GM (Balaam):

Balaam is sipping tea in some kind of a courtyard. You see trees behind

him...and the sun is bright...and there are hedges and flowers. He is wearing

long flowing robes of brown and gold, and spectacles. Turning to you, he smiles.

"Celia...I am glad to hear from you. Have you decided to come visit the Courts?"



"Oh! Yes. I thank you again for your kindness,

Lord Amblerash, and humbly request your assistance in this matter."


GM (Balaam):

He chuckles, sets down his tea...and extends his hand to you. "Grab hold

Of your automated friends and your belongings," he says, "and take my hand to

come through."



"Zed! It works! Come quick if you're coming..."

Celia grabs her satchel and reaches for the hand that her eyes can still not

quite believe is actually there...


GM (To Celia):

There is dizziness and then light as you step through. Your eyes adjust

immediately, and you look around at a scene that could be from a holo-vid.

Balaam sits on a stone bench at a marble table laden with food and drink.

You are in some kind of see the trees to one

smell water...a stream nearby? A large manor house stands behind you, and

you see a servant bringing a pitcher of ice water. He is dressed in

medieval fashion...which is very foreign to you. You can feel the sun on

your face...and a light breeze. It's very like a dream...and the's so sweet...not a trace of pollutant that you can detect...just

the hint of flowers from the vase on the table. Zed floats over to the

table and settles onto one of the benches.


Balaam smiles and points to a bench. "Please have a seat...."


Looking to the young woman seated across from him. "Caitlin...this is

Celia Sawall...niece to the Emperor. Celia, this is my niece Caitlin."



For a moment, the young woman in dripping reddish synthetic coveralls seems

in shock. Raising a hand to her forehead, she brushes aside dark hair streaked

with auburn and controls her obvious disorientation.


With a rusty curtsy, she replies "I'm very pleased to meet you, Lady. I hope

you and Lord Amblerash can excuse my rather disheveled appearance... I

have been in quite less elegant surrounds than these for a very long time."


She sets down a worn canvas bag, covered with patches and odd bulges, removing

what is almost certainly some kind of firearm from a forearm holster and places it

in the bag. Leaving the bag where it lies, she crosses to the bench Balaam had

indicated. Next to her, the black metal of her drone steams slightly in the sun.


"Thank you again for your aid, Lord Amblerash. I am rather amazed... from what

I see about me, one could never think of this place as a realm of Chaos."


GM (Balaam):

Balaam only chuckles.


"Chaos is but a word, Celia, to describe a series of disparate places that

came to be joined. Long ago, certainly the environs were more chaotic, but

over time, the realms adapted to one another and became as one world.

Anymore, the realm is not so chaotic?"


He glances over at Caitlin and smiles.


"But you are wet and in need of fresh clothing." He claps his hands and a

maidservant approaches. "Ah, Silvi, just who I would have chosen." The

young woman curtseys very deeply and keeps her eyes on the ground.


"Escort Lady Celia to the guest quarters and see to it that she is attended

and clothed as befits the niece of our Emperor."


You can see Silvi's eyes widen at that.


"I would talk with you now, but my niece and I are about to attend a dinner

at Thelbane. Forgive me my discourtesy, but my station requires me to go. I

will at your disposal this evening, however."



Caitlin smiles. "If there is anything I can do to make your stay more

comfortable, please let me know." "Perhaps we can get together and

discuss shadow, I am quite familiar with technology shadows and would love

to learn more about your companion."




The GM tells me we attended a dinner in Thelbane, where Caitlin met, among

others, Jonathan, heir to the Throne.



A Few Days Later..........




Caitlin searches the house for Balaam.


GM (Balaam):

Caitlin finds Balaam in his study, conferring with two other Priest of the

Spider...they appear to be finishing up their discussion...which is in a

tongue you don't recognize. After a moment, the other two priests depart.


Balaam smiles as he sees you, and gestures for you to take a seat in his

study. He then sits behind his desk and looks again at a letter lying there.


"To what do I owe the pleasure, my dearest niece," he asks gently.



She smiles and replies, "A few things Uncle. Both in the nature of a

request." "I would like to become a Priestess of the Spider. That is the

big request. The second is a favor of inspecting some Trumps."


GM (Balaam):

Balaam leans back in his chair and regards you calmly. " are

still unfamiliar with our customs...there are things you do not know.

Unmarried women are not allowed into the Priesthood.... And married

women...have their own special requirements...."


"I could, of course, arrange for you to be married to a promising young man

of Amblerash, but you would never achieve real status within the Priesthood

until you had borne children and turned them over to the Church."



She sighs, "I did so want to serve the Spider, and to follow in your

footsteps. As you know, with the exception of my grandfather, who only

saw me sporadically, I never really had parental figures. You are the

closest thing to a father I have ever known. Besides, after all the

Spider has given me, it deserves my respect. If nothing else, I will

serve it in other ways."


"What of the Trumps?"


GM (Balaam):

"You don't wish to be married?" he asks, somewhat surprised. "I would have

thought that such a thing would suit you...."


"As for the trumps, I will be more than happy to look at them, though I

must confess that I am no expert in the art of trumps."



"I do wish to be married, but currently there are no suitors and I do want

a marriage that will ally itself well with my plans."


"As far as the trumps, can you identify any of these?" She hands Balaam

the Trumps Bleys has not identified.


Balaam and Caitlin discuss Trumps for some time, and he answers all of Caitlin's questions.



A Few Days Later..........



Kendral receives a note.




"I would like to invite Mason, yourself, and whomever else you think would be

appropriate to discuss the recent self-appointment of Shaenan, as emperor. Could you

join Balaam and I for dinner some evening this week?"




A Few Days Later..........





And on a foul-weather day in the Court of Chaos, the heads of Houses

Amblerash, Minobee, and Hendrake meet for dinner, conversation, and

discussion of their futures.


Attending with Rhees is her consort, Gwydion of Jesby. Balaam brings along

his niece, Caitlin. And Mason is accompanied by Kendral and Anyssa. They

meet in Cerelaine, the Ways of Amblerash.


They gather just as the sun has begun to set, invisible behind the shroud

of gray clouds save for a gradual darkening of the horizon.


These are grim times. Already it has been announced that Despil has been

rendered unfit for the throne and that his brother Shaenan has taken the

throne. Never has so much power been in one person's hands in the Courts of

Chaos, and the announcement is greeted with muffled applause and strained



This morning's news, that the Logrus has now been opened to all was also

greeted with muted enthusiasm. No one is eager to take that step which

rendered Despil catatonic.


The journey is a silent one, and it's only once you all arrive in

Cerelaine, removing your dampened cloaks and shaking the cold from your

finery, that the mumbling of treason begin in earnest.




Mason is resplendent in his ducal finery, of black and scarlet with gold trim

around the Hendrake Dragon, on his belt, and his tunic epaulets. Kendral, as

befits a Colonel in the House, is wearing his uniform of black, with the silver

insignia of his rank and the First Hendrake Cavalry. Both their swords,

though, are plain weapons, that show the marks of service. Lady Anyssa is

elegant in her dress of deep gold with a fitted bodice and flowing skirt, the

material looks to be a silk of some sort, the trim on the scooped neckline

and the edge of her fitted sleeves in black. Her hair is braided and wound

around her head in a crown. Her deep blue eyes pass over everyone with

a serene look in them. Kendral smiles slightly and bows to Duchess

Rhees, nods (seemingly approvingly) to Gwydion, and formally acknowledges

Balaam and Caitlin.




Anyssa inclines her head politely to all. She appears the epitome

of grace and serenity, with her hands loosely at her sides.




Rhees is garbed in black velvet, her sleeveless gown set off by a

silvery-gray shawl draped about her shoulders. She wears gloves that extend

up to her elbows, and the neckline of her gown is high, set off by a cameo

of some kind at her throat. Her hair is drawn up in a tight bun, held in

place by two thin stilettos. She nods to Mason and Balaam, and smiles to

Anyssa and Caitlin. Gwydion stands at her side, dressed in a rather sever

black doublet and white shirt, a thin rapier at his side.


Balaam is dressed in his traditional robes of gold and brown, his

white-blonde hair short-cropped in an almost ascetic fashion.


Balaam smiles and begins. "I welcome you all to my humble home. Let us eat

and discuss the state of the Courts."




Caitlin sits on Balaam's right side wearing a long gown in scarlet red trimmed in

gold. She smiles at everyone and says, "Welcome to our home."




Kendral waits to be seated, then looks to Gwydion. "Milord, if I may inquire, what

is the *unofficial* reaction to the latest events around the Crown in House Jesby?

All here know of the official reaction, but...."



GM (Gwydion):

Gwydion shakes his head and sighs. "My Duke is pulled in so many directions

in this case. Loyalty to his father, fear of his uncle, and the wish to

honor both his grandmother's and mother's demands. I fear that Jesby will

have little choice but to steer a neutral path. His only concern is to see

that his immediate family is protected from harm, and that vengeance be

exacted should it be found appropriate."


He looks at Kendral a moment.


"To be blunt, Stead will take no action unless the welfare of his parents

or siblings is threatened, or unless he finds proof that his uncle had a

hand in his father's illness. He is not the kind of man to pursue a course

based upon ambition...and thus risk bloodshed. He is a good man, but I fear

he is not hard enough for these times."




Kendral nods. "Not a small ambition, in these times, avoiding

bloodshed. But those seem worthy enough goals to me. What thinks the

House, as much as any single thought can be discerned from a multitude?"



GM (Gwydion):

"The House is governed by a bureaucratic council. As a group, the house

will side with the status quo," he responds, his expression clearly



Rhees nods at this.




Kendral shrugs. "I'm not surprised. What will the reaction be

if Duke Stead should come into information that points to this result

being planned in advance, do you think?"



GM (Balaam):

"I cannot say," he replies quietly.




"Fair enough, fair enough."



The group is escorted into a large dining room and everyone is seated. The

table is already laden with all manner of dishes, but the servants seem to

be absent.



GM (Balaam):

Looking at the group, Balaam clears his throat. "My servants have been sent

away, and this room is warded from scrying. We can speak freely here. I

would recommend that we discuss the situation frankly, and that the Duchess

Rhees and Duke Mason and myself would then speak privately afterwards to

decide upon a course of action."


Rhees nods at this, as does Mason.



GM (Gwydion):

Looking around, Gwydion begins. "As I am no Duke, I may speak with relative

impunity," he says, smiling at Rhees. "The alliance of Sawall, Helgram,

Jesby, and Chanicut has created an unprecedented shift in power. Shaenan

stands as Keeper of the Logrus, Duke of Sawall, and now Emperor of Chaos.

Through his mother he has the support of Helgram, whose plotting may be the

cause of all this. Through his nephew, he has at least the begrudging

support of Jesby. And none of us know the extent of his dealings with

Duchess Sarah Chanicut. His power is in itself too great a threat to be



Balaam sets down his fork a moment.



GM (Balaam):

"Why is this an issue, Gwydion?" he asks. "It is ever the nature of our

people to seek power, and having obtained it, to consolidate their hold on

that power. Any Duke or Duchess would have done the same in his position."




"Perhaps, perhaps not, but the fact is that always before the

Houses had some measure of balance over the Emperor, and never before

were the Emperor and the Master of the Logrus the same man. Only the

Houses had some measure of balance over the Emperor, and never before

were the Emperor and the Master of the Logrus the same man. Only the

potentates of Shadow and King Oberon of Amber held so much power in one

man's hands."

"I also note that, at the same time as his ascension to power, the

wall of the Abyss surrounding us has vanished, and those taken by the

Abyss began to walk again amongst us. An interesting coincidence of

timing, if indeed it is a coincidence at all."



GM (Gwydion):

Gwydion nods at this. "And in truth, Shaenan and his ilk represent a

greater threat to Court tradition. It is not a great House that has seized

the throne, but a family...a family that has already swallowed two great

houses and is actively working towards acquiring another. The Great Houses

make up the life's blood of the Courts; they define who we are. This

tradition must not be ground under the heel of Dara's ambitions."




Caitlin sits back and listens to what is being said. She allows the room to

grow quiet. "I fear I must be direct, as that is my nature, Shaenan is a threat

to Chaos. He not only controls the Logrus, open or not; he is the Emperor,

in what I consider an usurped position. His brother ill, he assumes the throne.

Crowned Prince Jonathan had no chance to be crowned. Shaenan declared

him too young for the throne. This is not the mark of an Emperor, but of a

tyrant." She looks directly at Rhees, "Not to mention that he spends inordinately

too much time in Amber"



GM (Rhees):

Rhees nods. "For all that he has done for Chaos, for all that he has saved,

he is not one of us. He was raised in shadow...and forged in Amber.... I

would rather an emperor whose passion is the Courts. For Shaenan, I believe

that we are but one territory he has claimed...set aside as he works

towards his other ambitions."




Kendral looks at Rhees, seemingly lost in thought for a moment,

then awakens and listens to Balaam.



GM (Balaam):

Balaam drinks from his cup of wine. "Be that as it may, he is too powerful

to be opposed..."



GM (Gwydion):

Gwydion interrupts. "He is too powerful *not* to be opposed."




Caitlin nods. "Agreed, he is too powerful not to be opposed. We must take

action now, before his power is begun to be felt. The question is, is how to

do it. Do any of you have any suggestions?"




Kendral smiles. "He is too powerful right now to be *openly*

opposed, but that does not preclude non-open opposition, nor does it

preclude those opposed to him from building their strength, to use

against him at some more opportune time. Can we move against him now?

Not successfully, probably. Our Houses are too weak, bled white from

the wars, and riven by internal divisions that shouldn't be there in

the first place. Divisions that he was careful to cement in place."



GM (Rhees):

Rhees raises an eyebrow at this but says nothing.




"But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't husband our strength and

prepare for what is all too likely to come. And if the Abyss returns

to play a role for some time, well, then, let us allow Helgram, Sawall,

and Chanicut to play the lead roles in our defense. Though, Duchess,"

he looks at Rhees, "I might suggest you request the return of the

Kinslayer, since the Abyss seems to be taking a hand again. If he does

return it to you, as heir to your brother, well then, it is not within

his grasp should he want to use it against us. If he refuses, then we

know more of our standing with him."



GM (Rhees):

She shrugs and comments, "A wise suggestion."




Kendral smiles. "I'd prefer not to have to worry about it's

rounds being sent in my direction."




Anyssa looks around the room then quietly she speaks, "Patience

in any planned uprising is the best plan of action, before you

oppose him, first you must learn everything you can about his

power and it's basis, one cannot defeat what one does not

understand. I think I should input this, I believe that Despil is not

truly mad....but rather was searching a way off the throne, and

searching a way to give his brother the power he wanted. I doubt

not that Shaenan wants the Throne of Chaos. I also would not

disbelieve that Dara has had a hand in this. There is much of

Sebastian Helgram running in my line." she looks around the table

pausing a brief moment, "One power base that must be contained

is Leviticus. I know who he was, and I understand what he

is....and he is like a child in some ways, too much power and not

enough control. Shaenan may well be the same, one could say,

look at the student and see the teacher reflected there. My vote is

to tread carefully, work on breaking up his power base carefully and

cautiously, Battles may bring honor but they do not always win a

War. And with the Abyss threatening once again, we do not want

to be weakened."



GM (Balaam):

Balaam nods at this. "He has many resources...."




"Well, as much as I prefer a full-out fight, I see your point that subtlety

can be a more useful weapon at times. The idea regarding the Kinslayer

rifle is well received as well. That is something we don't want him to

grow used to having.


So, shall we list his power bases, and begin discussing how to remove


- The Logrus - Is there anyway to remove his control of it, or to lessen

his stranglehold at least?

- His psyche - Enormous and dangerous. Shielding will help with that.

- Shapeshifting - Any way to stop it?

- Leviticus - What do you know, and what can be done?

- His alliances - Sawall, Helgram, Hendrake - Can they be swayed, made to

feel threatened by him?

-Finally Jesby - Can it be forced to take a side?"




Kendral looks non-plussed at hearing Hendrake listed as an ally of

Shaenan's, then looks at Mason and shakes his head.



GM (Balaam):

Balaam looks as if he would say something, but changes his mind.




"There are only two ways to lessen Shaenan's control of the Logrus

that I can see: first, get him to appoint a new Master or Mistress,

something I do not see him doing; or second, to create another."

"I assume you meant Chanicut when you mentioned Hendrake as an

ally of his. Chanicut is the most likely House of that triumvirate to

be split off, since it is not either his own House or that of his

mother, but we have no idea what deals he has made with Duchess Sara to

cement the alliance. Something to look into, certainly, however, and

take advantage of if we spot a weakness."

"As to Jesby, I suspect in the end they will have to choose what

side to support, but I would not press them now. If they remain

neutral, their strengths remain off the field."



GM (Gwydion):

Gwydion clears his throat. "I know this much at least...Jesby will not side

against you. But it is highly unlikely that Stead could be persuaded to aid





Kendral nods. "He is on a cleft stick, and if he will keep the

House neutral, we can work with that."




Caitlin goes slightly pale and looks very embarrassed. "My deepest

apologies to both of you," indicating Kendral and Mason, "I misspoke,

please forgive my error."




Kendral nods to Anyssa, "And to Lady Anyssa as well, I assume."




Caitlin nods. "Of course."


"I agree with your observations completely though. Dara will support her

son. Chanicut may be able to be pulled over though. We need to see what

we can find out about her alliance with Shaenan. I will set to work on

that immediately. As far as the Logrus, I doubt very much he would

relinquish control willingly. Perhaps the Eye of Chaos or the Jewel of

Judgement could do something about it, but I think even that is



"Jesby, I am confident, will ally with us if push comes to shove."




"Jesby will do what it feels best, as milord Gwydion has said,

preferably things that don't involve bloodshed. If we should push too

soon, we may drive them into the arms of the opposition."



GM (Balaam):

Balaam looks up. "At the same time, however, the Eyes might aid us in

muting his power. Though much of this conflict must take place in the form

of politics, there is little doubt in my mind that it will eventually

resolve itself in personal conflict with Shaenan. When that point comes, we

must have the means to stop him...."



GM (Rhees):

Rhees smiles a moment. "Perhaps it would be best if you would appoint some

people to begin investigating the possibilities of recovering the Eyes,

Balaam. Our other concerns are too pressing to spend too much time on this

matter, but it would be very advantageous to recover them."




Kendral nods.



GM (Rhees):

"As to Sarah, it is highly unlikely that we can win anything but her

neutrality. She is a cautious player, and not one to take but the surest

bet. 'Til why she has survived this long," Rhees chuckles. "Like Caitlin, I

would look at this militarily. We have a number concerns: his power over

the Logrus and the Spider and his influence in terms of allies and Houses.

The Houses must be made to reconsider their support of him. If Jesby and

Chanicut can be persuaded to remove themselves from the conflict, then it

will be made easier."




"I agree, we must not push them, I only meant to say that I think Shaenan

will, and they will be pushed toward us. I don't think we need to do

anything about Jesby at this point in time."



GM (Balaam):

Balaam raises his voice. "And Sawall can be taken from him as well. I have

in my home the Lady Celia Sawall, daughter of Clitus Sawall. By tradition,

the Emperor removes himself from his House, another rule that Shaenan has

flouted. We could press the issue that he should not be Duke of

Sawall...could place someone in that position who would be unable to ally

with him...for reasons of inexperience."




"I agree that he is unlikely to relinquish control of the Logrus,

and it seems to me unlikely that the Eyes of the Serpent would be very

effective in changing that situation. Why? Because the Spider spun

the new Logrus, not the Serpent....."




"Perhaps, perhaps not. It seems to me that the Spider is descended from

the Serpent. After all, The Serpent once ruled the Logrus and the Spider

now does. Balaam, what is your expert opinion?"



GM (Balaam):

Balaam shrugs. "Who can say? We must remember that it is not the Spider we

oppose...but Shaenan. The Eye is a gamble...but if it's counterpart could

create the Pattern, then certainly it could help us restrain our beloved





Kendral raises an eyebrow. "We can raise this issue, but I have

my doubts that he will have any more concern for that rule than for

any others. Think you that Lady Celia would be willing to flout her

uncle the Emperor, though?"



GM (Balaam):

Balaam only smiles slightly. "I don't know that Celia's wishes are terribly

pertinent at this time. She is very to the Courts. I merely

suggest that we have the option...."




Kendral looks dubious, then nods. "The option is there,





"So, we have the basis of a beginning. I will begin to gather

information on the nature of the relationship between Shaenan

and Chanicut. We have many other tasks to do though. We

need to have someone speak to Shaenan about Sawall. Rhees,

can you see about Kinslayer? We also need someone to

research the Eyes of the Serpent and see if we can track them

down. Any ideas on this?"




Kendral raises an eyebrow at Caitlin's taking charge in this

manner, then says, "I have already begun researching the Eyes of

the Serpent."




Caitlin now has a chance to raise her eyebrow. "Oh, have you been able

to find anything yet?"



GM (Rhees):

Everyone seated is startled as Rhees slams her fist down hard upon the

table. With a calm smile that contradicts the hard tone in her voice, she

comments, "It will be a cold day in Hell when I follow the directives of a

landless woman of Amblerash. You overstep your bounds, Caitlin, to give

orders to me, however politely phrased."


She pauses. "And I find you overeager to begin a war that may very well

decimate what remains of the warrior houses."


Turning to Mason and Balaam, she continues, "Any further discussion will be

between the Heads of houses only...or not at all."



GM (Balaam):

Balaam nods. "Lord Kendral, Lady Anyssa, Lord Gwydion, Lady

servant will take you to the library."


He rings a small bell, and a manservant opens the door, and waits.




Caitlin smiles pleasantly and stands, "I fear I have overstepped my

bounds. I hadn't realized that only those landed gentry of the courts had

the ability to offer up a suggestion. And you may think reconnaissance

and research leads to a war, but you are sorely mistaken." With that, she

walks out with a pause.




Kendral stands, tilts his head to Balaam and Rhees, then nods to

Mason. He pivots on his heel perfectly, and walks to the door and

stands waiting on Anyssa and Gwydion.




Anyssa rises and inclines her head politely towards the heads of

house, "Should you need any further information that I can provide,

you have but to ask." she moves over to stand by Kendral and

places a hand on his arm. And leaves with them to go to the library.




Caitlin waits a bit outside the door. As Kendral and Anyssa approach she

sighs and says, "Well, that went poorly." With that she follows the

servant into the library.




Kendral shakes his head slowly, and waits for Gwydion to catch up.



GM (Gwydion):

Gwydion joins the rest of you soon enough, and shuts the library doors

behind him once all of you are present. He glances at Caitlin and then

heads to one of the tables to pour himself a glass of wine from a tray of

glasses there.




"I would say that our part in it ended a bit more abruptly than I

expected, but then I didn't expect anyone to try to order the Duchess

around, either. Any decisions were going to be made in closed session

regardless, that is what we have Heads of House for. Now I can only

hope that the ending of that session won't poison the one that's

continuing now."




Caitlin looks askance at Kendral, "No one ordered anything. I simply

suggested a course of action." With that she picks up a book on the

Serpent, and begins thumbing through for information on the Eyes.




Anyssa sighs and looks at Caitlin, then walks over to Gwydion,

"Would you please pour me a glass?" her voice is soft sounding

but there is an edge of steel to it, she turns towards Caitlin,

"Perhaps you can ask your uncle for some advice on how to

phrase things a little more diplomatically so that in future dealings

you won't have someone mistaking your intent." her tone suggests

she is serious. "Your turn of phrase was indicative of someone in

charge or taking charge. There is a hierarchy in the courts that

you will need to familiarize yourself with if you do not wish another

incident like the one tonight." She looks back at Gwydion.




GM (Gwydion):

Gwydion pours a glass of wine and passes it to Anyssa.


With a shrug he remarks, "I do not think it would be appropriate for me to

comment either way on this."


"I do wonder, though, what Prince Jonathan thinks on all of this. I hope

that the Dukes consider his role in the current situation."




Kendral chuckles at Gwydion's first comment.


"True enough, I suppose, and your discretion should be a model for

the rest of us. As to the Prince, I cannot say. He does suffer from

some of the same problems that lead to the objection to Shaenan,

however: not raised here, too many ties to Amber, etc. But he's young,

and possibly flexible, which could be good or bad depending on who

manipulates him."



GM (Gwydion):

"Were he to side with us," Gwydion remarks, "it would certainly bring Rowan

to our side, and she has much influence over her son Stead. Pity that Rowan

weren't simply named Regent...she was born and raised here...."




"Ah, but doing *that* wouldn't have put the *right* person in place.

And one has to wonder how long Jonathon's position will last, should the

Emperor have a child of his body..... depending on whether the Emperor

is intending to unify two thrones or not, of course."

"Is Rowan quite upset with the new order of things, then?"



GM (Gwydion):

"Furious," he replies simply. "Not only that Shaenan so quickly stepped in

to replace her husband, but also because she wasn't even considered as a

possibility to serve as Empress or Regent. And no doubt she feels that her

son is threatened. She is not without her resources, and grew quickly into

her position. I doubt she will let matters rest."




Anyssa sips her wine quietly and listens.




Kendral shakes his head. "No doubt he is. I can't see the new Emperor being

in a hurry to step down, and many things could happen during a long reign that

would bode ill for her second son." "Had a regency been contemplated, a

triumvirate of her, Duke Shaenan, and some third person, say Balaam or Rhees,

would have been a not-unreasonable option. But that was not what was

desired: Shaenan wanted the power, and he didn't want to have to be a mere




GM (Gwydion):

"Such I was told," he replies sadly. "The Heads of Houses will do what they

must. And I will do what I can with Stead to pave the way for change...."




Kendral nods. "It's going to be an `interesting' time for the

next few years, here in Chaos. I suppose we'll look back over the last

few months and years as the calm before this storm."



GM (Gwydion):

He pauses and looks up at Anyssa. "There is someone who can tell you about

Leviticus, you know. He was created by a group of dispossessed children of

Amber called the Sufferers' Guild. Of them, most are dead, but a few

survive. Perhaps they can tell you something of how he was created, and

thus give you clue as to how to stifle his power. Lylesberg resides in

Avignon with his brother Adam, who is King there. Mirelle was seen last in

Amber, serving as physician for the royal family. Victoria and Maximillian

were destroyed, as was the Traitor. It is rumored that Derrick still lives,

but he is Sara Chanicut's child; I would not recommend contacting him."




Caitlin looks up from the book as she closes is and places it on the shelf. "I

would think that Lylesberg would be the best choice. Mirelle, I am told, is

a little too steadfast in support of Amber these days to make a Chaosian





Anyssa looks at Caitlin a small smile on her face, "You are

probably correct that Lylesberg would be the best way to go. But

we shall have to wait and see what the Heads of House decree."

she sips the wine with a thoughtful look on her face, "And

Leviticus is of Amber....originally."




"Yes, I believe the body once belonged to Prince Random's son,

Martin. But, I would not say he was originally of Amber."




The conversation dwindles after that point.


Less than a half-hour later, a manservant enters the library. "Lady Anyssa,

Lord Kendral...the Duke is ready to return now. He bids me escort you to

the courtyard where he will meet you."


(the two leave)


Shortly thereafter, another servant comes to fetch Gwydion, and Caitlin

finishes up her reading, before heading off to speak with her uncle.






Balaam is nowhere to be found after supper. The seneschal informs you that

he left for Thelbane via trump. Apparently he had received a call from Lord

Shaenan or some such.


With little else to do....


The next day is sunny and warm...surprisingly so for this time of year.


Shortly after breakfast, a courier arrives from Thelbane bearing a



"At the careful suggestion of Lady Miranda of Jesby, the Crown has agreed

to begin efforts to repopulate the Courts of Chaos by offering welcome to

the denizens of the surrounding realms. All houses are invited to submit

staff requests to the Bureau of Immigration, that we might best fulfill the

needs of both the Houses and our new friends."


The rumors come later that afternoon. Apparently the Bureau of Immigration

has begun a program of forced relocation, bringing in shadow folk from

adjacent realms in order to boost the work force in the Courts. The plan is

certainly morally bereft in the eyes of many, but then again, demons have

never been very good at farm work, nor the lords of the great Houses



Balaam has returned, but has been keeping to his study.




Caitlin will take this opportunity to try and place a few more spies in the

individual houses.


Caitlin is also going to disappear for a bit to her Shadow Ulteria. She

wants to check in.... and pick up some ground up mineral.


She pulls out her Trump deck and begins to concentrate on one of Kendral.




Kendral feels a Trump contact. Kendral answers the contact, from

within a library. He's seated, and looks somewhat puzzled. "Hello?"




Caitlin looks at Kendral and says, "Sorry to interrupt, but I thought I

might offer my assistance in your work. You did mention that you were

looking into the eyes of the Serpent... Being from Amblerash sometimes

has its advantages...I was raised with some basic knowledge of them, and

have been reading up on them in the library here, as well as among

Balaam's own books. Perhaps I can help?"




Kendral frowns slightly, then shrugs. "I suppose. I'm having

to do more than a little reading to bone up on this. For instance,

there's a question on just how many of these things are there running

loose. 2? 3? More? What do each of them do, and how do you

recognize which one you have?"


"And how did you get a Trump of me? I wasn't aware that I was

of that much interest to Amblerash....."




Caitlin frowns for a moment. "Trumps are not that difficult to

manufacture, and please don't take this personally, but you aren't that

much of an interest to Amblerash. We are merely working toward a common

goal. As far as how many...The answer to that is 2. They both come from

the Serpent originally. One was stolen in ages so long ago that is hardly

within our memory any longer. It was what made the Pattern of Amber.

Thus, I would assume, you will find that it's powers feel like "Pattern".

The other jewel stayed with the Serpent until she who is unmentionable

destroyed the Serpent. (at this, you can hear Caitlin's voice quiver in

anger.) But alas, who knows what she did with it. There are rumors, but

nothing worthy of our attention. Perhaps it is lost in shadow, or the

abyss, but I doubt the Spider would allow such a powerful artifact to

disappear. It may be that Shaenan has the remaining eye. What have you

found out?"




"That there are at least 2, hints of possibly more than that.

The two that you mention, one taken ages ago and now part of the

Royal Regalia of Amber, one taken from the body of the Serpent

perhaps by someone of Chanicut, and there are hints that perhaps

at least one more exists. That, however, is unclear at the moment.

I would think our interest would be more pointed to the last 2

mentioned instead of the first, for the reason you stated and for

reasons of practicality: taking an item of the Amber Royal Regalia

is only likely to push them into taking an active role against us,

something we do not need. I'm trying to track down more information

on this person from Chanicut, but the data isn't exactly thick on

the ground."




Caitlin nods, "I agree, taking the Jewel from the Amberites would be

difficult, I have been told that Emma contains a great understanding of

it. And I think it wisest to not tamper with a power we do not

understand, especially as it sits on the breast of someone who may

have an ABSOLUTE understanding of its power. I agree, the other one or

two stones, seem infinitely better in their chances of recovery. What of

Chanicut? I don't recall hearing of them being involved. What have you

uncovered? Do they possess the Eye(s)?"




"The mention that I found, which was a quote from a book I

haven't yet tracked down, said that a person of Chanicut took the

Eye from the body of the Serpent and ran away into Shadow. The

implication is that this person, if they existed at all, did not

go back to Chanicut, but instead took the Eye for their own

purposes. Since the person isn't named in the quotation, it's a

little hard to say if they really existed or not, or whether the

author of one of the books made them up whole cloth."




Caitlin Nods, "That book may give us a clue as to where to start our

search of shadows. I had always thought that Shaenan's sister took it, as

she began the Abyss war. It is good that he may not have it. Let's

hope. Do me the favor of contacting me if you need any assistance, or if

you find anything new. I will do the same."




"If the book is truthful, then he probably doesn't have it.

If Llateri had it, it probably went into the Abyss and will never

come out, except in a way that we won't like. Good luck on your

investigations, then, I'll be in touch."



Some Time Passes....


Caitlin begins to spy on Mason, as she hears he is with Anyssa.



GM (Mason):

The ride to the Peak is a pleasant one, and Mason points out a few

landmarks along the way. As the Peak draws closer, the tree looms every

larger in your view. It is truly a magnificent tree. In the light wind, it

strews small white petals down upon the two of you, and the ground beneath

it is a bed of whiteness.


Past the tree, the hill cuts off abruptly...and beyond lies the Cardiff

lowlands that border Cainesmarsh. Even from here you can smell the

swamp...the faint scent of moss and standing water, carried lightly on the



Mason dismounts and looks at the tree admiringly. "It hasn't bloomed in

years, you know. It used to bloom with just a little sunlight, but since

the Abyss War, it's health has been delicate. But now it seems strong





Anyssa smiles and moves to stand by him, "It's like snow in the

spring or summer.....but not cold. I shall take it as a welcome

home." she closes her eyes and smells the scent of the blossoms

as they fall into her hair. She lays a gentle hand on the trunk, "It's

incredible." her voice is slightly husky. "Would you like to eat here

under this magnificent tree." she opens her eyes and turns her face

back towards him. Her smile is magical. Her eyes sparkling




GM (Mason):

"Not in all the Courts could we find a better view, I suspect. Not even in

Thelbane," he replies, smiling at Anyssa fondly.


He pours the wine for the two of you, as you begin laying out the contents

of the picnic basket.


"To your future with Hendrake," Mason says quietly, holding his goblet

aloft in a toast after you have finished setting the food.


And then the scent hits you...just before you attempt to drink. The wine if of if it had spoiled. Mason drinks,

indifferent to its rank nature, and smiles at you.




Anyssa looks at him a little strangely and returns his smile. She

holds the glass up and then puts it down before taking a sip and

looks at Mason, "Is the wine suppose to smell.....well like

vinegar?" she looks curious.



GM (Mason):

"No," he replies, seemingly confused. He holds his goblet to his nose and

inhales...and drinks. "My wind is not spoiled. Strange...mayhap the breezes

from Cainesmarsh make this an unwholesome spot to dine."


He hands the goblet to you, and the wine is sweet and untainted. His own

health seems unharmed, and as he stares as you speculatively, a cool wind

blows over your face...becoming cold. Looking up, you see clouds moving in

from the north, the winds picking up in a way that seems...wrong...somehow.


A stray wind sends a cascade of petals over the two of you, and begins

making a mess of your picnic, napkins blown about...your goblet knocked



From somewhere near and far at the same time, you sense...jealousy. But you

cannot pinpoint it.


Mason looks concerned as he examines the sky. "I spoke too soon; a storm





Anyssa nods and scoops up the remains of the picnic tying them

in the cloth. she fastens it to her horses saddle and looks at

Mason, she lays a hand on his cheek and leans in and kisses him

softly, "For luck." she says and she mounts her own horse.



GM (Mason):

You can feel his startlement at the kiss, but his face shows nothing.

And then the two of you ride towards Hendrake at a medium-pace

gallop. The rain begins to come down hard in driving sheets; the

two of you spur your horses on faster.


It grows harder to see with all the wind and rain, and the thunder

seems to grow closer. You feel yourself grow colder still when the

first flash of lightning brightens the sky...the strike somewhere far

behind you.


The sense of jealousy is long departed...and the storm continues...

stronger than before.


The sky flashes again...the wind picks up...and you can only barely

hear Mason as he yells to you, pointing toward the beginnings of a

forest a quarter-mile off.


"...Cover...the horses...there...."




Anyssa nods and follows him, her horse is right behind his as they

gallop towards the forest.



GM (Mason):

The two of you fly towards the forest, the rain beating down upon you, and

just as you reach the cover of trees, you feel it begin...a tingling across

your skin...and then a bright light and deafening boom. Your horse rears in

terror and you are tossed to the muddy ground. Somehow you miss striking

your head or breaking a bone, and lay there for a moment, stunned.


The rain pours down over you, but you cannot hear the drops...and spots

still swim before your eyes, though they fade quickly as your body adapts.

Your horse is already would be impossible to catch up to

him...and then your eyes turn to look for Mason and you see his still form

lying beside a large tree. His horse lies a short distance away, screaming

though you cannot hear it.... You can, however, feel its pain and

terror...pushing at your hastily erected barriers.





The lightning bolt went a little errant from your target...and struck a

tree limb, which collapsed in front of Mason's horse. The horse stumbled to

the ground, it's legs breaking as it fell, and Mason was thrown into a

nearby tree.


He slumped to the ground and lay there unconscious for a bit, though the

Eye showed him to be healthy, though wounded.


Anyssa, too, was thrown from her horse which bolted the strike of

lightning. She, however, landed without injury. Immediately, she rose and

went to Mason...and healed him. This you could see through the Eye.


And then she turned to look at something near Mason's horse...and you heard

a woman's voice...and the sight grew dim and quiet...and you were shut

out...something that has never happened before. Repeated attempts to look

there were to no avail...the woods seemed shrouded in darkness.


Your minions reported to you later. Anyssa and Mason were attacked in the

woods by an Abyssal creature named Bella...Anyssa's daughter by Sebastien,

a lord of Helgram...her old husband. Apparently Dame Jerika and Lady Quirrl

arrived in time to thwart Bella, who fled back to the Abyss.