Dawn. The sun rises slowly casting long shadows across the Grove of the Unicorn, distant echo of Amber and oasis of calm in the land of Jade. As the royal family are drawn up in a line along the brow of the hill, a procession of priests, carrying a golden vase of oil at the head, make their way to the hollow of the grove. As they form a circle, a thin carpet of dew glistens about their feet, dampening the fringes of their white robes. The High Priest Heronimus Cornelius, the Cardinal of Thelbane, the highest clerical authority in all creation, raises the jug high and presents it to the onlookers. Next his assistant steps forward, similarly raising a garland of olive leaves for the crowd to witness.


Present on the hillside are the Lord Chamberlain, Peredur, his sister Artemis, Isabella, Beatrix, Judhael, Alexander, Sarael, Paris, Morvana, Aelric, Malcolm and Kendrick.


Of the Elder Amberites, only Flora and Julian are here.


Artemis is a tanned, lithe almost androgynous figure about 5'5" tall. Her almond shaped aquamarine eyes gaze out from under a shock of red-gold curls, the fringe falling almost to her brow. Her features are sharp but pretty. She is wearing a full length chiton of white with gold hems, and a golden snake bracelet. The material is light and clings intriguingly to the

contours of her body.


Peredur is a blond-haired young man of serious expression who has adopted the habit of the High Inquisitor - severe blacks with violet trim. He carries a longsword of practical design, while his gloved hands are hooked in his belt. His tall black riding boots have silver spurs that look brand new.


Isabella too has chosen to wear black, though that is where the comparison ends. She wears a daring leather ensemble that spills white ruffled silk from her knee-length skirt and lace-front bodice. With velvet glove from fingertip to elbow, she looks like she should have cigarette-holder held in her fingers rather than a silver comb, which she slides through her luxuriant curls.


Beatrix looks positively plain in this setting, with her tousled hair pinned roughly above her neckline, and hastily donned chemise which does little to hide her muddy riding boots beneath. She tugs at it sub-consciously as her green eyes dart around the royal family.  


Tall, imperious and gaunt Judhael gazes impassively at the scene below. His charcoal-grey tunic is mostly hidden by an ash white cloak with a vivid purple lightning device upon it. His hands are crossed in front of him, as if in silent prayer.


Alexander looks surly in his waxed green overcoat and oiled mail, and seems to have made little effort to improve his careworn appearance. He stares at Beatrix a lot, while she tries to avoid his gaze. He appears to have a large wooden-handled knife in his belt.


Paris is a tall, slim man with dark hair over an English complexion and blue eyes. He wears a somber black leather doublet slashed with cobalt blue silk over black hose and breeches. His dress sword is belted at his side.


Flora for once allows her daughter the limelight, dressed demurely in a midnight blue regency gown that rises to her neck, where a single large pearl is stationed on a choker of seashells and mother-of-pearl.


Julian looks very tired, and detached from proceedings. His hands and skin look prematurely aged, and a few streaks of grey run through his long black hair. His eyes do not seem focused, but his stature is typically upright, and retains a noble bearing. Flora holds his arm and occasionally squeezes his hand. He is wearing a ranger's dress uniform, comprising a dark green

hussar's jacket and breeches with the braid of a commandant.


Aelric is dressed long black pants, black boots, white pressed-cotton shirt and black coat, buttoned high. It looks a bit different than his normal military attire. The clothes are simpler looking, but obviously a good, quality, cut and design. He wears a long, scabbarded sword at his side. He shifts quite a bit, unable to stand in one place. He's constantly surveying the crowd with his head a bit down, trying to avoid eye contact. He glances back up the path to the citadel often. He looks quite nervous.


Kendrick is wearing an extremely formal garment done in blacks and royal blues.  It is a silk outfit, made by the finest tailor in Jade.  He has black boots, and has his requisite jewelry on.  His clothing seems almost enchanted, as it contains no wrinkles, and seams to pickup no lint or dust.  He has a slight smile on his face.


Morvana is wearing a Victorian-era dress in aquamarine.


Sarael stands observing the ceremony, simply yet elegantly dressed in a dark grey cloak, a white peasants shirt and black dress pants. His long black hair is tied back in a ponytail. Black leather gloves cover his hands, which are clasped together in front of him.


After the presenting of the jug and garland, High Priest Heronimus steps to the center of the ring of priests and calls out.  "Step forward, the true king of Jade."


