Kendrick sighs as for the dozenth time his mother trumps in unannounced and interrupts his study.  "Kendrick dear, you should get out more," Flora says. "I've arranged a date for you - a lovely girl of good stock. Now be a good boy and run along. You can't meet her looking like that."  Kendrick had long given up arguing with her, reminding her that he was no longer a boy, and all that stuff. She was like a whirlwind around him, and he felt powerless to stop her. Long ago he had discovered it wasn't just mother's intuition that led her to show up at the most inconvenient time to ruin his most delicately laid plans - she used trump to spy on him and magic to keep him from harm. It was comforting and frustrating at the same time.  So he made an effort and went. She was attractive, certainly. Tana was her name, looks to be in her mid- to late- teens. She has bright blue eyes, her hair is light brown with a hint of autumn leaves. Her skin is also pale, and colours wonderfully under Kendrick's regard.  They chat, they walk and for a while Kendrick enjoys the company, before his mind starts to drift back to the geometrical complexities of summoning circles and wards.



"I believe you are something of an artist, Lord Kendrick. I have some works I would like you to see." Tana says, with a mischievous smile.


Perhaps against his better judgment, but spurred on by curiosity, he follows her along a woodland path that he knows leads through shadow. It ends at a shed, fastened by a large new silver padlock. Tana takes out a key and opens it.  Within, daylight reveals many completed and unfinished portraits. As he walks in, he notices the door has been smashed and then repaired. The windows have been boarded up from the outside. As Tana begins looking through the portraits, Kendrick notices with excitement the shimmering aura of trump emanating from some of the pictures...


Kendrick looks around more carefully.  He observes everything without paying overt attention to any one item.  "It looks like you have quite the treasure trove of items here, Tana...are they all done by you?"


"No", she says smiling. "Most were done by my tutor."  She continues to search through the canvases.


At this point Kendrick's gaze alights on one faded image that has been unearthed by her rummaging. Despite the odd faded Van Gogh style, it is unmistakably a portrait of his Uncle Corwin.


Kendrick smiles his most winning, charming smile, “I am sure you most be a most excellent student.  Who is it that gets the pleasure of your company for these tutoring sessions?” 


"My old tutor was taken away as a traitor to the realm," Tana replies airily, "I was rather hoping you could help continue my study."  Finding what she was looking for, she raises it up for Kendrick to see. It is an elegant, but powerless portrait of herself.


As he finishes saying that, he walks over to the image of Corwin.  “Your tutor did this one too?”   (Does it emanate Trump?)


[Yes it does.]


Tana makes a face.  "Yes. I tried to burn it, but there's something in the veneer that make it fireproof. That man murdered my father."


"Who was your tutor? What did he do to earn that title? Also, who was your father?", he replies, thinking he may know of them.


Tana beams. "Oh, you needn't worry about them. Now, what do you think of my picture?"  She asks.


“It’s lovely…it brings out your eyes.”  Kendrick smiles at her.


She almost blushes. "You're too kind. Anyway, now I'm lady of the family manor, perhaps I could

invite you back for some tea?"


"That sounds like a wonderful idea."  He smiles at her.


(Alan, what does Kendrick know about her family?)  (What about Trump artists who were determined to be "traitors"?)


"Excellent," she says and replaces all the canvases before skipping out the door. She playfully holds the lock and waits for Kendrick to leave.  "Best be quick!"


(Nothing!  Other than Flora's recommendation, so they must be a. rich b. powerful c. tasteful.)


(Brand requires all trump artists to register, so they may be trained and regulated by his own staff. The practice of unregistered trump artistry is a very serious crime in itself, though it usually implies some other seditious intent i.e. treason. The penalty for treason is, of course, death.)


Kendrick smiles at her.  He walks out the door, and takes a careful look around his surroundings, being careful to memorize the area.  He takes her hand, and says, "Shall we be off then?"


(Out of Char... What I meant about the Trump artists who were traitors...Has Kendrick ever heard of any particular people who were deemed Traitors...Does he know who her teacher was?)


"Yes, let's." She says, snapping the lock shut as she takes his hand....


