A week or two ago, a dragon came to Donegal from the neighboring forests of

Cainesmarsh. The creatures has been preying on livestock belonging to House

Minobee, and so Rhees has called a hunt to destroy the creature. Though not

normally the most festive person, Rhees has decided to turn the hunt into a

larger, more social, affair and so now a few nobles from the various houses

have been invited. In attendance will be:


Duchess Rhees, Head of House Minobee

Lord Cedric of Minobee, her younger brother

Lord Gwydion of Chanicut, rumored to be Rhees' lover

Lady Caitlin of Amblerash

Lord Kendral of Hendrake, a friend of Cedric

Lord Michael of Helgram, a friend of Gwydion


and roughly six other nobles, their assorted retainers, and Rhees' hunters.


You all gather at the main estates of House Minobee, located in Donegal,

early in the morning. Donegal is a lightly forested area, with many low

rolling hills and occasional streams. The forests there are mainly tall

pines, and so riding isn't obstructed too much.


The dragon appeared on the western edges of Donegal, and so with much

fanfare the hunting party assembles and begins to ride. Rhees' hunters go

about to each noble, ensuring that you are all armed and informed. The

dragon tends to sleep through midmorning...and though it would be

impossible to surprise the creature with a group this size (and less fun),

they hope to catch it while it is still groggy. This one is a

fire-breather, and Rhees has brought along a healer, in case anyone is

grievously wounded.


The attitude among the group is friendly...the nobles are chatting openly

as you slowly ride to the creature's lair.




Caitlin asks of Duchess Rhees: How large a creature is this Dragon? I

have never actually hunted one before. She then directs to the group as a

whole: Has anyone had Dragon Slaying experience?



Kendral, an older-looking man in black armor with the red dragon

of Hendrake on the breastplate, mounted on a black horse-demon, nods.

"I've encountered them before, wasn't all that unusual fairly recently.

With a fire-breather like this one, if you can take on a fire form,

being ready to do that will be useful, saves lots of painful burns."



Thank you Lord Kendral. I will take that under advisement. (You note that

Caitlin has a good riding seat, and seems extremely aware of her

surroundings. Constantly observing the landscape for changes. She also

carries a rather large sword strapped to her horse and a crossbow.) She

continues So, Lord Kendral, it seems we have a bit farther to ride, why

don't you tell me something about yourself.


GM (Rhees):

"Yes, Kendral," Rhees speaks out, pulling up beside her brother Cedric, who

rides on the opposite side of Caitlin. "Do tell us. It has been ages since

I last saw you.... I am curious to hear how things fair with the Hendrakes

and yourself."



He shrugs. I'm a survivor, Lady, I managed to survive having

Duchess Dara of Helgram as a half-sister," he smiles to show that

he's being at least semi-facetious, "I survived the Battle of the

Abyss at the end of Patternfall, and I survived the Abyss War,

though that was more a matter of luck than skill. And now I'm trying

to help Duke Mason rebuild the House, when I'm not assisting in

dragon hunting, or dabbling in things new to me. And you?



Kendral gives Duchess Rhees a head-bow, acknowledging her.

"It has been a while, Duchess, certainly. I fare well enough, though

like your brother somewhat rusty from lack of use of my skills. Or

yourself, I suppose. As to Hendrake, we fare well enough, sadly

reduced from our former glory, back when your father was Duke, but

then who isn't reduced these days? Mason has promise to be a good

Duke, young but he listens well to those with more experience. He

needs an heir, but he knows that and is considering it at length.

How does Minobee recently? I've but spoken with your brother and

little about the House itself, more about my old friends and people

we know."


GM (Rhees):

"Minobee fairs well, Kendral. Out of the wake of much tragedy, we emerge

strong," she replies. "And soon enough I will bear an heir," she

continues, gesturing to her stomach. "And it pleases me that I will raise

my son to be part of a House in which I have some measure of pride." Her

expression is light, but Kendral can almost hear an edge to her voice as

she says this.



Kendral nods. "May I congratulate you on your good fortune,

then, Duchess."



(In response to background query from Jarrod)

As far as anyone knows, you were stuck in shadow until recently. You

disappeared shortly before the Abyss War...and were trapped in a

technological shadow that is now adjoined to the ways of Amblerash.


Since she returned, Caitlin has been going out and meeting people....


