Scientific Publications by John T. Lehman

JTL and J.W. Porter. 1973. Chemical activation of feeding in the Caribbean reef-building coral Montastrea cavernosa. Biological Bulletin 145: 140-149.

JTL 1973. The San Blas Cuna: An Introduction. Discovery 8: 59-64.

JTL, D.B. Botkin, and G.E. Likens. 1975. The assumptions and rationales of a computer model of phytoplankton population dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography 20: 343-364.

JTL, D.B. Botkin, and G.E. Likens. 1975. Lake eutrophication and the limiting CO2 concept: a simulation study. Proc. International Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology 19: 300-307.

JTL 1975. Reconstructing the rate of accumulation of lake sediment: the effect of sediment focusing. Quaternary Research 5: 541-550.

JTL 1976. The filter feeder as an optimal forager, and the predicted shapes of feeding curves. Limnology and Oceanography 21: 501-516.

JTL 1976. Photosynthetic capacity and luxury uptake of carbon during phosphate limitation in Pediastrum duplex (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology 12: 190-193.

JTL 1976. Ecological and nutritional studies on Dinobryon  Ehrenb.: seasonal periodicity and the phosphate toxicity problem. Limnology and Oceanography. 21: 646-658.

JTL 1977. On calculating drag characteristics for decelerating zooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 22: 170-172.

JTL 1978. Enhanced transport of inorganic carbon into algal cells and its implications for the biological fixation of carbon. Journal of Phycology 14: 33-42.

JTL and C.D. Sandgren. 1978. Documenting a seasonal change from phosphorus to nitrogen limitation in a small temperate lake, and its impact on the population dynamics of Asterionella. Proc. Internat. Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology 20: 375-380.

JTL 1978. Aspects of nutrient dynamics in freshwater communities. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, 180 p. Dissertation committee chairman: W.T. Edmondson, Dept. of Zoology.

JTL 1979. Physical and chemical factors affecting the seasonal abundance of Asterionella formosa Hass. in a small temperate lake. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 87: 274-303.

JTL 1980. Release and cycling of nutrients between planktonic algae and herbivores. Limnology and Oceanography 25: 620-632.

JTL 1980. Nutrient recycling as an interface between algae and grazers in freshwater communities, p. 251-263. In W.C. Kerfoot [ed.], Evolution and ecology of zooplankton communities. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Special Symposium 3.

Edmondson, W.T. and JTL. 1981. The effect of changes in the nutrient income on the condition of Lake Washington. Limnology and Oceanography 26: 1-29.

JTL and C.D. Sandgren. 1982. Phosphorus dynamics of the procaryotic nannoplankton in a Michigan Lake. Limnology and Oceanography 27: 828-838.

JTL and D. Scavia. 1982. Microscale patchiness of nutrients in plankton communities. Science 216: 729-730.

JTL and D. Scavia. 1982. Microscale nutrient patches produced by zooplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. 79: 5001-5005.

Dorazio, R.M. and JTL. 1983. Optimal reproductive strategies in age-structured populations of zooplankton. Freshwater Biology 13: 157-175.

JTL and W.T. Edmondson. 1983. The seasonality of phosphorus deposition in Lake Washington. Limnology and Oceanography 28: 796-800.

JTL and D. Scavia. 1984. Measuring the ecological significance of microscale nutrient patches. Limnology and Oceanography 29: 214-216.

Naumoski, T. and JTL. 1984. Nitrogen loading: influence on dissolved inorganic carbon in natural waters. Proc. International Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology 22: 244-249.

JTL 1984. Grazing, nutrient release, and their impacts on the structure of phytoplankton communities, p. 49-72. In D. Meyers and J.R. Strickler [eds.], Trophic dynamics of aquatic ecosystems. AAAS Special Symposium.

JTL 1985. Cell quotas of nutrients in phytoplankton established by X-ray analysis. Proc. International Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology 22: 2861-2865.

JTL and C.D. Sandgren. 1985. Species-specific rates of growth and grazing loss among freshwater algae.  Limnology and Oceanography 30: 34-46.

JTL and T. Naumoski. 1985. Content and turnover rates of phosphorus in Daphnia pulex: effect of food quality. Hydrobiologia 128: 119-125.

Scavia, D., G.L. Fahnenstiel, M.S. Evans, D.J. Jude, and JTL. 1986. Influence of salmonine predation and weather on long-term water quality trends in Lake Michigan. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 43: 435-443.

JTL and T. Naumoski. 1986.  Net community production and hypolimnetic nutrient regeneration in a Michigan Lake. Limnology and Oceanography 31: 788-797.

JTL 1986. Control of eutrophication in Lake Washington, p. 302-316. In Ecological knowledge and environmental problem-solving. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

JTL 1986. Raising the level of a subarctic lake, p. 318-330. In Ecological knowledge and environmental problem-solving. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

JTL 1986. The goal of understanding in limnology. Limnology and Oceanography 31: 1160-1166.

Dorazio, R.M., J.A. Bowers, and JTL. 1987. Food-web manipulations influence grazer control of phytoplankton growth rates in Lake Michigan. Journal of Plankton Research 9: 891-899.

JTL 1987. Palearctic predator invades North American Great Lakes.  Oecologia 74: 478-480.

JTL 1988. Algal biomass unaltered by food web changes in Lake Michigan. Nature 332: 537-538.

JTL 1988. Selective herbivory and its role in phytoplankton evolution, p. 369-387. In C. D. Sandgren [ed.], Growth and reproductive strategies of freshwater phytoplankton. Cambridge Univ. Press.

JTL 1988. Ecological principles affecting community structure and secondary production by zooplankton in marine and freshwater environments. In S. Nixon [ed.], Comparative ecology of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems.  Limnology and Oceanography 33: 931-945.

Warren, G.J. and JTL. 1988. Young-of-the-year Coregonus hoyi in Lake Michigan: Prey selection and influence on the zooplankton community. Journal of Great Lakes Research 14: 420-426.

JTL 1988. Hypolimnetic metabolism in Lake Washington: Relative effects of nutrient load and food web structure on lake productivity. Limnology and Oceanography 33: 1336-1349.

JTL, J.A. Bowers, R.W. Gensemer, G.J. Warren, and D.K. Branstrator. 1990. Mysis relicta in Lake Michigan: Abundances and relationships with their potential prey, Daphnia. Canadian J. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47: 977-983.

JTL and C.D. Sandgren. 1990. Trophic dynamics of Lake Michigan: Response of algal production to changes in the zooplankton community.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24: 397-400.

Sandgren, C.D. and JTL 1990. Response of chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, and microzooplankton to the invasion of Lake Michigan by Bythotrephes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24: 386-392.

Branstrator, D.K. and JTL 1991. Invertebrate predation in Lake Michigan: Regulation of Bosmina longirostris by Leptodora kindti. Limnology and Oceanography 36: 483-495.

JTL 1991. Causes and consequences of cladoceran dynamics in Lake Michigan: Implications of species invasion by Bythotrephes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 17: 437-445.

JTL 1991. Interacting growth and loss rates: the balance of top-down and bottom-up controls in plankton communities. Limnology and Oceanography 36: 1546-1554.

JTL and C. Caceres. 1993. Food web responses to species invasion by a predatory invertebrate: Bythotrephes in Lake Michigan. Limnology and Oceanography 37: 879-891.

JTL and D.K. Branstrator. 1993. Effects of nutrients and grazing on the phytoplankton of Lake Victoria. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25: 850-855.

JTL  1993. Efficiencies of ingestion and assimilation by an invertebrate predator using C and P dual isotope labeling.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 38: 1550-1554.

JTL and D.K. Branstrator. 1994. Nutrient dynamics and turnover rates of phosphate and sulfate in Lake Victoria, East Africa. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39: 227-233.

Burkhardt, S. and JTL 1994. Prey consumption and predatory effects of an invertebrate predator (Bythotrephes: Cladocera, Cercopagidae) based on phosphorus budgets. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39: 1007-1019.

JTL and D.K. Branstrator. 1995. A model for growth, development, bioenergetics and diet selection by the invertebrate predator Bythotrephes cederstroemi. J. Great Lakes Research 21: 610-619.

JTL, G.B. Mbahinzireki, and L.M. Ndawula. 1996. Caridina nilotica in Lake Victoria: abundance, biomass, and diel vertical migration. Hydrobiologia 317: 177-182.

Branstrator, D.K., L.M. Ndawula, and JTL. 1996. Zooplankton dynamics in Lake Victoria. In T. C. Johnson and E. Odada [eds.], Limnology, Climatology and Paleolimnology of the East African Lakes. Gordon and Breach. 

JTL 1996. Pelagic food webs of the East African Great Lakes. In T. C. Johnson and E. Odada [eds.], Limnology, Climatology and Paleolimnology of the East African Lakes. Gordon and Breach.

JTL and D.A. Lehman. 1996. Luigi Provasoli 1908-1992. In D. Garbary and M. J. Wynne [eds.], Prominent Phycologists of the 20th Century. Lancelot Press.

JTL and D.A. Lehman. 1996. Status of the non-indigenous invertebrate predator Bythotrephes cederstroemi (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan. Proc. Symp. on non-indigenous species in Western Aquatic Ecosystems. Portland State Univ. Lakes and Reservoirs Program Publication No. 96-8: 7-14.

Halat, K. and JTL 1996. A model for the anomalous distribution of Chaoborus in African Great Lakes. Hydrobiologia 330: 31-36.

Ignatow, M.J., G. Mbahinzireki, and JTL 1996. Secondary production and energetics of the shrimp Caridina nilotica in Lake Victoria, East Africa: Model development and application. Hydrobiologia 332: 175-181.

Branstrator, D.K. and JTL 1996. Evidence for juvenile fish predation on Bythotrephes cederstroemi in Lake Michigan. J. Great Lakes Research 22: 917-924.

JTL and D.K. Branstrator 1996. Predicting assimilation and development rates of invertebrate predators. J. Great Lakes Research 22: 930-934.

Bilkovic, D.M. and JTL 1997. Lipid content and size variation of Bythotrephes (Cladocera: Cercopagidae) from Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. J. Great Lakes Research  23: 149-159.

JTL, D.M. Bilkovic, and C. Sullivan. 1997. Predicting development, metabolism, and secondary production for the invertebrate predator Bythotrephes. Freshwater Biology 38:343-352.

JTL  1998. [Editor] Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes. Kluwer.

JTL, K. Halat, B. Betz, L. M. Ndawula and V. Kiggundu. 1998. Secondary production by the lake fly Chaoborus in Lake Victoria, East Africa, p. 135-145.  In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes.  Kluwer.

JTL, A.H. Litt, R. Mugidde, and D.A. Lehman. 1998. Nutrients and plankton biomass in the rift lake sources of the White Nile: Lakes Albert and Edward, p. 157-172.   In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes.  Kluwer.

Mbahinzireki, G.B., JTL, and H. Ochieng. 1998. Caridina nilotica: Spatial distribution and egg production in Lake Victoria, Uganda, p. 117-124.   In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes.  Kluwer.

Holtzman, J. and JTL 1998. Role of apatite weathering in the eutrophication of Lake Victoria, p. 89-98. In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes. Kluwer.

JTL, R. Mugidde, and D.A. Lehman. 1998. Lake Victoria plankton ecology: Mixing depth and climate-driven control of lake condition, p. 99-116. In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes. Kluwer.

JTL 1998. Role of climate in the modern condition of Lake Victoria. Theoret. Appl. Climatology 61: 29-37.