[Ok, moving forward a little, how is Kendrick going to handle this?  Tea and cakes and then 'good-bye'?... Do you want stay to meet her family? ... Try to get close to her? ...Invite her to see your etchings ...:)  What's the plan? Of course, he can (in theory) trump out whenever he likes...]


[He has no idea.(If it was anyone he knew, he might recognize the style, but he has not seen its like before.) It's possible it was some Chaosian escaped from the fall of Thelbane. Doubtless there are still a few out there...]


Kendrick will remain with her for an hour, be a COMPLETE gentleman.  Have his Tea and bid her a good afternoon.


He will then head back to his rooms, and try to find his mother.


"Do come and see us soon. The coronation of my brother is in a few days. I'd hate for you to miss it." Tana says.


[So he follows the trail through Shadow back to his study?]


(Heck shadow paths for me.)


Kendrick pulls out his Trump of the Citadel, focuses and uses it.


[I have to check these things :)]


The trump doesn't seem to work. How inconvenient.


Kendrick will Trump his man-servant Robert.


Odd. That doesn't seem to work, either.


Well, since that doesn't seem to work, does it feel like someone is blocking him, or more like Trump just doesn't work here? 


He has heard tell that Trumps have a range determined by their place of origin. Trumps created in Jade cannot reach Ygg, trumps from Chaos cannot reach Jade... perhaps this is an illustration of that problem.


Out of character - So how does Trump across shadows work? 


Generally, it will work, but it is not the certain thing it once was. It is also a function of the skill of the practitioner. Dworkin's trumps are still thought to be universal.


I should add that Kendrick has used his own trumps plenty of times before, and never had this problem.


Well, with Trump against him, he will take a moment to carefully note his surroundings.  Has he ever been out into shadow this far?  (Assuming he is beyond Ygg now)


Although it did not appear far on the route here, clearly he has traveled a long way from his home Shadow. He thinks that he is not exactly beyond Ygg (though it is difficult to tell), but is closer to Corwin's Pattern than he has been before.


He will sketch a Trump of somewhere nearer to Jade, and try using that.


He brings to mind the breathtaking view of the Jade Citadel from the harbour road, and commits it to paper. With some satisfaction, he finds that it works. He concentrates and the vista opens before him.


Is he stepping through?


Yes, he steps though.


He steps onto the arid coastal plain, where a cool sea breeze ruffles his hair. His nostrils are filled with the smell of the sea, his ears with the rumble of the waves.


Ahead, he can make out the many banners fluttering from the high battlements of the Citadel, and thin curls of smoke rising from the building crowded precariously around its walled base. The royal standard of the emeralds unicorn flies from the highest turret, denoting the presence of the king.


[OOC] So does this mean the King is actually in the castle?  And if so, could that have something to do with the Trump not working?


Kendrick smiles to himself, and begins the walk up to the Citadel.  As he does this, he begins to hum softly to himself.


[It would seem that Brand is at home. <Unless the Seneschal has forgotten to lower it :)> Certainly the king would have the power to interfere in the operations of trump.]


It is a long but pleasant walk to the first gatehouse at the base of Time's Mountain, the dormant volcano on which the Citadel stands.

The uniformed guards salute smartly.  "Your Highness, would you like an escort to the keep?" The Captain asks.


"No, that won't be necessary." He smiles at the guard. "I'm in a mood to just be by myself."


"As you wish," he replies and salutes smartly.


Kendrick walks up the long gradual slope into the mountain fortress, passing several open portcullis and hemmed in by high walls bristling with guards.


At length, the great iron-bound doors of the West Gate are opened, and the cobbled Stone Court opens up in front of him.


[Ok, where's he headed?]


He will track down one of his servants and inquire about his mother's location.


A servant tells him that Princess Florimel is resting in her rooms. She does not wish to be disturbed.


[Flora's room is in the East Wing overlooking the Fountain Court. One of the better rooms, obviously.]


Kendrick sighs.  "Just like mother...", he grumbles. "Always inconvenient.  Please leave a message for her that I would like to see her.  Thank you."  


