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French 2

Arménicum: hopes with Erévan, indifference in the world

In a maintenance granted to the Armenian news service Noyan Tapan, Lev Zohrabian, director of the republican Center for control and the prevention of the AIDS, declared that the young sick Russian of the AIDS, Nikolaï Kolesnikov, following since two weeks in Erévan the processing that Armenian researchers affirm to have discovered, " would go much better ". **time-out** even if one affirm with Erévan that it be establish in accordance with standard internationally allowed to evaluate the presence of virus HIV in the blood, this diagnosis must be interpret with a very great prudence, the more so as one have only data very vague on the state of patient before its arrival in Arménie, like besides more generally on this remedy-miracle baptize arménicum. The specialized milieux and the international scientific community do not seem for the hour not to have considered it useful to be interested in discovered Armenian researchers, whose enthusiasm was not communicated beyond the borders of the ex-URSS. This blackout of the information, which undoubtedly must much with the at the very least precipitated and unusual way in which the new one was communicated by the authorities of Erévan, the last month, does not seem to disconcert the Armenian part, even if it shows less " triumphalist person " that was not to it the Armenian Minister of Interior Department when he revealed the discovery the last month. M.Zohrabian specifies thus that the state of about thirty patients under arménicum, all Armenians except for Kolesnikov, was satisfactory, in accordance with the internationally recognized standards. " One can affirm right now that the arménicum improves in a radical way quality of life of the patients of the AIDS " continues M.Zohrabian, by comparing the Armenian processing with the trithérapie, combination of molecules which proved its effectiveness and which constitutes the best to date existing processing. The side effects and the dependence induced by the trithérapie would be saved to the patients looked after with " the arménicum " according to M.Zohrabian, which affirms that the Armenian processing is limited in the duration. But the continuation of the clinical tests should make it possible to determine the duration of effectiveness of the processing and the possibility of a remission. To date, the only encouraging evidence announced by the Armenians gives a report on the disappearance of the virus in the blood of the people treated with the arménicum. With known these some data, it was undoubtedly premature in any event on behalf of the Armenian Minister for the health of lately launching a call to the patients of the AIDS throughout the world so that they come to be made look after in Arménie. In addition to the hopes, forgeries perhaps, that such a call can cause, and whose Armenian embassy of Ukraine would have measured the width right now, of the technical but so legal obstacles are opposed to such a call. The Armenian legislation should in any case conform to it, since it envisages, as in Russia, the expulsion of the sick foreign residents of the AIDS...