Armenicum treatment

They will express Department Drugs and Advanced Institute Health The minister of the Sanita', Rosy Bindi, chiedera' to the National Commission AIDS of esprimersi, gia' in the next sitting, on the real effectiveness of one treatment against the called AIDS ' Armenicum'. It renders famous ministry of the Sanita', specifying that ' ' the minister has asked one analogous appraisal is to the Department Drugs of the Ministry, is to the advanced Institute of sanita' ' '. After the denunciation of the Anlaids, the initiative e' be assumed to protection of the sick ones, and in order to avoid that ingiustificate create expectations absolutely, from the moment that not it turns out, it explains the ministry, ' ' some experimentation based on methods scientifically condivisi' '. (Adnkronos Health)