One of the priests casts back his hood and steps forward. It is Bleys.


"Kneel," the High Priest intones. Bleys kneels, and the priest rests his hand on the shock of red hair before him.  The attendant hands Heronimus the jug, which he slowly tips forward, a thin

line of oil dripping onto Bleys' forehead.


"Unicorn's blessings upon you, son of Oberon and Clarissa. May you keep their bequest safe from all harm." He prays aloud.


The other attendant hands Heronimus the wreath, which he places around Bleys' neck.  "May you be our champion, and the weight of your responsibilities give you strength to overcome."


"Unicorn's blessings upon you all. Rejoice! A new king is anointed, the realm is secure." The High Priest exclaims.


"Rejoice! Rejoice!" The ring of priests cry-out, before they begin to file away toward the Citadel, leaving Bleys and the High Priest alone.


"Arise, King of Jade," the High Priest says, and Bleys gets to his feet. He turns to the onlookers.


"Hail, children of the Unicorn. Walk with me now, walk the spiral path, and we shall be one. A strong king will rule a strong realm, for you, your children and your children's children."


He turns and begins to follow the line of priests back to the Citadel, as the sun creeps skyward, spreading a golden glow across the grove.


The High Priest transforms into a dove, and flies off toward the horizon. Eyes that follow will notice that Tyr stands vividly against the flawless azure blue of the heavens. Even the thunderhead above the Citadel has dispersed.


The Royal Herald then speaks to the assembled family. "You are invited to attend an informal family breakfast with the new king. As is custom, he will not be eating or drinking at this time, though the rest of you may do so. The Unicorn's blessings upon you all."


The Throne Room has been opened out and decorated from top to bottom in emerald, white and crimson flowers, which wind their way in spiral tendrils outwards towards the Banqueting Hall. The Hall itself seems tense to bursting as if awaiting the procession of a May queen, while the gentle sound of strings filters down from the musician's gallery.


Lady Claudia, resplendent in a powder blue gown, oversees proceedings. She watches with a keen eye as a ceremonial escort of purple uniformed guardsmen flank the guests, filtering into the Throne Room where they stand in their allotted spaces awaiting the arrival of the new king.


Over the grand staircase, huge trellises slung with red roses fill the air with their raspberry-rich aroma, while serving maids dressed as Athenian priestesses scatter petals in front of the arriving royalty.


The corridors of the mezzanine are decorated with Doric columns festooned with flags, bunting and flowers. Guards in the dress uniform of the Citadel, themselves garlanded with gold braid and emerald sashes strung with medals, line the walls.


Present in the throne room are the Lord Chamberlain, Peredur, his sister Artemis, Isabella, Beatrix, Judhael, Alexander, Sarael, Paris, Morvana, Aelric, Malcolm, Kendrick.


Also from the String of Pearls and the Jade Hinterlands Lady Tana of Argent, King Louis of Mistral, Lord General Ogedei of Xosche, Lady Zashelas of Swn-Y-Môr, Empress Desdemona of Zimba, Caliph Oman of Mithrahar, Count Waunscale, Queen Akasta, Princess Hypolyta of Mu, Speaker Karlov, Admiral Choudhray and Lord Bayle. (yes, it's a big throne room)


Of the Elder Amberites, only Flora is here. She has exchanged her rather restrained dress for an Elizabethan farthingale and outrageous quantities of jewels, which criss-cross her low-cut bodice like filigree. She fans herself with a silver butterfly fan of Xoschian design, the diamonds on its

rim sparkling as she does so.


Once the crowd has settled, the High Priest walks in. Heronimus Cornelius, the Cardinal of Thelbane, raises on high the golden crown Bleys is reputed to have received from the unicorn herself*.


"This crown I bless in the name of the blood of Amber, the Unicorn of Jade and the ancient powers vested within me. Step forward, he who would be king."


From among the crowd Bleys steps, still in the robes of a priest. He kneels, is crowned, and then stands.


"I crown you Bleys, Emperor of Jade, the King of the Thousand Worlds." The High Priest intones.


Bleys then stands, while Lady Claudia appears at his right hand to pass him the orb and scepter.


"Hear me, all you present, and those of you who listen in Shadow." Bleys says, in clear voice. "I assume the crown and throne this day. The scepter and orb, and all the chattels of monarchy are mine to command. I take into my hand this silver scepter, representing the Empire of Jade. I have won this throne fairly, and I take it and hold it by right of blood.