Rhees you know...she trained the old Caitlin and has taken a liking to the

new one, as well. She doesn't know the truth, of course, and is fervently



Cedric is her brother...he knew the old Caitlin a've had

opportunity to talk to him a little since you returned...he's okay. don't know at all. You're surprised he's here...given the

current tensions between the Minobees and the Hendrakes.



I was stuck in shadow until recently. I was off in shadow at the start of

the Abyss war and was subsequently trapped there until recently. I find

myself home, and many friends gone from my life forever, lost to the

nameless one's pointless rampage against Amber. I am glad to be home.



Kendral nods. "Not an uncommon situation, it seems. Though I

suppose it might be better to not have seen the losses as they

happened, like we did, having people you knew just vanish like that

must be hard. I'm certain your uncle is glad to have you home as

well, and those friends who you've found still amongst the living."



Unfortunately those friends are few and far between it seems. Most

all of them were lost. Aside from Uncle Balaam and those here,

there are very few to speak of. But, having been cutoff for so long

in Shadow prepared me for the worst it seems. I really was not

surprised to find so many gone. After all, when one is stuck in

Shadow for years it is bound to happen. Besides, I knew nothing

good could be happening with the connections of shadow torn apart.

It could only have been bad news.



So, where you were stuck, it seemed a long time to you, then?

Certainly, the way Shadow came apart it wasn't likely to have a good

result. Even for those of us here, it was a strange time, isolated

where we'd been when things went to the Abyss.



I was stuck in a "Technology Shadow". It had interesting gadgets and

things, but was limited in many other ways. Approximately 30 years passed

for me there, cut off from my family and friends. You can imagine, I feel

somewhat lost and alone right now. I suppose given time I will adjust to

the "New" Chaos. We will grow strong again.


GM (Rhees):

Yes, indeed, Rhees comments. And I must say, Caitlin, that your time in

shadow must have been well spent, for you seem if anything, a far more

confident young woman than when you finished training with us. But

experience does give one confidence, don't you agree, Kendral?



"Usually, certainly, Duchess. It has for you and I, and

apparently for Lady Caitlin as well."


GM (Rhees):

"Yes...and no doubt your experience will be of great benefit to our young

Duke of Hendrake," she replies. "I feel more relaxed knowing that you are

there to aid him through the more difficult aspects of Court politics."



Kendral chuckles. "You are assuming that I have any experience

in Court politics, but I will do as best I can. I left that to your

father and mother when they ruled the House, and to Maric when he

became Duke. Now, I stumble about as best I may, giving what advice

I can. But I thank you for your kind words."


GM (Rhees):

Her expression becomes pensive as she replies, "Nevertheless, Kendral, you

are the consummate diplomat, and House Hendrake will do better for you

presence and careful advice. But the hunt calls to us," she continues,

gesturing to the dark forests of Cainsmarsh, but a league distant.


"We should continue slowly a few more miles, and then dismount and approach

on foot. We'll be at an advantage if the creature doesn't have time to wake

fully," Cedric says.


He draws forth his blade and begins polishing its surface as he continues

to ride.


Rhees pulls out a quiver and begins checking over her arrows, which are

barbed and rather cruel-looking.



Kendral bows his head to the Duchess. "I do try to be, when I

must." Kendral nods, and draws his blade, checking over it's edge,

then returning it to it's sheath.


GM (Rhees):

Rhees begins quietly giving suggestions to Caitlin. "We'll try to cripple

its wings first.... On the ground the creature isn't terribly agile.

Dragons normally can't use their rear legs for attack, though it can lash

out with its tail. Its foreclaws, fiery breath, and teeth are its primary

weapons...though some of the creatures possess enough intelligence to

create traps. I don't believe this one is terribly intelligent, however,

else it would have been more careful to hide its lair."


"Don't let it bleed on you...for its blood can be toxic in large

quantities.... The best and safest form of attack is to move in for a low

slice, and then back away quickly."


"Does that sound fair advice to you, Kendral?" Rhees asks, she and Caitlin

looking over in your direction.



Kendral nods. "Main thing in my experience is to make each

strike count, because a dragon is not a foe that allows you many

strikes without being struck in return. Coordination will also be

important, we need to move as one, not be a mob. We'll be better

off if we can have multiple people going in and coming out at the

same time, if it's not one of the more intelligent ones that may

confuse it enough that it doesn't concentrate it's ire on someone."


GM (Rhees):

"Rightly said, Kendral," Rhees responds. There's a sense of new respect

from her...she's attempted in her own way to goad him, and having failed in

that, is giving him a grudging respect for his gentility.


After a bit, everyone dismounts, and the conversation becomes more hushed.

Spreading out, the group begins to cautiously make their way to the edge of

the forest. There is a chasm that marks the border between Cainsmarsh and

Donegal...and the chasm links to cave systems underneath...most likely the

creature has its lair somewhere down in the chasm.


At the chasm, most of you begin to pick up a strange smell...the smell of

scorched meat. You overhear one of the hunters mutter, "It has to be



A ways over, Rhees raises her pennant, and points to a cave opening on the

opposite side of the chasm, a few hundred feet down...there are sooty marks

above the cave mouth.


Now you simply have to find a way to get across the chasm and down the

cliff face without waking the beast. Rhees' hunting party has brought rope

and rappelling supplies....



Caitlin moves slightly ahead of the group, and turns around, she motions

that she will lead down the cliff. She quickly prepares the ropes with

the others and begins her descent.



Kendral raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn't say anything,

waiting for the ropes to be prepared.


GM (Rhees):

Following Caitlin's lead, the party reaches the base of the chasm with

little difficulty, and no sign of the dragon. Below the cave's mouth, you

find a small pile of scorched bones...all of them appear to be animal

bones. Rhees gives a few quiet orders that some of the hunters remain here

in case the beast should attempt to flee.



Caitlin motions for quiet and seems to be listening intently, she then

waves Rhees, Kendral and a few hunters forward, and begins to enter the




Kendral holds up a hand, palm out, as if to say, `Wait', then

he looks at Rhees and Cedric, and mouths, "Anyone know of a back way

into this cave? Going headfirst in line down a dragon-hole is a good

way to get baked...."


GM (Rhees):

Rhees looks toward Cedric, who shakes his head 'no'.... She shrugs and

continues scaling up the face of the cliff to the dragon's cave.



Kendral shrugs and follows.


GM (Rhees):

The interior of the cave is very dark...but your eyes adjust to the dimness

quickly. There is a foul smell to the place...of burned flesh and

dragon.... Further in the cave opens up to a very impressive size, and you

discover the creature's resting place. Bones...and burned bits of cow flesh

litter the nest...which is made up of crushed, desiccated shrubs and small

trees...apparently brought here by the creature. Light trickles in overhead

from a small opening far above. Towards the rear of the cave the ceiling

drops somewhat over a very large underground lake, from which rises steam.


Rhees looks at Kendral quizzically, when you both hear shouts from outside

the cave entrance...from the guards posted at the entrance.


Rhees snarls. "Blast it...the scouts said the creature was in its cave...."

And she begins dashing towards the entrance.



Kendral turns and runs for the entrance. "Out of date intelligence,

again. Oh, well, won't be the first time. Or it's got a back-door to

it's lair here, which isn't a good thought."


GM (Cedric):

Cedric looks almost amused by the whole affair. Running alongside Kendral

he remarks, "As if anything we ever did followed the play anyway...," and

he laughs.


Up ahead, you hear a bestial roar, and a man's scream.


Reaching the mouth of the cave, you see the dragon...which is immense and

serpentine. Its scales are a dull brown...such that it could easily blend

in with its environment. Its rear legs are smaller than its

forelegs...almost stunted...and the forelegs possess large claws. It's body

is only a little thicker than the rest of its form; in many respects the

creature is more of a winged serpent than a dragon. You note a lump in its

throat...and a quick count causes you to realize that one of the groomsmen

is missing.


One of the hunters lies still by the far wall of the chasm...bent at an

unnatural angle. Four other hunters are moving about it...darting in for

strikes and then pulling away. It seems to be having trouble dealing with

so many enemies. Rhees is below you, firing arrows at the creature....



Kendral smiles as he runs. "There's that......



Caitlin, witnessing the ferocity of the dragon, thinks that a well placed

dagger may be useful, she drops one out of her sleeve, takes careful aim,

and throws it at the dragon's eye. and then with a somewhat chilling

yell, charges the beast.



The dagger flies true and embeds itself firmly in the creatures eye. The

creatures roars in pain and beats its wings harder...lifting it further off

the ground. The wind the creature is generating buffets the hunters and

they draw back somewhat. Rhees fires another arrow, but the wind causes it

to fly off course.


GM (Cedric):

Cedric suddenly looks pale and grabs Kendral's arm. "That's no

fire-breather...the shape is all wrong."



Kendral pauses in his jump, then spins. "Abyss.... That

steaming lake!! 'Ware back!"



In the Cave:

Looking back, Kendral sees nothing in the darkness of the cave's pitch black...for some reason you can't see the light that

was in the big cave in the back. You get a sense of a warm, faint wind

blowing over your face...



The dragon lifts itself off the ground, and all the hunters (including

Caitlin and Rhees) are prevented from approaching by the buffeting winds.

As you watch, the dagger drops from its eye, and the wound heals. Something

is very strange about this's using its wings to hover above

the ground...something no flying creature larger than a hummingbird should

be able to do.


GM (Rhees):

Rhees expression turns even more sour, and you hear her call out, "Bloody's using magic!"



Caitlin hears Rhees and begins backing off, in the meantime she studies

the dragon for any possible magical implements it may be using.



Kendral shouts, "Keep it under fire, aim at the wing roots with

arrows or whatever. Walk them in if you have to, as fast as it's

wings are beating, the winds should be fairly constant. Gwydion, if

you've any magic, get after it!"


Kendral waves Cedric to the opposite side of the cave mouth,

then looks at him across the mouth, pulling his own head back from

the mouth of the cave. "It's in there, blocking the light from

the back. Can't tell if it's coming out right now or not. Ever

get the feeling you've been set up?" Kendral flattens against

the side of the cliff face, sword in hand.


The breeze becomes stronger and warmer and you hear a low rumbling coming

from deeper in the cave....


Kendral eyes widen. "I suggest we take this fight that we at

least have room to dodge," he calls out, and then dives out the cave mouth.


Following him with your eyes, you nonetheless note light coming from deeper

in the cave...a bright yellow-red...getting brighter all the time...and




Rhees ties a cord onto the end of one of her arrows and fires it straight

into the creature's wing. Grabbing the grabbing the cord, she pulls and

begins running toward the creature, pulling as she goes. You note a large

tear beginning to open on the creature's wing, where the bladed arrow is

being pulled down.


Gwydion begins incanting something, and with a flourish...nothing happens.

And then the creature drops to the groan with a surprised roar. The hunters

move in again and begin hacking at its wings. Unfortunately, the creature

is healing damn quickly.



Caitlin gets a very annoyed look on her face and shouts something toward

the dragon which is lost in the wind. She then draws her sword and runs

full tilt at the beast. As she nears it, she attempts to remove a wing

while it is down.



Reeling on the ground, the creature begins to transform...its flesh

rippling and becomes somehow smaller it almost seems...its

wings grow larger while its body dwindles and thickens, until something

that much more resembles a traditional dragon stands in its place...its

skin bone white...the glimmer of intelligence in its eyes. A low growl deep

in its throat takes on the vaguest tones of speech.... "At last," it

snarls, "a real fight."


At that exact point, Caitlin lops off the greater part of its right wing,

her sword cleaving its flesh as easily as a warm knife cuts through butter.

It raises its head high as it screams, and then channels the scream into a

blast, lowering its head and aiming at the hunters. Two of them go down,

bleeding from the ears and nose. The rest of you are momentarily deafened.


And then through your feet you feel a low rumble from the earth that shakes

the entire chasm ever-so-slightly and seems to be gaining in strength.



Kendral swings to the side on the rope and finds himself a set of

hand and footholds in the cliff-face, waiting for the dragon to

come out of the cave...


Kendral looks at Cedric, then points to the strange white

dragon in the chasm. "Finish that one off, I'll be sure to let

you know when this one comes out. If we can down that one before

this one gets out, we're A LOT better off...."



Caitlin advances on the dragon in the chasm. She darts in and takes a

swing at its neck. She then darts back out. At that point she looks over

at Kendral, "Did you say another dragon is in the cave?" She quickly looks

around to see who might still be in the cave if anyone.



Caitlin barely has time to finish her sentence when Cedric dives from the

cave mouth. Kendral swings around from the cave mouth and clings to the

cliff face to the left of it, and then an enormous gout of flame pours

forth from the cave opening. The flame washes over the other dragon, but it

only basks in the heat of it...and its bone-white scales take on a slight



And then the other dragon's head darts out of the cave...and immediately

swings towards Kendral...jaws opening to reveal rows of sharp teeth.



Kendral responds by cutting at the fire-breather's muzzle with

his sword, hanging on with his other hand. Then he tries to bound

back into the cave mouth, beside and below the dragon's neck, when

it reacts to the cut.



