When Althea has departed, Kendrick is approached by the Facilitator.


"A moment, Director, I have another message for you to read. I am sorry to report this transcript took us a while to decipher. It was encoded." He frowns in a way that suggests this is far more worrying than the message itself. "It was picked up by one of our long range monitoring stations, which indicates one of the parties, Merlin, is in deep Shadow."




"Merlin, thank you for answering. I have a heavy favor to ask of you; do you have time to join me here? I am near the Citadel."


"Have we met? Forgive me if we have, my memory is not what it used to be..."


"We did on a few occasions, before your death. Your father is a long-time associate of mine also. I'm Paris Dorman, Deirdre's son."


"Perhaps, Paris, but this Merlin does not know you. In what capacity do you serve Jade and the Citadel?"


"None, at this moment. That seems unlikely to change. This place is poison."


"Ah, to what do I owe the call then, of not some errand for Jade?"


"Frankly, it is rather personal. I would be very willing to speak with you about it more privately either here or where you are."


"If I have your Trump, I shall call you back...before I do; I am quite distant from Jade, did you have any trouble making this connection?"


"No, I didn't. Do you have a Trump of me? I don't have one but we may borrow Deirdre's. They are in short supply and she would like the return of it, though."


"Also, in case you do have trouble getting through in this direction, is there an amount of time you would like me to wait before contacting you again?"


"Perhaps an hour will do. I have your card. I will talk to you soon."




Kendrick reads it over twice carefully.  "It is definitely worthy of additional follow-up.  Continue to monitor the connections.  Can you prepare a small dossier on what is known of Paris?"  He pauses.  "Also, have a Trump of Paris made for me."  With that, he turns and strides out of the room. 


[OOC: Kendrick will be working on his Trump abilities, and reading up on them in whatever texts are available to him in his new position.  He wants to better understand Trump.  He wants to learn Trump from Memory and Trump re-direct.]


"At once, Director," he says with a bow.


{Ok, where's he headed?}


Kendrick heads to see Bleys' seneschal to arrange an appointment with his Majesty.


[Ok. He's in the right place to learn that. You may add Trump Memory to his portfolio as from now. By trump re-direct I assume you mean trump deception?


Trump Deception (5 points)


A Trump can be altered or designed so that it looks like something that has nothing to do with where it actually links.  An example would be a trump of 'Castle Amber' that actually took the user to Brand's Dungeon of Painful Innuendos. Alternately, one can make a trump that reacts like a 'real' trump, but it's actually connected to anything. ("Eric can't be dead...see? His trump still gets cool.") -- this will take a little longer.]


[I like the Trump deception, but I meant something a little different.  I want to be able to re-direct someone who Trumps me to another Trump or person, or if I am in Trump contact to redirect them to another Trump.]


{The Royal Steward is the appointments secretary for His Majesty. After a few minutes, she ushers Kendrick in to see him.}


Bleys is in a foul mood, striding up and down behind his desk. "Kendrick. Have you anything to report?"


[Ah, right. That will cost another 5pts, which means Kendrick is on the way to becoming an Advanced Trump Initiate. This ability includes the skill of being able to choose whether to accept the trump call (and knowing who is calling) or re-direct it. He may only re-direct to trumps in his possession or memory. The caller will be unaware of the transference. You may also add

this to your current portfolio.]


{My reasoning is that the above is a trump trick, whereas trump deception is a craft.}


[Trump Deception is something Kendrick will work on as time progresses, let me know when you think he may have achieved it.]


Kendrick makes a slight bow to Bleys, and begins to report on his conversation with Althea.


“A quick synopsis of what I learned from the Lady Althea your Majesty:


1.       Her daughter has become corporeal.  I believe you are aware of this though.

2.       She claims that she has spoken with Brand at the Matrix.  She would like help in ascertaining if this was in fact Brand or a Matrix Ghost.  Further, she seems to have walked the Matrix, at this ‘Brand’s’ urging.


Kendrick stops and looks to Bleys.


"Really," Bleys says. "So what do you think of her character? Is she a threat to the realm, or likely to be useful? Did she give any indication as to what allies she might have, what powers she might wield?"


Kendrick collects his thoughts for a moment.  “I found her to be trustworthy and honest, 2 rare qualities in our family.  She possesses at least one powerful ally in the form of some kind of guardian spirit named ‘Pyros’.  She is also a VERY accomplished sorceress.  She is somewhat untrusting of Jade currently.  I feel she has seen some of our worst behavior thus far, and will need time to see us at our best before she truly begins to fit-in, but I do believe she will eventually fit-in.”