"and now my task is done," says the High Priest. He raises his cloak and turns to vapor.


[*This rumor has been around the city for the past week.]


Flora steps forward, bobs a curtseys to Bleys, then opens a book she is passed by one of the Royal Heralds. She begins to read, as if to the king, while Bleys looks around the faces in front of him.


"I see the Four-fold Man, The Humanity in deadly sleep

And its fallen Emanation, the Spectre and its cruel Shadow.

I see the Past, Present and Future existing all at once

Before me. O Divine Spirit, sustain me on thy wings,

That I may awake Amber from his long and cold repose;

For Oberon and Random, sheath'd in dismal steel, their terrors hang

Like iron scourges over Jade: reasonings like vast serpents

Infold around my limbs, bruising my minute articulations.


I turn my eyes to the schools and universities of Creation

And there behold the Loom of Brand, whose work rages dire,

Wash'd by the Water-wheels of Weaver: black the cloth

In heavy wreaths folds over every nation: cruel works

Of many Wheels I view, wheel without wheel, with cogs tyrannic

Moving by compulsion each other, not as those in Eden, which,

Wheel within wheel, in freedom revolve in harmony and peace."


As she reads this, one more person walks into the room, to kneel before Bleys.

Deirdre, his raven-haired sister, fully armed and armored, bows her head before him. Flora's glares at her with eyes like chips of ice, but Deirdre's gaze is lowered to the floor. When the reading finishes, Bleys bids her stand. He takes off the wreath he is wearing and places it around

Deirdre's neck. "Arise, Protector of Jade," Bleys says; he then addresses the crowd. "Now all you who have come here to serve, step forward and pledge your allegiance, and I will offer the strength of the Empire to protect you. You may then begin the feast, and enjoy with me this auspicious and joyful day."


Flora kneels before Bleys.

"My king, my Emperor, I pledge my all to you. You may do with me as you see fit, and I hope to bask in the light of your blessings for so long as we both shall live."


[*Kendrick remembers the perfume. He realizes Tana was wearing his mother's favorite.]


Aelric moves to the front from the recesses of the Throne Room, just a few steps to the right and behind Flora, and unsheathes his sword. He salutes, blade between his eyes, and then rotates it parallel to the ground, blade in left hand, hilt in right.  He kneels, and bows his head. "My sword shall follow your command to the Ends of the World - To Chaos, to Abyss, to Oblivion itself. I pledge my sword, service, and life to thee, My Liege." He remains kneeling next to Flora.


Kendrick kneels next to his mother.  “I swear to faithfully and efficiently administer my office, and to be a loyal citizen and representative of his Majesty, King Bleys, and the throne of Jade.”


Morvana rises and walks forward, looking at Bleys briefly before kneeling,

“By the Unicorn, who has bestowed her blessing upon your head, I will to his Emperor Bleys and Jade, be true and faithful.  Supporting all which he loves and shun all which you shun, according the laws of the Unicorn and the order of Jade.  I swear to well and loyally administer my office and give wise counsel to the Crown when asked, according to my knowledge and ability. I pledge myself and service to thee.”


Sarael steps forward and kneels before Bleys. "In the name of the Unicorn, I hereby offer my fealty to the crown."


Malcolm waits his turn and comes forward and kneels.


"I pledge my service to Jade and it's anointed ruler.  I offer my services to protect Jade and all that is Jade to the best of my abilities."


Alexander kneels before the king, and offers up the hilt of his sword, which has been hitherto concealed. "I pledge my allegiance to the crown of Jade and its true heirs; on my oath I swear to do what needs to be done, to the fullest and the best of my ability."


"Arise all, and be welcome," says Bleys, gesturing with his free hand.  "Eat, drink and be merry in the security of my halls, which will be a sanctuary and home for all here present while I wear this crown."


After everyone has made their oath, there is a blast of trumpets, and refreshments are served. Within this crowded area, there is little chance for private conversation, so there is little of it. As time draws on, with some relief another fanfare is sounded and the guests can stretch their legs in the Fountain Court while the preparations are made for the evening event. Bleys remains in the throne room with Deirdre.


At length, the doors to the Lobby are thrown open, so that the guest can make their way into the banqueting hall by passing the base of the Grand Staircase. Each guest finds themselves walking down a deep pile red carpet, gazing up at the unfurled flags of one hundred kingdoms hanging down from the beams. The embossed ceiling carries the heraldry of all of the senior acknowledged Amberites, and even a few unrecognizable ones.