He walks to his rooms to rest as well.


Just as he is about to lie down, the room shakes. He sits up, and the very air seems to vibrate. There is a loud crack like a thunderclap. A small china doll dances on the mantelpiece, teeters, then falls to the ground.


Then all is quiet. Very quiet.


He pauses a moment before he does anything, makes sure he has his dagger, rings, Trumps, etc., then he walks into the hallway to find a servant.  "Robert, what happened?"


All his equipment is present and correct.


He looks outside. Robert is lying unconscious in the corridor.


He checks to see if Robert is seriously hurt.  He gently shakes him. "Robert, Robert..."


Robert groans. Looks like he's badly winded, possibly concussed.


If there is another servant about, I will have them look over him, and I will go in search of what happened.  Otherwise, I will carry him to the infirmary.


As there is no other servant in view, Kendrick picks up Roger and heads in the direction of the infirmary. He doesn't have to go far to find another servant - a maid with the contents of a silver tray scattered around her. She lies in a puddle of broken crockery and spilled milk.


He is still in the residential wing.


(He just has to head down a floor and he'll be at the infirmary - not far at all.)


[NB: Clumsy servants don't last long in Jade. Even spilling a drink while serving warrants a flogging.]


Kendrick will stop and check her as well.  If she can stand, he will help her up, and send her for help, then he will go investigate, otherwise, he will continue to the infirmary.


[NB:???  What does NB mean?]


Her symptoms are the same as Roberts'.


She cannot stand, so he continues to the infirmary. He arrives in the infirmary, to be greeted by the sight of many unconscious nurses and patients. Most are slumped in heaps on the floor, though some have sustained injuries, possibly from falling and hitting something. All is quiet; no-one is moving.


[Nota bene - latin; it means 'take note'.]


Well, Kendrick will try and lay them all down gently, and will continue out to the main corridors.  He begins to head towards the Throne room. (or, not being familiar with Jade, wherever the King would be when in residence during the day.)


From where he is, Kendrick has to go onto the Hydra, which is a grand staircase connecting the main parts of the Citadel to the throne room mezzanine and the King's apartments. To go to either, he has to ascent the sumptuously carpeted stair, carved from solid rock into the shape of a coiling serpent.


On the way he passes more servants, and some purple-uniformed guards, lying here and there around the corridors of the castle.


As he works his way upwards, his progress is blocked by a guard in a green uniform and silver sash. He is wearing a full facial helm, so no features can be distinguished. 


"State your business." He says.


"I have come to see King Brand, and to offer my assistance if any is needed"


[Alan, is this normal for the King's chambers and Throne room to be barred in this fashion?]


"The king is not receiving visitors. You may not pass." The guard says flatly.


[Absolutely not. Usually a herald greets visitors on the steps of the apartment. A family member can usually walk into the throne room unchallenged.]


"Very well then." Kendrick turns, and then turns back.  "Can you please inform his majesty that I have offered my assistance if he so desires."  "Can you tell me where Princess Fiona can be found?"


"I will do that, Your Lordship," the guard replies. "The Regent Fiona is with the king at present."


There are quick steps on the stair ascending and Lady Isabella walks up. She looks annoyed and stands hands on hips in front of the guard.  "What are you doing standing there?" She blusters, apparently oblivious to Kendrick. "I demand to see the Regent!!"


The guard shakes his head.  "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."


"YOU are the king's bodyguard, are you not?" She asks. The guard nods. "So why aren't you guarding his body instead of standing here? You come with me and we will BOTH see the Regent."


The guard visibly hesitates.


Kendrick looks at the guard.  "You best do as she says, my sister has a way of getting what she wants.  She can do it easily, or with more pain involved, one is much easier to handle than the other.  Now take us to the King immediately."


Isabella turns around and breaks into a wide smile. "Kendrick!! What are you doing here? What a lovely surprise!" She throws her arms around him and gives him a hug.


The guard watches this display impassively. "I will accompany you," he says, and lowers his halberd.


Kendrick smiles at his little sister and kisses her on the cheek.  "Let's go see what is afoot."


