MELA Notes

Number 18           October, 1979




Edward A. Jajko (Yale)—President of M. E. L. A.
David Partington (Harvard)—Vice President-Program Chairperson
Marsha McClintock (Ohio State)—Secretary-Treasurer
Chris Filstrup (NYPL)—Editor

MELA NOTES is being published now three times a year, in January or February, May, and September or October. It is distributed to members of the Association and to non-member subscribers. Membership dues of $5 bring the NOTES and other mailings. Subscriptions are still $3 per calendar year, or $1.50 per issue for most back numbers. Address dues, requests for membership information or subscriptions to Marsha McClintock, Secretary-Treasurer MELA, Ohio State University Main Library, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210.


McClintock, Prelude to MELA Annual Meeting 1979     2
Collation     3
MELA Program, Salt Lake City, November 7-8, 1979     4
Annual Membership List     5

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