Splitit -- Split columnized variable lists (SAS/SPSS)

splitit.pl is a perl program which converts SAS input or SPSS data list statements, that are wrapped into colums, into one variable per line.

This assumes, as per SAS variable naming rules, all variable names begin with a letter.

It also assumes the method of input is columns. See the example in the source code below.

Source Code

#!/opt/gnu/bin/perl -w  
# (set perl path to your system location)

# Splitit: split variable lists in columns, such as SAS input or SPSS
# data list statement,s into separate lines. Assumes all variable
# names begin with a letter! Adjust the the pattern match in the split
# statement if desired.
#  Kent Nassen, 4/22/97 & 8/15/97
# Sample input:
#   V1 1-4                   V2 5-8                   V3 9-9                   
#   V4 10-13 (A)             V5 14-14                 V6 15-16                 
#   V7 17-17                 V8 18-19                 V9 20-21

# Sample output (each variable on a separate line):
#  V1 1-4
#  V2 5-8
#  V3 9-9
#  V4 10-13 (A)
#  V5 14-14
#  V6 15-16
#  V7 17-17
#  V8 18-19
#  V9 20-21
while (<>) {
        for ($_) { s/^\s+//; s/$/ /; s/\n//g; }
	@fields = split /([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* )/, $_;
	for ($i=1; $i<=$#fields; $i=$i+2) {
			print "   ",${fields}[$i],${fields}[$i+1],"\n";

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