Welcome to Kevin Hannay's Homepage

Teaching Background

I have taught calculus I MATH 115 (4 times) and calculus II MATH 116 (once) as a graduate student at the University of Michigan. At UofM the math graduate students are given the opportunity to teach our own sections (about thirty students) of calculus. We prepare our own lectures and are responsible for all in-class components of the class (quizzes, office hours, etc). A course coordinator is responsible for preparing the exams and the exam grading is done collectively so that we don't grade our own students exams.

This has been a great experience for me and I have learned an enormous amount in the process. Teaching as a graduate student provides a great opportunity for growth as a teacher as it is likely the last time you are both teaching and taking classes at the same time.

Lessons learned teaching as a graduate student

Here are some simple teaching tips I have picked up: