Shadow Ulteria


Access / Mechanics of Shadow: Ulteria is accessible by Pattern, Logrus and Trump. Once in the shadow, Trump does not work, and Pattern and Logrus are VERY slow to come up. It is inaccessible via magic. It is a magic dead shadow. Even basic conjuring is unable to work here.


Population / Rulers: Ulteria is mostly an unpopulated shadow. Only a few hundred low-tech families live there. Interspersed with the farming families are an equal number of guard families and androids. The guard families and androids are all equipped with stun guns. They are constantly monitoring the people for intruders. They have orders to shoot, on-sight, any outsider. They are to shoot these outsiders with their well concealed stun guns. These guns have been tested on Katrina. When it was determined, what was needed to knock her unconscious, that level was doubled. They can adequately knock her unconscious for two hours. All prisoners are immediately taken to the crystal cave and placed in a holding cell. The guards immediately send a message to Katrina, which is held for her. She picks up messages once a day. Katrina rules Ulteria as it's Queen. The populace is ruled on a day to day basis by Androids that work for Katrina, as she is so often gone.


Technology Levels: Technology levels in this shadow are high, but unused by the populace, with the exception of the guards, androids and Katrina.


Territory / Geography: The village in which the population lives is nestled near the center of a picturesque valley. To the east edge of the valley, about a 10 minute walk, is the crystal cave and guard center.


Crystal Dungeon: The cave is impermeable to Trump, Pattern, Logrus and Magic. A synthesizer in the guard complex replicates a crystal door on the prison automatically after the room is entered. It can only be released by Katrina. The inside of the cave is full of hermetically sealed cells. In the corner of each cell, is an air exchange system, camera, microphone and speaker. If this corner is approached too closely, paralytic, sleep inducing nerve gas is released in the room, and oxygen is cut-off until prisoner is rendered unconscious. Again, this has been tested on Katrina, and then doubled. Further, the cave has psychic dampeners installed throughout it.