Kendrick wakes up suddenly in the dead of night. Thin moonlight penetrates the curtains, disturbed by a cold draught through the unshuttered windows.  Thunder rumbles above, while something claws frantically at the glass outside, trying to get in.


As he blinks, he realizes he is receiving a very faint trump contact.


Kendrick wakes, but tries not to move.  He listens carefully to the window for a moment, while slowly reaching for his dagger, and ring on the bedside table.


It sounds like a large bird. His room is quite high up, with a long drop beneath it, so it's unlikely to be anything human.


The trump contact pulses again weakly.


Kendrick takes the Trump call.


(He attempts to...)


He reaches for the contact over what seems an infinite distance. The tapping on the glass of his window is distracting, and he has trouble pushing the contact. He can sense the link begin to open, then falter, as if the party on the other end is physically weak as well as distant.


Kendrick moves into his study, makes sure it is quiet, and the curtains pulled, and takes the Trump call.


He moves, and as he does so the room seems to swim, as if he is moving in slow motion. He has a strange sense of dislocation. He settles into the study, straining hard to maintain the contact. Cold sweat runs down his temples.


[Kendrick has never experienced this sort of effort in maintaining a trump link before, btw.]


In his mind, he has no focused image, but only the impression of a woman's lips, breathing heavily and forming the words...  "Help"


A jolt runs through Kendrick as the contact is abruptly cut. His senses seem to have returned, and he feels very cold. Outside, the shutters are banging against the wall.


[Does Kendrick have any idea of how to reestablish the contact with an unknown individual?]


No, but he thinks if he spreads his trump deck and delicately probes each card, he will be able to tell who the caller was; provided he has the correct card, of course.


This does involve a small amount of risk. If he pushed the contact inside the Citadel it might be detected.


Kendrick spreads his cards onto the table and DELICATELY probes each woman’s card.


As soon as his finger hits one particular card, he recognizes her distinctive aura and powerful will. Green eyes sparkling, her familiar lips pressed into a delicate smile, Fiona watches him from the colored pasteboard of the card.


Kendrick immediately removes his hand from the card and breaks contact.


[Ok. Now what? He might have trouble getting back to sleep ;) ]


Kendrick quickly pulls on some clothing and calls for a page while he is dressing.


A page arrives promptly, and waits patiently outside while Kendrick dresses. "Yes, my lord?" He says.


Kendrick is still dressing, but addresses the page, “Have King Bleys woken.  Tell him it is urgent that I speak with him, and that I will meet him outside his study.”  Then Kendrick returns to dressing, and hurries out.


The page pales.  "You want me to w-wake the king?"  He looks askance for a moment, before bowing and dashing off.


Kendrick arrives outside and paces for the few moments he is alone before heavily armed men arrive, along with Bleys in his dressing gown. He cradles a glass of red wine and a cigar in his off-hand.  "Kendrick," he says brusquely, "what is it?"


Kendrick bows. “My apologies for waking you Sire.  I thought you would want to be informed immediately that the Princess Fiona has been trying to reach me via Trump.”


"I see," Bleys says. He puffs pensively on his cigar. "Inform the Ministry to lock down her trump, and contact Lucien. He's assigned to track her down. At least now we know he is looking for a live target."


"Thank you for informing me," he says. "You can give me an update in the morning, if there are further developments."  With that, he departs.


Kendrick bows.  Once the King has left, he will walk down to the Ministry.


The Facilitator comes to greet him. "Lord Director," he says "how may I serve?"


Kendrick replies, "I need all Trumps given to the Princess Fiona, as well as any Trumps of her inactivated for the time being" he pauses, and then adds, "on the King's orders."


The Facilitator looks confused.  "I don't wish a copy of every trump in the library? Your personal deck contains all active trump. Do you wish the inactive ones as well?"


He shouts an order to a nearby menial.  "Issue instructions for Princess Fiona's trumps to be jammed, with immediate effect."


The menial salutes and runs over to a nearby terminal, and begins typing.


"Just jamming the Trumps of Princess Fiona should suffice.  You are efficient as ever Facilitator, Thank you."


The Facilitator looks very pleased - as if that was the greatest compliment anyone has ever paid him - and bows.  "Is there anything more we can do, Lord Director?"


“No, that will be all.  It has been a long day.  I think I will return to bed.  Thank you for your assistance.”



The following is hand delivered -




The bearer is cordially invited to the anointing and coronation of Prince Bleys Clarisson of Amber, and lately Regent of Jade, at the Grove of the Unicorn on 15th Prosinetz, Yr 6AM. A reception and banquet will be held afterwards in the Great Hall of the Jade Citadel.


Formal wear only, please.






Kendrick sighs.  He pulls out his writing supplies, and writes a note to go back with the Page.



The following is sent back -




I eagerly accept, and look forward to the festivities.






Kendrick receives a visit from Peredur, who is followed by a long line of bearers, each carrying an oil painting. Elegantly framed and exquisitely colored, each represents a young lady in formal dress, of varying cultures and origins.


Peredur stands in his dress uniform, grinning broadly, as the paintings begin to accumulate in Kendrick's office.  "When it's convenient, could you have your boys make trumps of these

lovelies?" He enquires.


Kendrick nods.  "Of course Lord Chamberlain."


"Cheers," Peredur says. "Just drop them by my office in time for the coronation banquet. By the way, I can't wait to see your mother's outfit," he says with a cheery smile.


Kendrick nods again.  “I am sure she will be dazzling as always.”


Peredur departs with a wave, and as his followers unburden themselves, they leave also, executing a bow to Kendrick before they go. As Kendrick browses through the canvases, he comes across a familiar face; that of Tana, the girl his mother arranged for him to meet.


Kendrick smiles in spite of himself.  “Tana”, he says softly.  He pulls out a Trump of her and begins to concentrate.


There is a short delay before she answers. She looks surprised.  "Oh...hello, Lord...Kendrick." She says, lifting a gloved hand to shade her eyes. "How may I help you?"


"Hello Tana", Kendrick smiles at her.  "I was hoping I could ask you to accompany me to the King's coronation."


She breaks into a broad smile.  "I'd love to!"


Kendrick smiles back.  “I know we haven’t spoken since the other day, but things have been hectic around here for the last 2 days.  I am sure you must have heard the news of the attacks, Bleys’ kingship, and my promotion.”


She raises her hand to her mouth, eyes wide. Clearly she had not. She quickly regains her composure.  "I'm sorry, I didn't know. So I'm going to a coronation ball? What will I wear? How much time do I have to get my dress made?"  She seems suddenly overwhelmed.


Kendrick smiles at her.  “Don’t worry.  Contact my mother, she will be able to fill you in on all the appropriate information.”


"Very well," Tana replies. "May I come through to you - it would save me considerable traveling time..."


"Of course", Kendrick extends his hand to her.


She practically falls through the trump link - clearly being unused to that form of travel - into Kendrick's arms. [Unless he wants her to fall on her face ;) ] He is immediately surrounded by her heady cologne. It seems somehow familiar.  "Oops," she says and steadies herself. "Apologies, my lord," she says, dropping a curtsey reflexively.   "Perhaps you could call a Steward for me?" She asks.


Kendrick nods.  “Of course.”  He leans out the door and calls for a Steward.  He is trying to place where he has smelled the perfume previously as he returns to her.  “There, that is handled.” 


[He'll have to think about that one. I'll tell you when he remembers ;) ]  "Thank you, my lord." Tana says.  The Steward arrives promptly, taking Tana to one of the VIP rooms so she can prepare for the long day ahead.