My Mom's Family

There aren't quite as many pictures from my Mom's family as from my Dad's. I think this is because her she and her sisters split up the pictures. I am in the process of getting copies made from my aunt's pictures. This gentleman is my great grandfather (my grandmother's father). Their family was from Ireland. I don't know a whole lot about them yet. ...More to follow!

This is my Mom's Dad, William Wallace Cowie. He was born in India back when it was part of the British Empire. His Dad, my Great Grandfather, was in the British Army. They were originally from Scotland, but ended up in Canada when my Grandfather was a boy. He is pictured here in his Canadian Army uniform.

This is my Mom's Mother, Janet Cowie, and her siblings. Grandma is in the back, on the left (ribbon/bow in her hair). She was approximately 16 when this photo was taken. She was born in 1900, so this picture was taken around 1916. I was only 10 years old when she passed away, and even younger when my grandpa died, so my memories of them are a bit fuzzy. I do remember my Grandma and my Nana coming to visit us for several weeks at a time. When they first began visiting together, they were polite, but not warm to one another. Many visits later, they were fast friends; able to cross the racial and cultural barriers of the 1960s. They would sit and knit/crochet/sew together and talk up a storm like old friends.

And this is my Mom at approximately age 17. I guess it was quite the thing back then to get these glamorous pictures taken! All of my Mom's sisters (4 girls and 2 boys in her family) had these pictures taken at the same time.

This is my Mom's sister Mildred; my Aunt Mil, with her husband Joseph Kennedy. She is a busy lady! Auntie Mil and Uncle Joe live in Windsor, Ontario. Their two daughters and six grandkids (my cousins) all stayed in Windsor. They have been wonderful sources of strength and comfort for us through the years. Back to Karen's Homepage