Caitlin takes this all into account, and quickly says a word. Then she

repeats it. All the while she is looking at the top of the cave opening.

She then immediately shouts at Kendral to Jump down.



Kendral, being a wee bit busy (and perhaps not hearing very well

since the dragon is right on top of him), holds in place (at least until

the rocks start to fall <g>).



Kendral's blade buts into the creatures neck, cutting past scales and

thorny ridges, but not very deeply...and the blood that spills from the

wound steams in the open air...leaving an acrid smell that reminds you of

white phosphorous. It snaps at his sword arm but misses, and then Kendral

successfully ducks back into the cave.... Inside, though, dust is sifting

down from the ceiling....


Caitlin only barely succeeds in dodging the other dragon's next strike,

distracted as she was by Kendral's predicament. Dropping and rolling, she

barely avoids its bite.... And abruptly the creature stops and regards her

with glowing eyes. "I know your scent, little one...." Pulling its head

back, it strikes the chasm wall near the cave with its tail.


The cave begins to rumble again...and the sound of splitting stone is

audible to all.



Kendral stabs upwards into the throat above him, putting his

other hand on the hilt to drive it in deeper. Then, freeing the

blade with a push, he dives out of the cave, reaching for the rope

to break his fall. "'Ware all, we've got another one. *FINISH*

that one, Cedric, stop playing with it!"



The creature shrieks as the blade penetrates its throat. Pulling forth the

blade, Kendral succeeds in nearly decapitating the creature. As he grabs

the rope, Kendral hears Gwydion incanting again...and then the cave rumbles

still more loudly, and at last the cave collapses around the creature,

entombing it.



Caitlin's attention is fully centered on the dragon now. "Well then, it

is time for you to die." She attacks full tilt. She dances in and stabs

towards its heart.



Rhees and Cedric see her response...but the others are distracted. Wading

in with the sword coming up in an arc, Caitlin dodges it's foreclaw strike

and shears away most of its paw with her sword, and with a turn buries her

sword into the creature's breast. It screams and pulls back. Pulling her

sword free, Caitlin steps back as it prepares to breath flame upon her.


There is almost a slight smirk to her features as she throws her sword at

the creature's head. The blade penetrates through the creature's lower jaw

and into the back of its throat, locking its mouth shut, and the gout of

ensuing flame causes its head to plain and simply explode.


Blood and burned flesh rain over the entire group, and the rumbling of the

cave shakes most of you to your feet. And when you all stand again, it is



And then Rhees laughs, and Caitlin retrieves her blade.



Kendral looks around, then shrugs. "Dividing your forces in

the presence of the enemy is rarely a good plan. Works wonders

occasionally, but a bad idea in general."



"Strategy is sometimes not only what is usually good, but what will work

best at the moment." Caitlin smiles. "Besides, it was quite a rush."



Kendral nods, as if he's thinking about something else. "I

was more referring to their tactics than ours, this time."


After a long pause, Kendral looks around the group. "Looks

like that _should_ reduce the dragon depredations in the area, Rhees.

The white one is definitely something to ponder, though, something

unusual about that dragon."



Caitlin smiles. "Yes, the problem should be done now. The question is

why such an unusual dragon was involved. And no less intriguing two

dragons working together. Does anyone else feel as though we were setup?"



Kendral nods. "I've been thinking that since we saw that white

dragon outside and realized it wasn't a fire-breather. Who and why,

that's a good question, one that I've no answer to."



Caitlin looks to Rhees. "Any Ideas?"


GM (Rhees):

She looks over at the two of you. "With Kendral I don't . We

have no feuds between houses, save for the tensions between us,

Kendral...and type of deceit would never be undertaken by Hendrake. Clearly

there is much to look into."


She looks over at Gwydion and nods.


"Let us journey back to my Keep...we can rest there and recuperate, and

discuss what is to be done."



Kendral sighs quietly.


Kendral nods, then cleans his sword and resheathes it.



The group of you climb the cliff face, mount your horses, and ride back to

the manor house of the Minobees. Rhees sets a brisk pace, and no one speaks

as you journey back. Arriving at the house, a servant runs up to Rhees and

hands her a note. As she reads it, you note that her face becomes flushed

and a her jaw knots in tension.


Gwydion assists the hunters with unloading the dead, and the as the rest

head off, Kendral, Caitlin, and Cedric are left alone with Rhees.