There is one long table carefully arranged with shining silver cutlery, ornately forged with little unicorns rampant on the handles, placed before each chair, along with an array of crystal glasses. Along the spine of the table, silver candelabra and aquamarine fruit bowls are placed, while sparkling silver servers reflect the huge diamond chandeliers above.


Other than this table, there are a series of closely-packed round tables, clearly designed so each guest can mingle with as many others as possible. For those that choose to, there is a buffet arrangement at the far end of the hall.


The portraits that hang along the walls have the look of the newly painted, though many are ancient. Dusty tapestries have been removed to reveal rows of arched doorways, each decorated with spirals of floral garlands. There are a lot of military uniforms on display, but no-one is carrying a weapon, ceremonial or otherwise. There is a vast array of costumes and colors,

telling of people and places that are only rarely seen together in one place.


A servant approaches each of you and requests you take your positions on the High Table.


The table arrangements are as follows (there is a name plate in front of each position):


The top table comprises thirteen seats, at the head of which is the King's chair. To his left sits Peredur, Flora to his right. Down the right hand side of the table after Flora and moving further away are Kendrick, Lady Tana, Aelric, Artemis and Alexander. Down the left hand side after Peredur are Morvana, Isabella, Sarael, Malcolm and Beatrix. There is no-one sitting opposite anyone on the top table, as its width, not length, is facing the other diners.


Delegations have been mixed on the other tables, to allow different representatives to talk to each other. All, that is, except those of Mithrahar, who have a table to themselves.


The king enters to a further blaze of trumpets, sits and begins eating without ceremony. He lavishes a lot of his attention on Flora. The servants begin filling everyone's plates and glasses as sedate adagios for strings fill the air.


Alexander, who doesn't seem to be in good spirits, mutters: "Sod this," and walks off in the direction of the buffet.


Bleys doesn't seem to notice.


Malcolm turns his attention to Beatrix who is sitting next to him as Alexander walks off.


"What's upset him?" Malcolm asks her as he nods his head in the direction of Alexander.


Beatrix shrugs, eyes lowered and pushes a few peas around her plate.


Malcolm shrugs himself.


"There might be some other food that you might find more appealing." He says to her.


"I hope you have enjoyed your new position." Malcolm adds.


At some point in the evening, Aelric will make his way over the Xoschan delegates. He greets each one, formally, and then begins chatting with them.


"It's not what I was expecting." Beatrix sulks. "I have hardly any time riding. Everyone needs to be told what to do. How can I go riding when everyone's bothering me with 'where shall I put the shit, ma'am' and 'how would you like me to arrange it, ma'am'??"


Flora 'tsks' from the other end of the table.


Malcolm smiles slightly at this, "Well, it certainly gives a different view in that you are in a position of telling them what they can do with it."


"You should go riding though, if that's what you wish to do.  Too long you were confined that you shouldn't be forced to stay in now. I might even desire a ride myself.  The fresh air would do wonders after days in the Libraries with little results." Malcolm says.


"Well, you're welcome to come over any time." Beatrix says, brightening. "I'm sure I can find time between mucking out to ride with a handsome prince."


Sarael looks over at Malcolm, nods and looks over at Beatrix. "May I make a suggestion, my lady Beatrix. Do you have anyone on your staff who does a particularly good job?"


"If you're suggesting I delegate, forget it," Beatrix says. "There's all no brighter than the stuff they're shoveling. I think the military and mages get the brightest and best. I get what's left."

She shoots a meaningful glance toward Bleys, but he is too busy sating the royal hunger.


Sarael looks thoughtful for a moment. "Train someone to become your assistant and it will pay off in the long run."


"In the long run we'll all be dead." Beatrix replies.


Sarael ponders this for a moment. "Such morbid thoughts for one so young and fair." Sarael takes a sip of ice water. "Still, you are correct. Death will come upon each of us in the fullness of time and some will feel that sting sooner than others." Sarael pauses for a moment and then in a lower tone he recites from memory.


"BECAUSE I could not stop for Death,

He kindly stopped for me;

The carriage held but just ourselves

And Immortality.


We slowly drove, he knew no haste,

And I had put away

My labor, and my leisure too,

For his civility.


We passed the school where children played

At wrestling in a ring;

We passed the fields of gazing grain,

We passed the setting sun.