Isabella squeezes his hand and they walk together up the stair. They pass more crumpled guards, a uniformed herald and another unconscious maid. Still the monotonous 'tick' of the Grandfather clock echoes up the Hydra, reassuringly constant amid this chaos.


The guard leads them to the left, up the carpeted stair that leads to the Royal Chambers. He pushes the doors apart, to reveal the sumptuous reception chamber, with its staggering view across the sea and richly patterned Persian rugs.


The room is empty. There is a stair to further rooms off to the left, while the king's bedchamber is to the right.  The guard looks round, as if he was expecting someone to be here.  "The king is in his bed," the guard says.


"Leave this to me," Isabella says, and strides up to the bedroom door.


Kendrick follows along with her.  "Please lead the way."


She knocks and opens the door in short succession, closely watched by the guard. With Kendrick on her shoulder, he can see into the bedroom. It is akin to the worst kept student bedsit. Clearly servants have not been allowed in here for some time. It is dusty and smells of damp. Storage boxes are strewn around in heaps, many having their contents spilled over the floor. Dossiers, letters, books and parchment is scattered over every work surface. In amongst all this, the king is asleep in his bed, and snoring loudly.


"Asleep? At this time of day?" Isabella cries, and walks over to his side.


A guard emerges from the shadows, but Isabella ignores him and shakes the king's shoulder. "Your Majesty!"


"..Wha? What - ? Oh, hello!" He says, breaking into a smile through his



"Your Majesty, the Citadel - " Brand rubs his eyes, then makes a quick grab for her, which she easily evades. Brand pouts at her.

"Come here, wench. I have need of a woman."


"I am your niece, Isabella!" She cries, indignantly.

"I am the king," he replies petulantly.


Kendrick looks at the king a little askance.  "Your Majesty, I don’t wish to unduly alarm you, but something has happened in the Citadel."  Kendrick hands the king his robe after removing it from a chair.  "There seemed to be an earthquake or similar event, and all of the servants and most of the guards are now unconscious.  I am unsure of the cause of this as of yet, but fear it may have been an UNnatural event."


Brand looks more annoyed at the interruption than the news. He scratches his mop of red hair and peers at Kendrick. He looks pale and thin and has a few days' growth of beard.


"Give me a drink, damn you." He says to no-one in particular. The guard at his elbow hands him a glass of water, which he drinks thirstily.

"Go lose yourself in a wall," Brand says, handing the guard an empty glass.  The guard dutifully fades into the wall and disappears.

"Now who the hell are you and what are you doing in my bedchamber?" He says to Kendrick.


Kendrick smiles his most charming smile.  "We are your niece, Isabella and nephew, Kendrick.  The children of your sister Flora.  I am most sorry for interrupting your slumber your Majesty, but we felt it was imperative to inform you at once."


[Alan, I am assuming he SHOULD know me....]


"Flora, ah. Yes. Send Flora to me." Brand replies. Isabella makes a face.


"Princess Flora is not in the castle, sire..." She says.


"What?? What the blue blazes is going on?" Brand says, getting up from his bed and pulling on his robe.  "Where's that USELESS sister of mine who's supposed to be running this castle?" He rants. "Herald! Herald!"


[Yes, he should.]


Kendrick stands patiently waiting for the Herald, miffed, as he was told his mother was sleeping upstairs.


[Kendrick is also aware that the Herald is lying unconscious on the stairs outside!]


Brand clambers barefoot over some of the boxes and pulls a drawer open in the bureau. He pulls out a trump deck and begins leafing through it.


He concentrates on the first, discards it...the second, discards it.... "Where's the damn herald?" He mutters.


Isabella suddenly turns sharply towards the entry doors but Brand is busy concentrating. A second or two later Kendrick can hear muffled sounds of mêlée. She touches Kendrick’s arm gently and whispers.

"Stay here."


"Your highness, I believe your herald may be passed out as well.  Is there a way I can help?"


Brand considers this a moment.  "Just how bad is it?" He enquires. "Have the gates been closed? Perhaps you should check on that, my good fellow. Can't have every Tom, Dick and Harry traipsing in here..."


