subroutine initial_PhononSimulation() use particles use scattering use simulation integer :: nAlBin do nAlBin = 1, (num_BinsForAl+1) call TempScParaSet(nAlBin) enddo call InitializeAPTable() if (LOmodeOccPhonSim.eq.1) then ! Included in initialize If we choose LOmode1.. kp should be smaller ConstForEneOp = RepresentEpLO*e_c*BinSize/Default_primV ! J/m^2 else ConstForEneOp = RepresentEpLO*e_c*BinSize*3.0/Default_primV ! J/m^2 endif qsupplyO = HotPhononFactor*qsupply*k_pO/(k_pA+k_pO) ! A/k_GaAs of heat flows through qsupplyA = qsupply - qsupplyO return end subroutine initial_PhononTdis() use particles use scattering use simulation integer :: i,nBin,Temp_Bin_Lower,Temp_Bin_Upper real ( kind = 8 ) :: UnitVolAPEne UnitVolAPEne = 0.0d0 if (QuasiBoundConsid.eq.1)then ! total energy Hot Phonon factor Temp_Bin_Lower = num_boundBin+1 Temp_Bin_Upper = num_Bins-num_boundBin else Temp_Bin_Lower = 1 Temp_Bin_Upper = num_Bins endif if (PhononSim.eq.1) then ! left constant fixed do nBin = Temp_Bin_Lower,Temp_Bin_Upper ! BinSize if ( then Bin_TemperOP(nBin) = TpO_Hot - BinSize*(nBin-1)*qsupplyO/k_pO else Bin_TemperOP(nBin) = TpO_Hot endif Bin_TemperAP(nBin) = TpA_Hot - BinSize*(nBin-1)*qsupplyA/k_pA enddo elseif (PhononSim.eq.2) then ! left constant fixed do nBin = Temp_Bin_Lower,Temp_Bin_Upper !col_len = RCutoff_SiIn if ( then Bin_TemperOP(num_Bins+1-nBin) = TpO_Cold + BinSize*(nBin-1)*qsupplyO/k_pO else Bin_TemperOP(num_Bins+1-nBin) = TpO_Cold endif Bin_TemperAP(num_Bins+1-nBin) = TpA_Cold + BinSize*(nBin-1)*qsupplyA/k_pA enddo endif RightBoundTempOP = Bin_TemperOP(num_Bins) + (Bin_TemperOP(num_Bins)-Bin_TemperOP(num_Bins-1)) RightBoundTempAP = Bin_TemperAP(num_Bins) + (Bin_TemperAP(num_Bins)-Bin_TemperAP(num_Bins-1)) ! ExternalResAP = (Bin_TemperAP(num_Bins) - T_room)/qsupplyA ! if ( then ! ExternalResOP = ExternalResAP*(k_pA/k_pO) ! else ! ExternalResOP = 0 ! endif ! PhononSim = 1 Hot Temp constant/ 2 Cold Temp Constant do nBin = Temp_Bin_Lower,Temp_Bin_Upper Bin_OccupOP(nBin) = 1/(exp((RepresentEpLO*e_c)/(kB*Bin_TemperOP(nBin))) - 1) BinQsupO(nBin) = qsupplyO BinQsupA(nBin) = qsupplyA BinQsupTotal(nBin) = qsupply call APTempToEneCal(Bin_TemperAP(nBin),UnitVolAPEne) if (nBin.eq.1) then ! first BinAPEne(nBin) = UnitVolAPEne*(0.5*BinSize) BinOPEne(nBin) = RepresentEpLO*e_c*Bin_OccupOP(nBin)*(0.5*BinSize)/Default_primV elseif (nBin.eq.num_Bins) then ! last bin BinAPEne(nBin) = UnitVolAPEne*(0.5*BinSize) BinOPEne(nBin) = RepresentEpLO*e_c*Bin_OccupOP(nBin)*(0.5*BinSize)/Default_primV else ! middle of first last bin BinAPEne(nBin) = UnitVolAPEne*BinSize BinOPEne(nBin) = RepresentEpLO*e_c*Bin_OccupOP(nBin)*BinSize/Default_primV endif enddo if (QuasiBoundConsid.eq.1)then do nBin = 1,num_boundBin !col_len = RCutoff_SiIn BinQsupA(nBin) = 0 BinQsupO(nBin) = 0 BinQsupTotal(nBin) = 0 BinAPEne(nBin) = BinAPEne(Temp_Bin_Lower) BinOPEne(nBin) = BinOPEne(Temp_Bin_Lower) Bin_OccupOP(nBin) = Bin_OccupOP(Temp_Bin_Lower) Bin_TemperAP(nBin) = Bin_TemperAP(Temp_Bin_Lower) Bin_TemperOP(nBin) = Bin_TemperOP(Temp_Bin_Lower) enddo do nBin = Temp_Bin_Upper+1,num_Bins !col_len = RCutoff_SiIn BinQsupA(nBin) = 0 BinQsupO(nBin) = 0 BinQsupTotal(nBin) = 0 BinAPEne(nBin) = BinAPEne(Temp_Bin_Upper) BinOPEne(nBin) = BinOPEne(Temp_Bin_Upper) Bin_OccupOP(nBin) = Bin_OccupOP(Temp_Bin_Upper) Bin_TemperAP(nBin) = Bin_TemperAP(Temp_Bin_Upper) Bin_TemperOP(nBin) = Bin_TemperOP(Temp_Bin_Upper) enddo endif do