Bleys finally takes a seat, and gestures that Kendrick should sit also. "This Pyros, just a magician's familiar, d'you think? And what else did she say, in terms of allies. If she's that good a Sorceress someone must have approached her to do a deal."


It was hard to get a reading on Pyros.  We were quite careful to not allow it too much power when she contacted it.  It seemed impressive, but so do many things to an untrained eye.  I, having never seen a similar creature, am quite unable to judge it's power, but I can't imagine it is anything too powerful.  If someone has approached her, she said nothing about it.  Though, I will be honest, I don't think a secret plot would sit well with her sense of propriety.  I think that if she wanted to oppose your rule, she would do it openly.  She is QUITE sure of her power, whether it would protect her or not."


"I see," Bleys says. "So you think her unwillingness to swear an oath, her open defiance of my wishes, was due to her personal codes rather than any particular hostility?" He asks evenly. "On the answer to that question many lives may hang, so consider carefully."


"Honestly your Majesty, I don't think she is in interested in political intrigues.  I think she will become a loyal subject of Jade, once she has time to acclimate to it.  Lady Althea has enough to keep her out of your hair with her daughter and learning the 'rules' of Jade society.  Perhaps

asking her to partake in something would work better with her than an order?  I honestly can't say for sure."


"What would you suggest as a suitable task?" Bleys enquires.


Kendrick ponders this a moment.  “Perhaps asking her to teach some classes on magic, outside the collegium.  She has a rather poor opinion of it.”


"Hmm," Bleys ponders. "I'll have to think on it. She seems to be the sort of person that requires a challenge; I'm not sure teaching will be occupation enough. Keep an eye on her, and report anything of import. Thank you, Kendrick."


[Unless he has more q's, that's eot.]


Kendrick has barely time to return to the Ministry when he is informed Aelric has asked to speak to him. The General has been shown into the reception room.


Kendrick motions Aelric in.


He nods respectfully, and heads in. "Thank you for seeing me."  He says. He sits down in a chair if there's one provided.


Kendrick directs Aelric to a chair and asks, “What can I do for you General?”


He sits. "I won't take much of your time. I wasn't certain who to ask; you seemed a likely candidate. I'd like a family deck of trump cards, please."


Kendrick nods.  "I assumed you might be coming by for a deck soon."


He smiles briefly. "Of course. I also have something to return to you.”  He withdraws a trump, and hands it to him. It's the trump of Dara.  "I won't be needing this."


[This can be easily arranged. If Aelric wishes to wait, it will only take a minute or two. Bearing in mind Aelric has no official duties at present, and is not a member of the Royal Family, it might beg the question why he wants one. Remember, K might have to later justify his decision.]


[As Kendrick accepts the card, he intuitively knows it as been used quite recently <within the last 24hrs>. He would not know this if the trump call had not connected <a possible exception would be if someone had been persistently trying over an extended period>.]


Kendrick takes the card.  "Thank you General.  Now, what should I list as your official reason for requesting a Trump Deck?"


"Members of the Family receive copies of the family, deck, yes? Whatever you listed for Morvana or yourself, please."


Kendrick nods placidly. "What parentage shall I list?"


He smirks. "You really track that for a Trump deck?"


"Honestly no, but then again, we generally know the parentage.  I just need to know if questioned by Bleys."


"Corwin." he states.


Kendrick nods.  “Very well then.  Your Trump deck will be ready shortly.  Is their anything else I can assist you with?”


"There is one other matter. As I'm no longer reporting to the King in any official capacity, it's likely that any appointment I make will be placed as a low priority. So, I will leave this information with you to present to him. With your position, you may be able to gather corroborating evidence to support or refute my hypothesis as well." 


He pauses for a moment.


"I've documented, mentally, some odd behavior from Merlin. He and I discussed this a week or two back, before this whole Brand-disappearing incident, about my possible parentage. He seemed to think I might be related to the family. I encouraged him to investigate, thinking him to be incorrect. When Bleys approached me with the possibility of relation, we confirmed it with a blood test. Merlin returned and confirmed my parentage from another source – the specifics I know nothing of. He mentioned something at the time that is beginning to concern me. Something

along the lines of: 'We're brothers, and you are destined to help me.' He was vague on the details, and left hastily."


He takes a breath.


"Further, his mother is Dara, a known terrorist who attempted to assassinate someone or destroy something in the Citadel. I suspect he's up to something concerning Dara. I did manage to contact her once on trump, but the conversation ended very abruptly. I didn't have time to placate her. Further contact has been unsuccessful."


