Armenicum Information Page

First AIDS patient treated with Armenian wonderdrug is back in Yerevan

SOURCE: Armenian TV Channel 1, Yerevan, in Armenian 1404 gmt 13 Apr 00


Text of report by Armenian TV on 13th April


AIDS patient Nikolay Kolesnikov, who is the first patient to be treated

with Armenicum, has appeared inYerevan, denying reports about his death. He

arrived in Yerevan for his next check-up and refuted rumours that he had

died. Six months have passed from the first treatment. In his interview to

journalists Nikolay said that he felt better after the initial treatment.


His family has a new flat and they live together. Despite the normal

difficulties, he is happy. He has started working, but has had to stop due

to his visit to Yerevan. A year ago it seemed impossible that this young

man would live, but today he is able to do even hard physical work.


Correspondent over Kolesnikov I am happy to be here in Armenia today. As

for the rumours, I accept them calmly. I found out on the Internet recently

that I had died. What can I say to that?


Nikolay Kolesnikov understands the motives of the circles that are against

Armenicum, and he does not want to be a tool in their hands. He said that

Armenicum was for patients, not for governments. He considers himself a

healthy man and lives like others.


He recently married Marina, (his girlfriend who did not leave him upon

learning that he was ill with AIDS). One can judge about Kolesnikov's

health from his appearance. Doctors say that it is necessary to wait for

the final results of the laboratory tests. Armenicum's magical effect

deserves to be confirmed.