Dayworld Rebel
Philip Jose Farmer
Ace Books (1988)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780441140022
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Dayworld
Volume 2
Cover Price $4.95
No. of Pages 314
Height x Width 6.7 x 3.9  inch
Original Publication Year 1987
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/4/2009)
Store Better World Books
Purchase Price $3.65
Purchase Date 12/27/2008
Owner John
Links Amazon
This novel picks up where Dayworld left off. Jeff Caird is in custody, but has created a new personae for himself. He is now completely William St. George Duncan, with no memory of Caird or the other six personae that had been him in Dayworld.

There was a lot of Duncan trying to learn things, about the government and about his prior selves, and also wanting to be in a position to actually do something. He escapes from the mental hospital/prison where he was being held and questioned to the wilds of New Jersey. He meets up with a band of other outlaws who help him escape from the initial manhunt, but he doesn't want to be rabbit always scurrying and trying to avoid detection.

That brings us about half way through the book, where Duncan seems to be important. We know it, because we've read Dayworld and know that he has the dangerous (to the govt.) secret of the life extending drugs of the Immermans, plus the two gifts that seem to be his alone, the ability to lie under the influence of the truth mist, and this thing with his being able to become a new person. The two may be linked.

Daywold Rebel has got me ready to ready Dayworld Breakup, even though it is at a good stopping point.