He clears a seat and plants himself on it, suddenly looking very tired. He reaches into a drawer and retrieves a bottle and a glass, which he proceeds to fill with a dark red liquid.


"With your permission, I will see to the gates and return your highness."  Kendrick bows deeply and leaves.


"Granted," Brand says, drinking deeply of the viscous liquid.


{I assume he does that thing...}


Kendrick descends the stairs, back onto the Hydra. Ahead, past the fallen herald and guards, there is another short stair upwards ending at double doors, which are closed. These are the doors to the throne room and other audience chambers. From beyond the doors, the tingling of his skin tells him of potent magic use.


The way to the gatehouses - West and South - is down the stairs. Once there, he has to decide which one to go to first. The West is the more heavily defended, guarding the route to the harbor and city. The South connects the Citadel to the causeway connecting the provinces, though it is also accessible by the city folk.


Where to?


Kendrick will head West, and ensure the gates are closed.


Kendrick heads down the stairs, passing at each landing more unconscious uniformed guards. He also passes the great Grandfather clock, still marking time in the heart of the Citadel.

He emerges on the barracks level and walks out into the Stone Court. Even at this distance, he can see the portcullis is still up on the West Gate.(Meaning, the gate is open.) No-one challenges him the whole time.


Kendrick will close the gate and proceed to the South gate.


Kendrick enters the west gatehouse and soon works out how the ratchet

release mechanism works. He has to climb onto a wooden platform to operate it, and heave mightily on the lever. There is a 'thunk' as it disengages, and the heavy iron chain unravels with a thunderous roar, sending the portcullis crashing down.


Next he moves quickly across the Stone Court, still eerily quiet but for the flapping of pennants on the battlements. He finds the doors to the parlour room barred, so ascends the open stair onto the parapet that runs the outer circumference of the Citadel, and drops down the other side into the Fountain Court. Still, all is quiet but for the wind in the leaves of the roses, shrubs and climbers and the trickling of water. As he approaches the Southern gatehouse, he notices soldiers in camouflage patrolling the area.


From somewhere above there is a whistle, and the soldiers bring their weapons (crossbows and swords) to the ready. He can see a half dozen, but there are bound to be more.


Kendrick will clamber back over the wall if he thinks he can make it and has not yet been noticed, otherwise he will Trump back to the Main Hall.


Ok, he clambers back over the wall, apparently unnoticed. Now what?


I will Trump Isabella. 


She answers, and Kendrick's ears are filled with the sound of steel on steel. She is breathing hard, and grits her teeth, her attention elsewhere. "I'm...kind of busy...right now..."


Kendrick looks grim.  "Where are you."  When she answers, he will cut the contact and head in that direction. 


"Grand Staircase...Banqueting Hall...Oh, for a magical weapon!!" she says before Kendrick cuts the contact.


As he is hurrying along, he will try and Trump Brand.


Brand doesn't answer.


He arrives back in the Stone Court, with the closed portcullis to his right, the closed double doors to the Parlour (which is like an assembly room leading to the Banqueting Hall) to his left. The barracks is in front of him.


Does he see anything he can use to block off the entrance to the castle from the inside?


If not he will cast a wall of force into the entryway.  He has a shielding spell racked which should be easily converted by the ring to this.


He walks into the Parlour heading for his sister.

The Citadel is built on a massive scale. To block off the gate would need a barricade involving most of the furniture in the Banqueting Hall. Not really practical.


If not he will cast a wall of force into the entryway.  He has a shielding spell racked which should be easily converted by the ring to this.


To convert the Shield spell into a wall of force would take time and effort, even with the help of his ring. He could attempt it after five minutes, but would need twice that to guarantee success. [It is a very large area, far bigger than is required for a personal shield.]


He walks into the Parlour heading for his sister.


The doors to the Parlour are locked against him.


Do I think I could break the lock with my dagger?  Or my foot?


They are thick iron-strengthened wooden doors, barred from the inside. There is no lock to pick, and Kendrick feels his foot would break before the door would. On the other side, he can hear heavy hoof-beats on the carpet.


