Armenicum Information Page TRANSLATION


Altavista translation

Italian 1

Not sure on the dates -- February 2000 is likely

 From the Republic online yesterday

AIDS: Anlaids launch alarm on Armenicum drug

ROME - the president of the Anlaids Fernando Aids puts in guard the sick ones

from the use of the drug anti-cAids " Armenicum " and he asks, on the vicissitude,

the participation of the minister of the Health Rosy Bindi. In the last days,

it asserts Aids, are diffuse of the news approximately the effectiveness of a new one

anti-cAids drug, the Armenicum exactly. " also it would have been created -

it emphasizes Aids - an agency in Puglia that helps the patients to go in

Armenia for rifornirsi of such drug ". At the moment but, it specifies

the Anlaids, " does not exist some scientific publication on reviews

credited that filler the terapeutica effectiveness of this product in

therapy of the AIDS, neither has been introduced given to national Conferences or

international ". The Anlaids invites therefore the patients to diffidare of such

news and emphasizes that to the recent conference on the AIDS di San Francisco,

svoltosi from the 1 to 4 February 2000, have been introduced beyond 400

communications on the plans of the therapy anti-Hiv, but nobody has brought back

data on the Armenicum. Aids exhort therefore the sick ones not rivolgersai

" uselessly to travels of the hope towards centers and therapies that they do not have endured some international scientific verification ". From Anlaids also one

I invite to the minister Bindi and the AIDS commission " to take position

official on such aspect, in order to avoid that how much is repeated for the AIDS

happened for the therapy of some tumors ".