Engineering 503 SCIENTIFIC VISUALIZATION & INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE TOPICS: Design of line graphs, contour and pseudocolor plots, and a wide variety of other user-generated graphics. Matching the graph type, line styles, markers and legends to the data. Image-processing, such as filtering, contrast enhancement, edge-sharpening and other tools for analyzing photographs or similar images. Fonts, digital typography, visual language, archetypes, and integration of texts and graphics. Distortion and deception in graphs, or how not to be fooled. Guest lectures/computer presentation by Prof. K.-P. Beier on virtual reality. High performance Matlab and AVS graphics. Scientific use of drawing programs such as Adobe Illustrator and (three-dimensional) Adobe Dimensions and image-manipulation programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Design and construction of simple animations such as Quicktime movies. Text: Latex course notes written by the instructor, supplemented by Tufte's Visual Display of Quantitative Information , Wolf and Yaeger's Visualization of Natural Phenomena, Harris' Information Graphics and other books. Homework: (1) Written problem sets (2) Computer problems, which may be completed in the language of the student's choice including FORTRAN, Matlab, Maple, or C Hours: To be arranged Credits: 3 Format: 2 lectures/week plus one presentation in the computer lab. Please contact Prof. Boyd at or 764-3338 if you are interested in taking (or auditing) this course and furnish him with the times of your other courses, if any, or attend the organizational meeting/first lecture: FRIDAY, Jan. 5, at 4:00 in SRB 2246 (Space Physics Research Bldg., main auditorium,2d floor) Prof. John P. Boyd Office: 1535 Space Physics Building Phone: 764-3338 email: Web: http:\\