I will forgo the spell for now, but will have the ring begin adjustments for this.


{Ok, he makes some adjustments.}

Does Kendrick know of any other entrances to the Banqueting Hall?  He begins to head in that direction if he does, otherwise he will head to Brand.

There are other entrances, through the barracks/west wing apartments and east wing. He is nearer the former, so he heads back across the Stone Court(this direction would also take him back to the King's quarters if he ascended the Hydra). He is about half way across the cobbled courtyard when the Parlour doors burst outwards.


He sees a rider emerge, mounted on a huge coal black steed, wearing long dark flowing robes.  The rider holds his position, and Kendrick glimpses his face. It is pale, and his eyes glow as red as his steeds'. A fringe of silver hair falls across his brow. Within his swirling cloak an armoured glove fingers the hilt of a curved dagger, its hilt ivory and silver. "The portcullis is closed, my brother." The rider calls to someone out of view.


Kendrick readies an immobilization spell which is pre-racked.  All he has to do is specify targets.  He tries to step out of view.


Kendrick steps out of view, and the rider ignores him. With excellent horsemanship, the rider spins around and rides back into the Parlour.


[BTW, I'm fairly flexible with sorcery, but if you have time, can you please forward me a list of the dozen spells he routinely has racked. Ta.]


Kendrick begins to make his way to Brand's chambers.


[Spells will be forthcoming.]


On the way back, he encounters coming down the stairs Peredur, son of Bleys, who is accompanied by more of the camouflaged soldiers.


Peredur is a blond-haired young man of serious expression who habitually wears the court clothes of old Amber. He carries a longsword of practical design, and his hands move in quick emphatic gestures when he speaks. His clothes and boots are dusty, as if he has been traveling some distance.


"The troops are almost all through the trump gate now, Sir, we should be able to secure the perimeter imminently." One of the soldiers is saying. "Good. Then once we've done a sweep, call the roll in the Stone Courtyard and we will proceed from there."


(Kendrick has the option of ducking out of sight if he chooses to; he hears them coming in advance.)

"Peredur." He interrupts, trying to look somewhat confused...not a hard stretch.  "Can you tell me what is going on here?"

"Kendrick, my good fellow." Peredur says extending a hand. "Didn't know you were here. Nothing to worry about, just one of those arcane accidents Auntie specializes in, I think."


"Ah, okay."  Kendrick walks by Peredur and continues on his way.


"Hey, hold up there," Peredur says. "Where you going?"


"Up to see Brand.  He asked me to see what was happening."


"The king's been kept fully informed," Peredur says, "the area has been cordoned off and no-one is being allowed in. He and Commander Bleys are in private conference."


"Oh, well, I guess I could send a page to wait with the information."  Kendrick stops.  "Is there anything I can do to help?"


"I daresay there is, what's your area of expertise?" Peredur enquires.


"Trump, though I do know a little magic."  He pauses, "I am afraid I am quite useless with a sword though."


"I know just the thing," Peredur says. "Follow me. Captain Yanus, please inform the Commander I will be in the dungeons, if I'm needed."


The Captain salutes and departs.

"The Inquisition are giving us a little trouble," Peredur explains.  "They've barricaded the lower levels. If you can come up with something simple, like a flash, that would give us the edge to assault their position."


He begins walking past the barrack room entrance to the guardhouse at the entrance to the spiral stair leading into the bowels of the Citadel.


Kendrick nods.  "How is the inquisition involved?  I thought these outside forces were Fiona's?"


[Alan: Kendrick sends a mental command to the ring to begin to change the immobilize spell to target Peredur if necessary.]


Peredur gives Kendrick a curious look. "A result of her meddlings, but seemingly beyond her control. Damned odd. As for the Inquisition, well they had it coming. They've been doing their own thing for too long. Now they've rebelled, it gives the Crown a chance to re-assert control."


