The morning after, Kendrick is visited before breakfast by the Facilitator.  "Sorry to trouble you so early, sir," he says, "we have a situation that requires your attention."


He waits until he has Kendrick's full attention before proceeding. "We monitor the trumps of all the known family, as you know, and a few others besides. We have observed that there has been activity, if only briefly, on Lady Dara's trump. You may recall she grievously injured Lord Lucien and Princess Florimel, and escaped our custody. Well, we have cross-referenced this activity with outgoing calls and have discovered that General Aelric was in conversation with her. What would you have us do?"


"Yes, I was aware that would happen eventually.  Continue to monitor all Trumps.  I would like to have a transcription of Trump contacts, all Trump contacts, provided to me daily."


[OOC: Kendrick has made a Trump of his prison in the ground.  The one he constructed a month or so ago.  He has now memorized the Trump.]


"All?" The Facilitator says doubtfully. "I would require the king's authority to publish transcripts of *his* conversations, and I daresay he would have my head for even asking. I suggest we permit the crown to edit some of its own correspondences."




Kendrick looks shocked.  "Oh my.  I never thought about the King's conversations.  Of course you are correct.  Thank you for your vigilance Facilitator."


The Facilitator bows.

"A pleasure to be of service, my Lord. I will issue instructions immediately. Would you authorize launch of a probe to track Lord Aelric? I understand he has left the Citadel, so we currently cannot reliably tap his trump."


“I don’t believe that will be necessary, Facilitator.  Lord Aelric informed me that he was attempting to track down the renegade Dara.  As you know, I logged the fact that he was given Dara’s Trump when I bestowed it upon him.”


The Facilitator nods enthusiastically. "Yes, my lord, but I had assumed that was so we could accumulate dossier of evidence against the General. Is that not so?"


Kendrick looks sharply at the Facilitator.  "Are you aware of some crime he has committed?  If so, please tell me now.  Otherwise, we have no reason to suspect General Aelric is anything but a loyal subject of Jade.  As such, he has earned the right to our respect and trust in his abilities."


The Facilitator looks suitably cowed. He bows deeply.  "By your command." He says.  With that, he departs.




A letter arrives:

"Dear Lord Kendrick,


Thank you for your kind hospitality and consideration on occasion of my

visit to Jade. Regrettably business at home has called me back to Argent, but please feel free to visit at any time.


Kind regards,





Kendrick writes a quick note back, and dispatches it by currier.


"Dear Lady Tana,


I had a wonderful time in your company during the coronation ceremonies.  I hope we can continue to see one another.  You are often in my thoughts.  Please feel free to visit at any time.


With Deep Affection,



After a private breakfast, a herald visits.


"Excuse me, my Lord, His Majesty requests you attend a session of the Privy Council this morning at 10. Will you be able to attend?"


"Of course.  Where will the meeting be held?"


"The Lord Chamberlain's Office," the Herald replies.  [That's Aelric's old office, now occupied by Peredur.]


The new Privy Council assembles in the Lord Chamberlain's office, ushered in by a herald. For those who visited it while Aelric was here, it has noticeably changed. The Spartan look has been replaced by a more flamboyant tone - as if Flora has redecorated. The drapes are rich red and green velvet, the carpet deep pile sea green with fleur-de-lys patterns.  Portraits in oils of beautiful young women adorn the walls.


Peredur is sat behind a polished hardwood desk, with a folder open in front of him. Arranged in a semi-circle before the desk are three chairs.


"Welcome to the first Privy Council meeting of King Bleys' government.  Please, be seated. I assume you all know each other?" Peredur asks.


Kendrick smiles.  "Yes. I believe we do."


"Indeed," Morvana says as she looks at each and nods hello.


Sarael nods to each in turn.


"Good," Peredur says. "The reason I've asked you all here this morning is to discuss he case of a newcomer to the Jade Citadel. She calls herself the Sorceress Althea, and we were hoping she would find her a home at the Mage's College. Duchess Morvana, I believe you have spoken to her...what were your impressions of her personality?"


"My initial interaction with the Lady was in a polite letter in which she refused to work at the Mage's college.  I met with her for tea in the hopes that I could work something out with the Lady.  She was insulted by the regent's questions into her background." she pauses.


"I'm sure you understand we have to take into account there is a risk involved in bringing 'lost' family back to Jade," Peredur explains. "Such processing used to be done by the Inquisition, and their questioning would have been far more searching than the panel of mages."


"This lady destroyed the shadow where she was resident when she left it, and has with her what calls the ghost of her dead daughter." Peredur continues. "That was only partially true. Once we've agreed the best course of action with her mother, I think Sarael should interview the daughter. Her case is a curious one, I'm sure you'll agree."


Sarael watches Peredur with detached curiosity. "Sounds fascinating."


"Althea refused to take the oath of allegiance, and she was found with trumps of Chaosian origin on her person. While I want to treat her case sympathetically, we are responsible for the security of the Citadel and must take appropriate action." Peredur says.


Sarael closes his eyes for a moment in contemplation and then queries. "Perhaps we should approach the interrogation of this woman in a more informal fashion."