nBin = 1,num_BinsComb ! PhononSim = 1 Hot Temp constant/ 2 Cold Temp Constant call TempVar_sc_table(nBin) ! constant temperature outside them enddo return end subroutine TempScParaSet(nAlBin) use particles use scattering use simulation integer :: i,val,valf, nFinalValleys real ( kind = 8 ) :: rhouu, initEe_eV, initNP_Ee_eV, sigma, acou_const, POIntact_eV, PolarConst, impurity_const, alloy_const, gammaSquare real ( kind = 8 ) :: PolarAb_Ee_eV, PolarAbNP_Ee_eV, POAb_rnum, POAb_denom, POAb_factor, PolarEm_Ee_eV, PolarEmNP_Ee_eV, POEm_rnum, POEm_denom, POEm_factor real ( kind = 8 ) :: ivIntact_eV, coupling_const, delta_Efi_eV, ivconst,ivAb_Ee_eV, ivAbNP_Ee_eV, ivAb_factor, ivEm_Ee_eV, ivEmNP_Ee_eV, ivEm_factor rhouu = Al_rho_GaAs(nAlBin)*Al_u_sound(nAlBin)*Al_u_sound(nAlBin) ! rho u^2 do val = 1, num_Valley ! intravalley interaction if (val.eq.1) then POIntact_eV = polar_Ep_G sigma = acou_sigma_G elseif (val.eq.2) then POIntact_eV = polar_Ep_L sigma = acou_sigma_L else POIntact_eV = polar_Ep_X sigma = acou_sigma_X endif acou_const = sqrt(2.)*kB/(pi*hbar*rhouu)*(eff_mass(nAlBin,val)/hbar)*(sqrt(eff_mass(nAlBin,val))/hbar*sqrt(e_c))*(echbar*e_c)*sigma*sigma !Tp_eV PolarConst = echbar*echbar*e_c*POIntact_eV*sqrt(eff_mass(nAlBin,val)/2./e_c)/4./pi*(1./nBin_eps_high(nAlBin) - 1./nBin_eps_low(nAlBin)) ! for polar optical eps_high,eps_low (4.*pi) ? ! impurity_const = n_d*eff_mass(nAlBin,val)*echbar*sqrt(2.*eff_mass(nAlBin,val))/pi*echbar*DebyeEps(nAlBin,val)*echbar*DebyeEps(nAlBin,val)*echbar*sqrt(e_c) if (Al_Dist_Content(nAlBin).eq.0.0) then alloy_const = 0 else alloy_const = AlloyPotDiff*e_c*AlloyPotDiff*e_c*sqrt(2.*e_c)*Al_PrimV(nAlBin)*Al_Dist_Content(nAlBin)*(1-Al_Dist_Content(nAlBin))/(pi*hbar*hbar*hbar*hbar)*eff_mass(nAlBin,val)*sqrt(eff_mass(nAlBin,val)) endif do i = 1, num_EnergyLevel initEe_eV = StepE_eV*real(i,kind = 8) ! initial energy initNP_Ee_eV = initEe_eV*(1.+nonParabolPara(nAlBin,val)*initEe_eV) ! for nonparabolic PolarAb_Ee_eV = initEe_eV + POIntact_eV PolarEm_Ee_eV = initEe_eV - POIntact_eV acou_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = acou_const*sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*(1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*initEe_eV) gammaSquare = 8*eff_mass(nAlBin,val)*e_c*initEe_eV*Debye_length(nAlBin)*Debye_length(nAlBin)/hbar/hbar ! change 1 impurity_const = (log(1+gammaSquare) - gammaSquare/(gammaSquare+1))*(sqrt(initEe_eV*e_c)*initEe_eV*e_c) ! change 1 impurity_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = Energy_debye(nAlBin,val)/impurity_const ! impurity_const*sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*(1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*initEe_eV)/(1.+4.*initNP_Ee_eV/Energy_debye(nAlBin,val)) ! Add 10/2013 if (impurity_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i).gt.1.5D15) then ! limit the rate impurity_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = 1.5D15 endif alloy_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = alloy_const*sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*(1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*initEe_eV) PolarAbNP_Ee_eV = PolarAb_Ee_eV*(1.