Sullivan, C. and JTL 1998. Character variation and evidence for spine length selection in the invertebrate predator Bythotrephes (Crustacea: Cladocera) from Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. Arch. Hydrobiol. 142: 35-52.

Nosher, T.M, JTL, and J. Nriagu.  2000.  Evidence for copper inhibition of algal growth in Saginaw Bay – Lake Huron, MI.  Contribution Number 1236, Univ. Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI (CD-ROM). 

JTL, A. S. Brooks, and J. C. Zastrow.  2000. Water Ecology. Chapter 5, Great Lakes Regional Assessment. U. S. Global Change Program.

JTL 2001. Ecosystem functioning in aquatic & marine communities, measurement & analysis of, p. 311-320. In S. Levin [ed.], Encyclopedia of Biodiversity.  Volume 2. Academic Press.

JTL, R. J. Foy, and D. A. Lehman. 2001. Inverse model method for estimating assimilation by aquatic invertebrates. Aquatic Sciences 63: 168-181.

Hoffman, J.C., M.E. Smith, and JTL. 2001. Perch or Plankton: Top-down control of Daphnia by yellow perch (Perca flavescens) or Bythotrephes cederstroemi in an inland lake? Freshwater Biology 46: 759-775.

JTL 2002. Application of satellite AVHRR to water balance, mixing dynamics, and the chemistry of Lake Edward, East Africa, p. 235-260. In E. Odada and D. Olago [eds.], The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity. Kluwer.

Jonna, R. and JTL  2002. Invasion of Lake Victoria by the large bodied herbivorous cladoceran Daphnia magna, p. 321-333. In E. Odada and D. Olago [eds.], The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity. Kluwer.

Bazzi, A., JTL, J. O. Nriagu, D. Hollandsworth, N. Irish, and T. Nosher. 2002. Chemical speciation of dissolved copper in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron with Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28: 466-478.

JTL 2002. Mixing patterns and plankton biomass of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes under climate change scenarios. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28: 583-596.

Edmondson, W.T., S. E. Abella, and JTL 2003. Phytoplankton in Lake Washington: long-term changes 1950-1999. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl. 139/3: 1-52. 

JTL, S. E. B. Abella, A. H. Litt, and W. T. Edmondson. 2004. Environmental Fingerprints of Biocomplexity: Taxon-specific Growth of Phytoplankton in Lake Washington. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 150-160.

JTL, A. Bazzi, T. Nosher, and J. O. Nriagu. 2004. Copper inhibition of algal growth in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 1871-1880.

Ferris, J. A. and JTL 2007. Interannual variation in diatom bloom dynamics: roles of hydrology, nutrient limitation, sinking, and whole lake manipulation. Water Research 41: 2551-2562.

JTL, J. A. Ferris, and R. A. Platte. 2007.  Role of hydrology in development of a vernal clear water phase in an urban impoundment. Freshwater Biology 52: 1773-1781.

Miscellaneous Publications of John T. Lehman (abbreviated)

JTL 1976. An explanation of the functions and variables used in the computer simulation model AGS for predicting phytoplankton population dynamics. Cornell Univ. Mimeo., 13 p.

JTL 1979. Grazing, nutrient release, and their formulation in plankton models, p. 59-96. In M.W. Lorenzen [ed.], Phytoplankton-environmental interactions in reservoirs. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station Publ. TC-3265/DACW39-78-C-0088.

JTL 1980. Cycling of P among phytoplankton, herbivorous zooplankton, and the lake water, p. 49-68. In D. Scavia and R. Moll [eds.], Nutrient cycling in the Great Lakes: A summarization of factors regulating the cycling of phosphorus. Special Report No. 83 of the Great Lakes Research Division.

JTL 1982. Nutritional significance of nutrient patches to the phytoplankton: productivity and species composition, p. 210-229. In Fish Ecology III, Univ. Miami Tech. Report 82008.