Peredur looks at the others, letting slip no hint of his own opinion.


"First of all, Would anyone believe her if she did take an oath?  After all, she has only been here for days.  I think it shows a level of respect for an oath to refuse to take it, without first knowing who and what you would be required to support."  He pauses for a moment.  He looks to Peredur, "Which branch of the family does Lady Althea spring from?"


Morvana nods, this was the point she was trying to make.


Peredur makes a face. There is a pregnant pause as he fiddles with his pencil. "She is Brand's daughter. That means she could potentially control the Matrix. The oath is only symbolic, but it is important. Perhaps she shares your view, Kendrick, but I rather suspect she dislikes taking orders from men."


"The Lady did not take allegiance, but wants to live here, how odd.  Although it seems she's being honest," Morvana adds.


Peredur looks skeptical.


"I admit, I did not have trouble talking to her," she says.


"That may be, I have yet to meet the lady.  But, my point still stands, how much would you trust her if she blindly swore obedience to the new Monarch.  I would like to personally interview her.  I would also like to study those Trumps.  Can you have them all sent to me?  How did she explain them?"


"That is not the point," Peredur replies. "We have an audience of millions, billions even, who watch what goes on in the Citadel. Her absence at the ceremony sends a message of defiance to Shadow - a message that we do not command the support of our own. Rebellions and insurrection we can do without."


"Rest assured, Kendrick, you will have the opportunity to speak with her. If you're willing we can escort you there once this meeting is finished. As for the trumps, I believe your department has them. She claims she got them from Yasmin, Empress of Thelbane. A disturbing turn of events, if true." Peredur says, looking suitably perplexed.


"I will try to do so, after meeting with her, and seeing the Trumps” Kendrick replies.


"Can you tell us who the trumps are of?" Morvana asks.


Peredur looks expectantly at Kendrick.


Kendrick looks a bit irritated.  "First it is unlikely that the billions of people in shadow are aware of her.  Since not even the family was informed of her presence as of yet, and there has yet to be a formal public recognition of any kind.  But, I will concede the point that in the future in MAY look bad.  But considering she is Brand's daughter and only recently discovered, I think common sense would dictate that she might not have been welcome at the coronation.  Let the Universe believe what it will.  Besides, I am sure given time, Lady Althea may come around.  I will talk to her as you suggest, and perhaps as she comes to know us, and we her, she may publicly declare her support."


Peredur nods sagely. "Time will tell. As I'm unsure of the entire content of the trump deck Althea brought here, perhaps you can enlighten us?"


Before the Privy Council meeting, Kendrick receives a dossier on Althea. It is a list of strange trumps she brought to Jade. They are listed as "of Chaosian origin" with the note "highly dangerous - DO NOT USE".
















A huge boar

A hairy ape

A powerful-looking horse

An elegant upright tiger

A wolfhound with gleaming red eyes.


A lake, reflecting blue sky, clouded in mist.

An arid desert with red sky

A lunar landscape

An upland heath

Dark, wintry woodland

Twisted metal trees




Copies have been returned to her, but the originals have been put under lock and key.


"According to a dossier I only just received a few minutes ago, they contain the following images:
















A huge boar

A hairy ape

A powerful-looking horse

An elegant upright tiger

A wolfhound with gleaming red eyes.


A lake, reflecting blue sky, clouded in mist.

An arid desert with red sky

A lunar landscape

An upland heath

Dark, wintry woodland

Twisted metal trees"


Whose design is on the back of the trumps?


“I am afraid that I only just received this information.  More research will have to be done on this matter.”


"Ah, I know this one," Peredur says, looking pleased with himself. "It is the sign of the Logrus, the lost power of the Courts of Chaos."


Kendrick nods.  "Yes, it is the sign of the Logrus, but who created these Trumps is the more important question in my mind.  It is likely a Chaosian, but every artist has their own flourish they leave on the cards.  That is an important avenue to research."


Morvana nods,  “I can research it in our library.”


"Of course it's entirely possible the artist is dead," Peredur says, "though it is an interesting question. Perhaps we should ask Merlin."


Kendrick nods.  “Very well, I will meet with him after I meet with Lady Althea.”


"You'll have to find him first," Peredur notes. "He's in Shadow. I suggest you all consider this situation carefully, and report back in a week. For the moment we'll adjourn, and in the meantime try to prevent the sort of crises the Citadel has recently faced. Thank you all for coming."


"I can probably find him," Morvana says.  "When will we be meeting again?" she asks.  "I would also be happy to host a tea so we could have a chance to all meet with the Lady Althea under more pleasant circumstances."


"Very well; let it be a date and time of your choosing, but within the week." Peredur says. "Tell the Heralds and they'll make sure everyone is informed."


Sarael nods thoughtfully and then stands. "If I may, I have some research to attend to. I do look forward to meeting Lady Althea at tea."


Kendrick stands.  “I will meet with her and look into her Trumps”, he pauses, “I will also set aside some personal time to talk with her.  Good day all.”  With that, Kendrick walks out.