We paused before a house that seemed

A swelling of the ground;

The roof was scarcely visible,

The cornice but a mound.


Since then ’t is centuries; but each

Feels shorter than the day

I first surmised the horses’ heads

Were toward eternity."


He then stops and takes another sip of ice water.


"Bloody hell," says Beatrix, earning another 'tsk' from Flora. "Wish I never mentioned it."


The ghost of a smile touches his lips at this comment.


"You like poetry, Sarael?" Bleys enquires, taking a sudden interest. "I always took you as a man of science, rather than words."


Sarael nods. "Man must nourish his soul as well as his mind."


"Poetry should be of romance, of epic deeds," Flora responds, "not of morbid things. That war poetry is so dull and dreary."


"'Dulce et Decorum Est'," Bleys counters.


"Sorry, I'll put up with a Requiem, but not 1000 words of misery." Flora says.


Sarael sips his water again and then heads over to the banquet table to sample the food.


Malcolm gives Sarael a small stare.


"Perhaps, you should come with us on the ride.  Certainly, it will make it interesting. If you will both excuse me, I think I'll get some food."


Sarael nods. "Perhaps."


Malcolm gets up and goes over to the banquet table.  If Aelric is available, he will head over in his direction.


Morvana changes into something that looks similar to earlier, but the black overskirt is actual dark green, with seed pearls and gold thread running throughout the material.  The skirt underneath appears to be silk with more gold thread.  She wears a gold choker of diamonds and emeralds, and matching smaller earrings.  Her hair is up with soft curls framing her face.  For dinner, she wears a matching jacket that covers the bodice. After dinner, she will remove it.


Aelric remains pretty quiet throughout the proceedings, unless someone directly engages him in

conversation. He makes polite chat, and then returns to status quo. He'll head up to the buffet for food, after a few people have chatted with him.


Tana leans over to Kendrick and nods towards the other end of the table.  "Do you know my half-sister Morvana? My father arranged to marry her off to King Brand," she gossips. "She seems to have coped with her loss quite well, don't you think?"


“Yes, I had heard your sister was to become Brand’s bride.”  Kendrick pauses, “She is now in charge of the Mage School, correct?”


"Really? I hadn't heard that," Tana replies. "Still, she probably needs to go back to school. She always played truant when she was a girl."


Kendrick smiles.  “And what about you?  You seem to have spent a good amount of time studying.”


"Oh, yes. I'm much younger than Morvana, or course, and papa wanted me to study." Tana says. "Though coming here is itself an education."


At some point in the early evening, Morvana walks up to the new King and with a slight curtsey and a smile, hands Bleys a small ornately wrapped package.  "A gift from myself and the college to congratulate on you ascension," she says.


Bleys looks pleasantly surprised. Flora eyes the package curiously.  "Why thank you, Morvana."


He opens it and holds it up to the light cascading down from a grand chandelier. "Very impressive," Bleys says, turning it in his hands.


It is a unicorn statuette, with a subtle emerald hue, that seems to glow with an inner light. It's golden horn sparkles with the dusting of diamonds, reflecting rainbow colors.


He places it on the table in front of him, and continues to admire it while quaffing his wine.


"You are quite welcome, our congratulations to you," she says pleased that he likes it.  She makes her way back to her seat unless he has anything else to add.


Morvana will go great her sister at some point in the evening, "Sister, it is good to see you, how do you fare?"


Tana is being escorted by Kendrick. By this point most of the eating has been done, and nobles are circulating (some would say conspiring).


"I am well, thank you. It was good of your cousin Kendrick to invite me. I think I might have otherwise fallen off the guest list. Rin forgot to send someone in his stead." Tana replies. "I think it's all a bit too much for him."


"Are you well?" She enquires.


Morvana nods to Kendrick in greeting, "I am well enough.  It has been a whirlwind few weeks.  How do things fair in Argent?" she asks.


Kendrick smiles at Morvana.  “I am afraid that with my new duties, I am rarely in Argent these days.  I spend most of my time in the castle.”


"Fair is an accurate assessment," Tana says, sipping on the wine her father would have prohibited but a few months ago. "Our government needs an overhaul if we are to match the expectations the new king will put upon us," she continues. "All they do is talk."


Morvana chuckles, "I think that is all most governments do.  Hopefully, you will be able to help guide Rin."


"If he and his councilors will ever listen," Tana replies. "I find myself spending less and less time at home. There is more rewarding company elsewhere," she says, casting a glance at Kendrick.


