subroutine initialize ( ) !***************************************************************************** !! INITIALIZE is the initialization procedure. !***************************************************************************** use simulation use scattering use particles use nodes implicit none ! Read the input sample containing the initial particle coordinates and parameters. call read_sample() call sc_table() call initial_printout() call initial_distribution() ! Print information on the run on the standard output file. return end subroutine read_sample () ! parameter setting use simulation use scattering use particles implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) :: int_temp character ( len = 80 ) :: temp character ( len = 80 ) :: Jobname integer :: i, j, p, q ! Now that we know the system size, we can dynamically allocate the arrays containing atomic informations open ( unit = 1, file = 'input.txt', status = 'old', action = 'read', err = 600 ) read(1,*,end=800,err=900) temp read(1,*,end=600,err=900) num_EnergyLevel , num_Carriers, step_output1, step_output2 !, Ntot, NDOSGroup1, NDOSGroup2,TRescaling, box_coor(1:2,1), box_coor(1:2,2), box_coor(1:2,3) read(1,*,end=600,err=900) acoustic_G,polar_G,intervalley_G_L,intervalley_G_X, acoustic_L,polar_L,intervalley_L_G,intervalley_L_L,intervalley_L_X,acoustic_X,polar_X,intervalley_X_G,intervalley_X_L,intervalley_X_X read(1,*,end=600,err=900) Te, Tp, Tsys, EField(1:DIM), time_max, time_step, time_early, MaxE_eV, StepE_eV, rho_GaAs, u_sound, ParCharge read(1,*,end=600,err=900) rel_eff_mass(1:num_Valley), nonParabolPara(1:num_Valley), n_d, n_i, primV read(1,*,end=600,err=900) eps_high,eps_low, acou_sigma_G,acou_sigma_L,acou_sigma_X read(1,*,end=600,err=900) DefPot_G_L,DefPot_G_X,DefPot_L_G,DefPot_L_L,DefPot_L_X,DefPot_X_G,DefPot_X_L,DefPot_X_X read(1,*,end=600,err=900) polar_Ep_G, polar_Ep_L, polar_Ep_X, IntVal_Ep_G_L, IntVal_Ep_G_X, IntVal_Ep_L_G, IntVal_Ep_L_L, IntVal_Ep_L_X, IntVal_Ep_X_G, IntVal_Ep_X_L, IntVal_Ep_X_X read(1,*,end=600,err=900) split_L_G,split_X_G,eq_valleys_G,eq_valleys_L,eq_valleys_X read(1,*,end=800,err=900) temp ! if ( Ntot <= 0 ) then ! print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: Ntot is', Ntot ! stop ! end if allocate ( scatt_table(num_EnergyLevel,num_ScatMech,num_Valley) ) !scatt_table(i,i_count_machanism,valley) allocate ( ren_scatt_table(num_EnergyLevel,num_ScatMech,num_Valley) ) allocate ( Par_wvk(num_Carriers,DIM) ) allocate ( Par_pos(num_Carriers,DIM) ) allocate ( Par_vel(num_Carriers,DIM) ) allocate ( Par_valley(num_Carriers) ) allocate ( Par_ene(num_Carriers) ) allocate ( Par_tau(num_Carriers) ) allocate ( RelCumFreqDist(num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( FreqDist(num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( CumFreqDist(num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( TotEneValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( AveEneValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( TimeAveEneValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( FreqValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( RelFreqValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( TimeFreqValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( TimeRelFreqValley(num_Valley) ) allocate ( AveParValleyVel(num_Valley,DIM) ) allocate ( TimeAveParValleyVel(num_Valley,DIM) ) allocate ( EneLevelHist(num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( RelEneLevelHist(num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( TimeRelEneLevelHist(num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( EneLevelValleyHist(num_Valley,num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( RelEneLevelValleyHist(num_Valley,num_EnergyLevel) ) allocate ( TimeRelEneLevelValleyHist(num_Valley,num_EnergyLevel) ) echbar = e_c/hbar eps_high = eps_high*eps_o eps_low = eps_low*eps_o do i = 1,num_Valley eff_mass(i) = m_e*rel_eff_mass(i) nonParabolPara2(i) = 2.*nonParabolPara(i) nonParabolPara4(i) = 4.*nonParabolPara(i) enddo do i = 1,num_Valley semh(i)=sqrt(2.*eff_mass(i))*sqrt(e_c)/hbar hhem(i)=hbar/eff_mass(i)/e_c*hbar/2. ! hbar*hbar/(eff_mass(i)*e_c*2.) enddo Te_eV = Te*kB/e_c Tp_eV = Tp*kB/e_c Tsys_eV = Tsys*kB/e_c ! initialize max_scat = 0.0; flag_mech(:,:) = 0 Par_wvk(:,:) = 0.0d0 Par_pos(:,:) = 0.0d0 Par_vel(:,:) = 0.0d0 Par_valley(:) = 0 Par_ene(:) = 0.0D+00 Par_tau(:) = 0.0D+00 scatt_table(:,:,:) = 0.0D+00 ren_scatt_table(:,:,:) = 0.0D+00 flag_mech(:,:) = 0 E_change(:,:) = 0.0d0 i_valley(:,:) = 0 ScatMechFreq(:,:) = 0 tau_max(:) = 0.0d0 max_scat = 0.0d0 ! Temp_pos(:) = 0.0d0 ! Temp_wvk(:) = 0.0d0 ! Temp_valley_i = 0 ! Temp_valley_f = 0 ! Temp_ene = 0.0d0 ! Temp_tau = 0.0d0 ParCharge = 1.0; ! Fermilevel calculation E_F = kB*Te*log(n_d/n_i)/e_c-0.674; call RandomNumGen() ! Random.. ! Compute volume and density ! do i = 1, DIM ! box_len(i) = box_coor(2,i) - box_coor(1,i) ! end do ! volume = product(box_len(:)) ! density = real ( NTYPE(4), kind = 8 ) / volume ! Temp_o = ep_o/kB close ( unit = 1 ) return ! Handling of various kinds of errors 600 continue print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: input.txt is empty?' stop 700 continue print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: input.txt not found.' stop 800 continue print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: premature end-of-file at atom ',i close(unit=1) stop 900 continue print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: read error in input.txt' close(unit=1) stop end subroutine initial_printout ( ) implicit none integer :: i open ( unit = 2, file = 'TimePointEneFreq.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) open ( unit = 3, file = 'TimeAveEneFreq.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) open ( unit = 4, file = 'TimePointVel.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) open ( unit = 5, file = 'TimeAveVel.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) open ( unit = 6, file = 'ParticlesForTime.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 620 ) open ( unit = 7, file = 'PointEnergyHist.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 620 ) open ( unit = 15, file = 'TimeAveEnergyHist.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 620 ) ! open ( unit = 14, file = 'qtot.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) ! open ( unit = 20, file = 'TorFreq.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) ! open ( unit = 21, file = 'TorTrend.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) ! open ( unit = 40, file = 'TorFreq2.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) ! open ( unit = 41, file = 'TorTrend2.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) ! open ( unit = 50, file = 'TorFreqA.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) ! open ( unit = 51, file = 'TorTrendA.txt', status = 'replace', action = 'write', err = 610 ) return ! Handling of various kinds of errors 610 continue print*,'FATAL: Error in' stop 620 continue print*,'FATAL: Error in ParticlesForTime.txt' stop 630 continue print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: premature end-of-file at atom ',i stop 640 continue print*,'Read_Sample: FATAL: read error in input.txt' stop end