GLRD 1987. Basic Issues in Great Lakes Research. Special Report No. 123 of the Great Lakes Research Division, The University of Michigan.

GLUES 1988. Great Lakes Unified Ecosystem Studies: A plan for understanding large aquatic ecosystems.  University of Michigan Special Publication.

JTL 1988. Good Professor Edmondson. Limnology and Oceanography 33: 1236-1246.

JTL 1989. Peter Kilham 1943-1989: Intellectual and Scholar. J. Great Lakes Research 15: 723-724.

Branstrator, D.K. and JTL 1989. Measuring ingestion and assimilation efficiencies of aquatic invertebrate predators. H.H. Rackham Research Partnership Proposal, University of Michigan. Copyrighted technical report.

Caceres, C. and JTL. 1990. The spiny water flea Bythotrephes in the Great Lakes. Michigan Sea Grant Publication, 8 p.

IDEAL An International Decade for the East African Lakes (11 authors). 1990. Duke University Marine Laboratory Technical Report.

JTL 1992. G. Evelyn Hutchinson Medal. Limnology and Oceanography 37: 1834.

JTL 1993. Luigi Provasoli, naturalist: 1908-1992. Limnology and Oceanography 38: 250-252.

IDEAL Science and Implementation Plan (multiple authors). 1994. PAGES Special Publication.

JTL and D.K. Branstrator 1996. Predicting assimilation and development rates of invertebrate predators. Technical report.

JTL 1997. How climate change is shaping the modern condition of Lake Victoria. IDEAL Newsletter.

JTL 1997. Academic values and academic misconduct. Faculty Perspectives Page, Univ. Michigan Record.

JTL 1997. Faculty perspectives page is back. Faculty Perspectives Page, Univ. of Michigan Record.

Research Universities and the Undergraduate: Designing Education for the 21st Century [editor] 1998.  University of  Michigan Sigma Xi Special Report.

JTL 2000. The present condition of Ore Lake, Michigan.

JTL 2000. IDEAL Malawi Meeting: A Summary. PACOM Newsletter.

JTL 2000. We learned how to live in Pallanza. Journal of Limnology 59: 1-3.

JTL 2000. Good Science and Good Luck. Hydrobiologia 435: 1-3.

JTL 2000. In Memoriam: W. Thomas Edmondson (1916-2000). Limnology and Oceanography 45: 1448

JTL 2000. We learned how to live in Pallanza (reprinted). Bulletin of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

JTL 2000. The present condition of Ford and Belleville Lakes, Michigan.

Nriagu, J.O., P.M. Meier, D.L. Pascual, and JTL 2001. Nutrients in Ford and Belleville Lakes, Michigan, 1998-2000. University of Michigan School of Public Health Technical Report.

JTL and R. Jonna. 1991. The role of internal nutrient loading in the nuisance algal blooms of 2001 in Ford Lake, Huron River Watershed, Michigan. Technical Report.

Harris, R., I. Jenkinson, and JTL. 2004. EDITORIAL.The first 25 years of Journal of Plankton Research: looking to the future. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 1-3.

Book Reviews

JTL 1975. Modeling the eutrophication process. Limnology and Oceanography 20: 685-686.

JTL 1979. Perspectives on lake ecosystem modeling. American Scientist 67: 723.

JTL 1984. Limnology. Bioscience 34: 518-519.

JTL 1989. Complex interactions in lake communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 34: 487-489.

JTL 1993. The ecosystem approach: its use and abuse. Ecology 74: 2174.

JTL 1995. Limnology now. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40: 644.

JTL 1995. Chrysophyte algae: Ecology, phylogeny and development. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40: 1535.

JTL 1996. Science and limnology. Quarterly Review of Biology 71: 145-146.

JTL 1997. Predictive Limnology. Ecology

JTL 2005. The Lakes Handbook, Volume I. Journal of Plankton Research

JTL 2005. The Lakes Handbook, Volume II. Journal of Plankton Research