"Thus, I feel that he should be found, and soon. Any movement he makes within the Citadel should be closely monitored. If you can ... look in ... on him in other methods, I'd suggest that too."


Kendrick ponders this a moment.  "Perhaps the best person to inform about this would be Prince Peredur.  I will meet with him.  Thank you Aelric."


He stands, and bows slightly. "I will leave you to your duties. Can the trumps be delivered to my room, or shall I return for them?"


Kendrick stands as Aelric stands.  “I’ll have them delivered to your rooms.  Thank you Aelric”


He bows slightly again, turns and leaves.


Kendrick drafts a note for Peredur with all pertinent information and has it delivered to him via messenger.


A short while later, the Facilitator comes to see him again.  "If you have a moment, Director, I would like you to follow me. His Majesty has instructed me to show you our...facility."


Kendrick looks a bit confused. "Our facility?"


"Err...yes," the facilitator says vaguely. "Not all our resources are based in the Citadel. Come, and see for yourself."


Kendrick doesn't trust the facilitator that much yet, so he will go along, but prepare a spell for departure mentally.


They enter the area of the castle dedicated to the work of the Ministry, and approach an iron-bound door that Kendrick has not noticed before. It looks innocuous enough, as if it might be for stores or a disused office.  The facilitator says a few words, and wards flare into life. The door opens on its own, revealing a trump gate beyond.


Kendrick can see what looks like a wasteland beyond. The Facilitator steps through, looks around, then he gestures for Kendrick to join him.


Kendrick steps in.


On the other side is a flat plain, mile upon mile of mud flats on which nothing seems to grow, but for a single tree. In the distance, there appear to be watchtowers while dirigibles circle overhead.


They are standing on narrow wooden duckboards, which zig-zag across the landscape, spreading like a spider's web out from the base of the tree, standing serenely in the midst of the wasteland. It is immensely tall, sleek and upright like an ancient poplar.


"Come," the Facilitator says, and starts making his way towards it. As he does so, the distant rattle of gunfire echoes across the plain.


Kendrick takes a moment and looks around.  “Where are we?”  Upon hearing the gunfire, Kendrick activates his shielding spell.


"A far Shadow. Its name is classified, as is everything I am about to show you." The Facilitator says. "If this information got out, the very existence of the Citadel would be in jeopardy. It is what gives us our edge."


As Kendrick travels inwards towards the tree, he realizes the plain is pitted with trenches, foxholes and bunkers. Many of them are occupied.


Only when they reach the base of the tree is its true age and girth apparent. As he walks around, his boots swishing in the luxuriant grass, he notices a small vertical channel cut in the bark that runs upward and out of sight. As his eyes fall to the base, he spies a small gold receptacle

filling slowly with silvery liquid. When he moves closer to examine it, it changes color. He catches his breath as he realizes the power harnessed therein.


The Facilitator grins.  "That is what powers almost all of our machines, Director. Pure liquid



Kendrick looks to the facilitator.  “Ygg?”


The Facilitator looks amused by that comment. "No, Director. This tree is far older than Ygg."


"Well then, where are we... the name can't be more classified than the location.  And while you are providing me more information.... Who is fighting here?"


"We are defending the tree from any who would try to steal from it, or any who would try to wrest it from us." The Facilitator explains. "The location is closer to what was the Courts of Chaos than any of the Jade Kingdoms. You will not find it on any map."


“You are being vague Facilitator.  What is the name of this shadow?  Are those the forces of Chaos we are fighting?”


"Truthfully, I do not know the name of this Shadow. I only know how to get here because the trump location is programmed into our prototype. You will have to ask His Majesty," the Facilitator replies. "And yes, those are the forces of Chaos."


Kendrick nods.  “Thank you.  I am assuming that the sap from this tree is treated, mixed with inks, and used in Trump production... Is that correct?  Is it safe to touch?”


"You assume correctly. It is safe to touch, but only in small quantities, as you see here. Otherwise you might find yourself missing a finger," the Facilitator warns.


Kendrick reaches toward the sap as he looks to the facilitator, “Missing a finger....how?”


"Imagine, if you will, putting an appendage into a blender. The parts are scattered to the four winds," the Facilitator says. "I suppose the liquid in this state only operates one way, and cannot distinguish between what is part of an object and what is whole."


Kendrick looks for and picks up a small twig, and touches the end of the twig to the liquid, just long enough to pull out a drop of the sap.