"Some ill news, sister," Cedric inquires carefully.


She looks up abruptly, as if she had almost forgotten your presence. "Fair

or ill news, who can say?" she begins, a tight brittle smile dominating her

expression. "The Queen Mother of Amber comes to all her usual doubt intending to tour the backwater provinces and flaunt her



Cedric's eyes widen. "Usual regalia...? You mean...."


Her eyes narrow. "Yes. Precisely."



Kendral raises an eyebrow.


"You don't mean the Eye of the Serpent, do you?"



Rhees crumples the note and tosses it aside. "One of them anyway," she

replies. "The gall of that parade around a holy relic as if it

were some glass-beaded bauble...," she snarls.


"You go too far," Cedric replies. "She is on good terms with the

Emperor...." You notice that Cedric appears just a touch nervous, though he

hides it well.


"Despil would not fault me if I set the matter aright and Chaos grew

stronger for it...," Rhees replies...her smile tight and cold. "And we serve Despil...or the Spider?"


She turns to Caitlin and laughs lightly. "What would you uncle say to that

bit of sedition, I wonder?"



Kendral smiles tightly. "We serve both, Duchess, and those of us

here served the Serpent in the past. The trick is serving more than

one master in the best way possible. That the Queen Mother of Amber

is a friend of the Emperor is undeniable. That the Queen Mother of

Amber should flaunt such an item _here_ is unendurable. A neat little

tactical problem, no?"



"Well, first, Uncle Balaam no longer serves the Serpent. The Serpent is

dead. He serves the Spider. Despil serves the Spider as well. The

Spider serves its own purposes. I think any service to the Spider, that

does not break with the crown is a good thing. However, we are currently

at peace with Amber. We are not strong enough to take it on at present

either. Would you risk a war for the Stone?"



Rhees smiles benignly. "War...of course not. But surely the Emperor could

not be held accountable for the actions a few fanatical

serpent-worshippers...not at all affiliated with the throne of Chaos?"


Gwydion looks pained at that. "This isn't something to discuss publicly, my

Grace," he begins.


She interrupts swiftly, "In my home, I'll say what I damn well please. No

emperor can begrudge me that little freedom."



Kendral chuckles. "This emperor may not begrudge you that, others

could. And the realm of Chaos could be held accountable, should this

hypothetical band of fanatical Serpent-worshippers overstep their

bounds. For instance, *killing* the Queen Mother would definitely be

over-stepping those bounds. However, merely relieving her of the Eye

that she so rudely bore might not be seen as so over-stepping the

bounds as to require war."



Gwydion speaks up. "You realize, of course, that we needn't act at all. If

word of this has come to us, then no doubt all the houses have learned of

this as well...perhaps it is merely a ploy of some kind to root out the

disloyal. Either way, some will be unable to resist this lure." He sighs

and assumes an expression of mock sorrow. "I fear that Emma will find the

Eye to be the Courts. I fear for her safety."


Rhees smiles at that. "A loyal servant of the crown would investigate

either on hand should an attack occur...and in the

ensuing...Chaos...why anything might happen. Don't you agree, Lord Kendral?"



Kendral smiles,


"Oh, certainly, Duchess."


GM Rhees:

"Ah...but we bore my guests with idle chitchat," she replies with a sigh.

"You are all welcome to remain my guests and stay for supper, should you

wish to.... If you will pardon your hostess, I should report this strange

hunting incident to Despil's people." Gwydion takes her arm and the two

head off. Before she leaves through a far right door, however, she gives

Kendral a long look...and smiles.



Kendral nods. "There was something _very_ strange about that

whole thing." He stands and bows as the Duchess leaves, a look of

faint surprise flashing across his face at the smile.



"Yes, they were odd, even by dragon standards. Despil may want to check

into this further."


GM Cedric:

Cedric nods his head at Caitlin's remark.


"Kendral, shall we retire to my quarters?" he asks. "You can use my

facilities while the servants are preparing your own quarters...."



Kendral nods and stands. "That would be good, yes. I can

get the stench of dragon blood off me, for one thing."


He bows to Caitlin, saying, "A pleasure working with you,

Lady", then turns to leave with Cedric.



Caitlin returns the bow, and smiles at Kendral. "The pleasure is all mine

sir. Perhaps we can work together again soon, or maybe dinner with

yourself and Mason could be arranged."



Kendral arches an eyebrow. "We shall see, Lady, time will tell."

Then he leaves.