+nonParabolPara(nAlBin,val)*PolarAb_Ee_eV) ! for nonparabolic if (PolarOpticalTest.eq.1) then POAb_rnum = sqrt(initEe_eV) + sqrt(PolarAb_Ee_eV) ! POAb_denom = sqrt(POIntact_eV) ! POAb_factor = (1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*PolarAb_Ee_eV)/sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*log(abs(POAb_rnum/POAb_denom)) elseif (PolarOpticalTest.eq.2) then POAb_rnum = sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV) + sqrt(PolarAbNP_Ee_eV) ! POAb_denom = sqrt(abs(initNP_Ee_eV - PolarAbNP_Ee_eV)) ! POAb_factor = (1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*PolarAb_Ee_eV)/sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*log(abs(POAb_rnum/POAb_denom)) else POAb_rnum = sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV) + sqrt(PolarAbNP_Ee_eV) ! POAb_denom = sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV) - sqrt(PolarAbNP_Ee_eV) ! POAb_factor = (1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*PolarAb_Ee_eV)/sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*log(abs(POAb_rnum/POAb_denom)) endif polarAb_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = POAb_factor*PolarConst if(PolarEm_Ee_eV.le.0)then ! PolarConst,polar_ab,polar_ab_rate,polar_em,polar_em_rate polarEm_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = 0 else PolarEmNP_Ee_eV = PolarEm_Ee_eV*(1.+nonParabolPara(nAlBin,val)*PolarEm_Ee_eV) ! for nonparabolic if (PolarOpticalTest.eq.1) then POEm_rnum = sqrt(initEe_eV) + sqrt(PolarEm_Ee_eV) ! POEm_denom = sqrt(POIntact_eV) ! POEm_factor = (1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*PolarEm_Ee_eV)/sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*log(abs(POEm_rnum/POEm_denom)) elseif (PolarOpticalTest.eq.2) then POEm_rnum = sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV) + sqrt(PolarEmNP_Ee_eV) ! POEm_denom = sqrt(abs(initNP_Ee_eV - PolarEmNP_Ee_eV)) ! POEm_factor = (1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*PolarEm_Ee_eV)/sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*log(abs(POEm_rnum/POEm_denom)) else POEm_rnum = sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV) + sqrt(PolarEmNP_Ee_eV) ! POEm_denom = sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV) - sqrt(PolarEmNP_Ee_eV) ! POEm_factor = (1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,val)*PolarEm_Ee_eV)/sqrt(initNP_Ee_eV)*log(abs(POEm_rnum/POEm_denom)) endif polarEm_constTemp(nAlBin,val,i) = POEm_factor*PolarConst endif enddo enddo do val = 1, num_Valley ! intravalley interaction do valf = 1, num_Valley ! final valley if (val.eq.1) then if (valf.eq.1) then ivIntact_eV = 0 coupling_const = 0 delta_Efi_eV = 0 nFinalValleys = 0 elseif (valf.eq.2) then ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_G_L coupling_const = DefPot_G_L delta_Efi_eV = Al_split_L_G(nAlBin) ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_L ! # of valleys else ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_G_X coupling_const = DefPot_G_X delta_Efi_eV = Al_split_X_G(nAlBin) ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_X ! # of valleys endif elseif (val.eq.2) then ! L -> if (valf.eq.1) then ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_L_G coupling_const = DefPot_L_G delta_Efi_eV = -Al_split_L_G(nAlBin) ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_G ! # of valleys elseif (valf.eq.2) then ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_L_L coupling_const = DefPot_L_L delta_Efi_eV = 0. ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_L - 1. ! # of valleys else ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_L_X coupling_const = DefPot_L_X delta_Efi_eV = Al_split_X_G(nAlBin) - Al_split_L_G(nAlBin) ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_X ! # of valleys endif else ! X -> other if (valf.eq.1) then ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_X_G coupling_const = DefPot_X_G delta_Efi_eV = -Al_split_X_G(nAlBin) ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_G ! # of valleys elseif (valf.eq.2) then ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_X_L coupling_const = DefPot_X_L delta_Efi_eV = Al_split_L_G(nAlBin) - Al_split_X_G(nAlBin) ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_L ! # of valleys else ivIntact_eV = IntVal_Ep_X_X coupling_const = DefPot_X_X delta_Efi_eV = 0. ! energy difference eV nFinalValleys = eq_valleys_X - 1. ! # of valleys endif endif if (nFinalValleys.eq.0) then ivAb_constTemp(nAlBin,val,valf,:) = 0 ivEm_constTemp(nAlBin,val,valf,:) = 0 else ivconst = nFinalValleys*(coupling_const**2.)*e_c*sqrt(e_c)/(sqrt(2.)*pi*Al_rho_GaAs(nAlBin)*ivIntact_eV)*(eff_mass(nAlBin,valf)/hbar)*sqrt(eff_mass(nAlBin,valf))/hbar do i = 1, num_EnergyLevel initEe_eV = StepE_eV*real(i,kind = 8) ! initial energy initNP_Ee_eV = initEe_eV*(1.+nonParabolPara(nAlBin,val)*initEe_eV) ! for nonparabolic ivAb_Ee_eV = initEe_eV + ivIntact_eV - delta_Efi_eV ivEm_Ee_eV = initEe_eV - ivIntact_eV - delta_Efi_eV if(ivAb_Ee_eV.le.0)then ! tempEef_eV (final energy) < 0 absorption 0 ivAb_constTemp(nAlBin,val,valf,i) = 0. else ivAbNP_Ee_eV = ivAb_Ee_eV*(1.+ nonParabolPara(nAlBin,valf)*ivAb_Ee_eV) ivAb_factor = sqrt(ivAbNP_Ee_eV)*(1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,valf)*ivAb_Ee_eV) ivAb_constTemp(nAlBin,val,valf,i) = ivAb_factor*ivconst endif if(ivEm_Ee_eV.le.0)then ! tempEef_eV (final energy) < 0 Emsorption 0 ivEm_constTemp(nAlBin,val,valf,i) = 0. else ivEmNP_Ee_eV = ivEm_Ee_eV*(1.+ nonParabolPara(nAlBin,valf)*ivEm_Ee_eV) ivEm_factor = sqrt(ivEmNP_Ee_eV)*(1.+nonParabolPara2(nAlBin,valf)*ivEm_Ee_eV) ivEm_constTemp(nAlBin,val,valf,i) = ivEm_factor*ivconst endif enddo endif ! if (nFinalValleys.eq.0) then enddo enddo return end subroutine CombBinAssign() use particles use scattering use simulation integer :: TB,Temp_TB,CB,Temp_CB,AB,Temp_AB,Temp_AB_low,Temp_AB_up,nAlBin_LowT,nAlBin_UpT real ( kind = 8 ) :: LowAlBound_LowT,UpAlBound_LowT,LowAlBound_UpT,UpAlBound_UpT,TempBin_LowBound,TempBin_UpBound Temp_CB = 0 CombBin(:,:) = 0 do TB = 1, num_Bins TempBin_LowBound = loc_bin(TB)-0.5*BinSize TempBin_UpBound = loc_bin(TB)+0.5*BinSize call DecideAlBin(TempBin_LowBound,nAlBin_LowT,LowAlBound_LowT,UpAlBound_LowT) call DecideAlBin(TempBin_UpBound,nAlBin_UpT,LowAlBound_UpT,UpAlBound_UpT) if (nAlBin_LowT.eq.nAlBin_UpT) then Temp_CB = Temp_CB + 1 CombBin(nAlBin_LowT,TB) = Temp_CB else Temp_CB = Temp_CB + 1 CombBin(nAlBin_LowT,TB) = Temp_CB if (nAlBin_LowT.eq.(num_BinsForAl+1)) then Temp_AB_low = 1 else Temp_AB_low = 1+nAlBin_LowT endif if (LowAlBound_UpT.eq.TempBin_UpBound) then Temp_AB_up = nAlBin_UpT - 1 else Temp_AB_up = nAlBin_UpT endif if (Temp_AB_low.le.Temp_AB_up) then do AB = Temp_AB_low, Temp_AB_up Temp_CB = Temp_CB + 1 CombBin(AB,TB) = Temp_CB enddo endif endif enddo num_BinsComb = Temp_CB allocate ( AlBinFromCB(num_BinsComb) ) allocate ( TBinFromCB(num_BinsComb) ) do CB = 1, num_BinsComb do AB = 1, num_BinsForAl+1 do TB = 1, num_Bins if (CombBin(AB,TB).eq.CB) then Temp_AB = AB Temp_TB = TB endif enddo enddo AlBinFromCB(CB) = Temp_AB TBinFromCB(CB) = Temp_TB enddo return end