The sap beads on the end of the twig as he withdraws it from the receptacle, a reflecting prism of color.  The Facilitator shifts nervously from one foot to the other.


Kendrick inspects it closely, and then puts it down.  “Who is in charge of collecting the sap to bring to the refining area?  Also, where is it refined?”


"We, the Ministry collect and transport the sap to an underground facility in Kiral Y'hida. [A String of Pearls shadow] The properties of Shadow there mean accidents are less likely." The Facilitator explains.


"Can you show me the refining process?"


The Facilitator frowns. "I...I suppose that would be possible," he ventures, "but there is another reason why you need to know this."


He pulls what looks like a cigarette case from his pocket. He opens it carefully, revealing what looks like a strip of clear toffee. "This is a refined sample of sap. We would like you to discretely get the College of Mages to test it, without revealing its true nature. With two new assignees to the college, it can perhaps be accomplished without arising suspicion. We are wondering what other properties this material might have, and other uses it might be put to."


Kendrick nods.  “A worthy bit of research.  I shall have it tested.”


The Facilitator looks relieved, and hands Kendrick the case. "We shall have to return to the Citadel before we can travel to Kiral Y'Hida. Please, follow me."


And with that, he skips off along the duckboards back to the place they emerged from. Zeppelins pass them by, their cupolas horribly beweaponed with low-tech gatling guns. [Think Victorian era]. 


It is something of a relief to step through the shimmering gate back into Jade. The Facilitator locks the door behind them and gestures to the Ghostwheel chamber. "This way please."


Kendrick nods, and follows the Facilitator.


The Facilitator adjust the settings of the machine, sitting at the central consol to do so, then calls over one of his colleagues. "This is Number 3, who is our designated overseer for the facility."

He bows to Kendrick.


The Facilitator presses a few more keys, and Kendrick and Number 3 are bathed in white light.


A moment later, they are in the lantern-lit subterranean caverns of a distant land. A narrow walkway weaves its way between thick lengths of copper piping, weaving like the tendrils of a creeper up the tunnel. "This way please," Number 3 says, "and watch your footing, it can be

slippery in places." He holds onto a length of rope strung along the wall to steady himself as

he goes.


Kendrick follows behind him and takes hold of the rope as well, being mindful of where he walks.  “Number 3, how far underground are we?”


"About six hundred feet," Number 3 replies. "Pressure chambers are in place, so you wouldn't immediately notice. It doesn't keep the water out, unfortunately."


The tunnel opens up into a wider cave, where a line of six metal storage vats is situated. They are kept behind bars elaborately decorated with protective runes. "Can't be too careful," Number 3 says.


“Agreed.” Kendrick responds.  “Do all 6 vats contain the tree sap?”


"Alas no, demand for the substance is high, as you might expect," Number 3 says. He moves closer and studies the dials. "Hmm. Only two vats contain sap, and they are not full."


“What goes into the refining process?”


"I don't know the exact details, but it is heated, rapidly cooled and then rolled into strips. This removes the impurities and makes it very malleable and easy to transport. It is boxed up and shipped to the surface, where a laboratory adds pigments or shapes it into components as the need arises." Number 3 explains. "By that stage, its true properties are impossible to identify in this environment. Only when transported to Jade does the full potential become apparent."

"Would you like to see the rolling mill?" Number 3 offers.


Kendrick seems to be absorbing this all fine.  “Yes, very much, lead on.”


The grey-haired gentleman from the ministry leads Kendrick through several smaller tunnels to emerge in an area of eerie quiet. He flicks a switch on the wall, and one by one Davey lamps around the chamber flicker into life. The area is filled with a long line of rollers and conveyor belts.

"The rolling mill only has short production cycles, as a few hours' output serves us well for many weeks. Note the composition of the rollers -" Number 3 says, producing a pocket torch and flashing it inside one of the machine's dark cowls. "Paper. The rollers are changed every half-hour, and can themselves be put to use as trump instruments. Nothing is wasted." He explains. "The liquid sap is piped in that end, and processed ingots emerge the far end."


Kendrick looks like he is thinking. “So, the paper rolls become the base for Trump Card paper?”


"Most of them, yes." Number 3 replies. "Sometimes we are asked for a more durable medium, in which case the processed sap is pressed into whichever material is chosen before applying the image."


“I see.” Kendrick replies.  “I think I have seen what I wanted.  Thank you number 3.”


They trump back to the Citadel, where Number 3 returns to his station.