Kendrick blushes and sips his wine.


"Do you enjoy living here in Jade?" she asks.


“I suppose it is as good a place as any.” Kendrick replies.


"I am glad you could come and join us, thank you for inviting my sister," Morvana says to Kendrick.


“Her company is all the thanks I need.”


As the evening wears on, it is plain that many of the delegates are not here for the long haul. The diplomatic staff, easily distinguished by their gold sashes, facilitate the dispersal of those that wish to retire and seem to be exerting no pressure on anyone to stay.


Soon many of the tables are empty, though a small crowd has gathered around the buffet area. Alexander has already left.


Whatever the size of the audience, the musicians seem intent on soldiering on regardless. 


After what seems like an eternity, the new king leaves his seat. He beckons Lady Claudia over and indicates the unicorn statuette. "See that Duchess Morvana's gift is conveyed safely to my quarters. Put it in the bay window, so it looks out over the city," he says.


He then takes Flora's hand and makes a gesture to the musicians above. They begin to play a lively military two-step, and the King and Chatelaine begin gliding gracefully around the floor.


Many of the remaining guests also take the opportunity to dance, though a throng continues to congregate around the buffet tables, notably Aelric and the Xoschian delegates and Lord Sarael. Queen Akasta's party also stand aloof.


Beatrix asks Malcolm if he wants to dance...


Malcolm getting back from the buffet table and noticing that Aelric was busy with the delegates, puts his plate down at Beatrix's suggestion.


"Yes, I'd be happy to dance, especially with one so lovely."  Malcolm offers his hand to Beatrix and leads her out to the dance floor.


Beatrix smiles broadly. She is actually very pretty when she smiles, but she hasn't done much smiling lately.


Malcolm lifts one hand to fix a bit of her hair for a moment.  He smiles at her.


"You should smile more often.  Come on... I bet you could show everyone how to dance.  Riding horses takes rhythm.  A lot more rhythm then studying spells and reading old dusty books like I do.  You could even show me a thing or two."


"Likely I could," she counters, and graces him with another smile.


Malcolm is most likely an average dancer.  He does pay attention to Beatrix as they dance.


Beatrix has natural grace, but also follows the moves in a way that suggests tutoring. She has to help Malcolm with his steps here and there...and also moves his hand to the correct position.


As the tempo changes, he does his best to match though he can't help but glance at the Queen now and then as she dances with Bleys.  And now and then he also glances towards Bley's daughter Artemis to see if she is dancing or not.


Artemis was dancing with the Crown Prince of Mistral, but doesn't seem to fancy the rumba (it requires...ahem...more personal contact.) She is currently speaking to one of the diplomatic staff at the buffet tables.


Aelric bows to several of the Xoschian delegates, and makes his way closer to the food. He begins selecting items to place on a plate.


Morvana goes up to the buffet table, and chooses a dark chocolate dessert, covered in swirled raspberry sauce.  She downright glares at Queen Akasta's party, and then walks up to Aelric.  "Good evening, care to join me while I eat?"


Queen Akasta is a fierce-looking black lady has straight hair the color of night that flows down her back. She is wearing a tight bodice, which looks like it has been woven from reeds. It is nonetheless colorful and moves with her like a second skin. She is openly wearing weapons (a knife on her calf and a short sword on her hip), though they are unadorned. Her dark eyes flick around the room, missing nothing.


"Certainly." He glances, curious expression in his face at Akasta, then turns back to Morvana.


Coincidentally, the group suddenly bursts out laughing. They chatter loudly in their harsh unfathomable dialect.


Morvana looks at Sareal who also is standing there, "Very interesting poetry, did you write that?"


Sarael nods to Morvana. "No, I cannot make that claim. It was Emily Dickinson. An American poet from shadow Earth."


She stands ignoring the crowd and eating her cake, looking at Aelric and Sareal.


Leaving Flora to dance with the King of Mistral, Bleys approaches Queen Akasta and they briefly exchange pleasantries before he escorts her onto the floor. The music changes to an exotic but eminently danceable rumba. Many of the couples on the floor are unsure of the moves, but Bleys and Akasta never miss a beat, moving sensuously together in the center of the throng.



The music stops and the guests politely applaud, Queen Akasta says something to Bleys, and heads off in the direction of the West Wing, hotly pursued by her aides. The rest of her delegation disperse. Bleys watches her go, before being joined by the Empress of Zimba.