{Noted, it'll take a few minutes.}


{I need to speed this along, so let me know what Kendrick's plans are in the dungeon. Will he co-operate in breaking down the barricades or will he be content to observe ...or something else?}


Kendrick will assist as needed in the dungeon, but at the first sign of a problem from Peredur, he will let the spell fly.


"Oh, I thought you had said they were Fiona's mistake."  He looks pensive, "What exactly has the inquisition done, and has King Brand asked for this step to be taken?"


"Apart from torture, rape and execute with impunity?" Peredur asks. "Well, let's just say they have a problem with authority. The king has not personally ratified this action, but my father has. That's good enough for me."


[Alan, what does Kendrick know about Bleys' authority in matters such as these?]


"I don't disagree with you.  In my mind, they have gone much too far."


[The problem is that Bleys' authority has never been officially recognised beyond his rank as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. He is effectively the king's enforcer; he kicks people when they step out of line. Often very hard.]


"Good. Then perhaps you'd be kind enough to dispel that magical barrier," Peredur says, pointing down the corridor to where a barricade of furniture and straw mattresses is blocking it.


{It's a fairly simple one-way force wall - the defenders can shoot outward, but other missiles just bounce off.}


[How much do I think Peredur knows about my abilities?]


"I can try."


{He knows you're a mage. Not much beyond that.}


[If he wants to, Kendrick can dismiss this primitive spell with a click of his fingers.]


[One other question.  What do I know about the inquisition now, it's history and powers in the kingdom.]


{Little beyond rumour, really. It's history is mixed up with Rinaldo's

psychoses since he murdered Merlin on the steps of Thelbane. They are known to have certain arcane powers, and are said to be able to break anyone, royal or no. They specialise in many forms of torture, physical and psychological. Their loyalty was always taken for granted by many, but recent escapes from the dungeons [Siobhan, Jasra and Dara] have led to this being questioned.}


Kendrick will work on breaking the barrier by flowing his power, hopefully unnoticed, through Peredur.  If he thinks this will not work, he will try and set up a link to Peredur on this.


{So it looks like Peredur is casting the spell? He will need P's consent to do this, unless he wants to try and overwhelm him psychically.}


[Then Kendrick will break the spell without doing that.]


The defenders look distressed when missiles suddenly start flying around their ears, but do not budge.


Peredur gathers a small squad to assault the barricade.


[Later on today I'm going to open up the evening forum thread. Feel free to continue both. Ta.]


Kendrick tries to stay out of the fray, well behind the 'safe' lines.  If he gets a free second, he will Trump his sister.


Mayhem breaks out as the fighting begins in earnest.


Meantime, he gets no response from Isabella's trump.


"Damn."  He pulls out Flora's Trump and tries that.


Again, nobody home.


He rummages for a minute, and then puts his Deck away.  He looks toward Peredur.  “So, what is to be done with them?”


"Those we catch alive will receive a fair trial," Peredur says. "They don't seem to want to be taken alive, though."


The fighting subsides quickly and stretchers begin coming out, each one

covered with a blanket.


Kendrick considers this for a moment.  He closes his eyes and begins what sounds like an incantation.  [This is mostly for show.  He sends a mental command to the ring to change the 'hold' spell to the group they are fighting.]  Then he opens his eyes and says, "Stop", and points at the opposition.


The small knot of remaining defenders at the barricades freeze in place, and are rapidly hacked down by the assaulting forces.


Kendrick looks at Peredur.  “I thought they were to be tried.”


Peredur commands the men to stop.  "Inquisitors give no quarter and expect none." Peredur replies. "Let's see if we can patch them up, eh?"


[Let me know if Kendrick is going to try healing magic on them.]


Kendrick bows.  “Thank you, Peredur.  I am afraid that I must take my leave.  I need to find my sister.”


"Ok. See you later," Peredur says, and calls for bandages.


Some time later, Kendrick catches up with Isabella in the Infirmary. The Infirmary is full of wounded of one sort or another, but at least now there are people there to tend them. Stretchers are stacked up in the corridor with patients waiting for a bed.


The nurse tells Kendrick she has received a sharp blow to the head, but apart from some cuts to her hands and arms, she is otherwise uninjured.