The music starts up again, this time to a sedate waltz, and the dance resumes.


Flora changes partners and begins dancing with the Caliph of Mithrahar, who starts whispering something in her ear. Flora smiles.


Malcolm is dancing with Beatrix.


Malcolm continues to dance with Beatrix.  He seems to be talking to her softly as they dance.  And seems more comfortable with the slower waltz.


At the next pause in the music, Beatrix curtseys deeply to Malcolm, before making her way over to Bleys. They have a brief conversation, during which there are nods and smiles. She receives a kiss on the cheek from the king and departs toward the West Wing.


Bleys does not take part in the next dance, going over to speak with Lady Claudia.


Morvana looks to be hard in thought, for a brief moment she looks as if she has seen a ghost and then her face is serene once again.


Morvana is by the buffet table with Aelric and Sarael. (The conversation with Kendrick and Tana would have been completed.) Count Waunscale and Admiral Choudhray are there too, talking to each other.


Peredur is talking to Lady Claudia the Royal Steward near the grand staircase. Isabella appears to have left.


The only major delegations remaining are those of Mistral, Zimba and Mithrahar.


Kendrick turns to Tana and asks, “Would you be so kind as to allow me this dance?”, as he stands, and offers her his hand.


"Thank you, I'd be delighted," Tana says, and they seamlessly join the dancing couples in the center of the hall.


Aelric turns to Morvana and holds out his hand right hand. "Seems to be the trend," he states. "Join me?"


"Certainly," she says.


He leads Morvana - plateless - into the throng of dancers, and begins to waltz.


Sarael observes the goings on while sipping his ice water. He looks with detached

interest at all the goings on.



When Beatrix departs, Malcolm makes his way over to where Artemis is standing.


Lady Claudia and Bleys conclude their discussion, and the king goes over to speak to the Caliph of Mithrahar, perhaps to let Flora escape his clutches.


She meantime walks over to speak to Sarael. As usual, many eyes follow her as she does so.



As the numbers in the Banqueting Hall thin out, those who were at the high table notice Paris sitting discretely with the Jade diplomatic staff. He could well have been there all night.


Paris is wearing his usual type of finery, this time a black leather doublet with silver slashing over a sapphire blue shirt, black leggings with black boots decorated silver, his scaled gloves in his belt. He is perhaps more pale than usual, not taking pains to hide that he is still overcoming some serious injury, but jovial and smiling nonetheless, enjoying both food and drink.


Morvana smiles, as she makes her way over to him.


Aelric finishes a conversation with a nobleperson, and bows to them. He starts making his way towards the exit, conversing briefly with folks as he approaches them. He leaves the party.


Paris gives Aelric a nod and small wave as he departs.


As Morvana approaches his table Paris is requesting a mineral water and lime from the servant. Paris stands for Morvana, slowly but straight, as she arrives and takes her hand briefly. "Morvana, anything for you?" The servant awaits her order.


"Please, sit for a while," Paris holds a chair for Morvana and then seats himself again. "How are you? Have you been here for the whole ceremony?"


Malcolm was speaking with Bleys.  When he is done with conversation, he makes his way towards the door to leave when he notices Paris and Morvana.  He detours in their direction and waits for a moment to say hello.


The music stops again, and a short fanfare brings the chat in the room to a halt. Lady Claudia steps up to the lectern, with its eagle of polished brass, and delivers a short speech in a clear canorous voice.  "His Majesty King Bleys offers his kind regards to you all, and extends the

hospitality of the Citadel to his honored guests. He is retiring for the evening, but both myself and the staff will do our utmost to ensure you continue to enjoy the festivities. Thank you." As the music resumes, Bleys walks slowly up the Grand Staircase, to be joined by Flora. The great double doors are opened, and they begin to disappear from view.


Paris is on his way out as well, by one of the downstairs side exits.





(This occurs the day of the coronation, mid-morning.)

Kendrick receives a trump call. Does he accept?




It's Deirdre, looking sober and focused.  "I understand you are the person to ask for trumps. I require one of Merlin, at once. Can you oblige?"


“Yes, of course”, he reaches for his deck, finds the appropriate card, and hands it through.


"Thank you," she says, and closes the link without further word.


Kendrick sends a note to the Facilitator with this information, and asks to have another Trump provided for his deck, as well as a spare deck from which he can give Trumps out in the future.


This is done by the time the meeting is concluded.