Odd Girl Out
Timothy Zahn
Tor Books (2009)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780765356703
In this noir thriller set on the interstellar Quadrail, former government agent Frank Compton can't catch a break. After a successful mission against the Modhri, the coral polyp-based group mind that is attempting to take over the galaxy, Frank arrives at his New York apartment. A young woman is waiting for him, pointing a gun at his face.  She tells him that someone on New Tigris is holding her ten-year-old sister. Compton takes her gun and orders her out, only to be rousted out of bed and accused of her brutal murder.  After Frank's ally Bruce McMicking posts his bail, Frank travels to New Tigris with his assistant, Bayta, and locates the sister, who is part of a key resistance group that is fighting the Modhri throughout the galaxy. Compton must get the girl to a hidden refuge planet via the Quadrail to ensure the continued efforts of the resistance. But can he do it before the Modhri gets to her first?  Compelling characters, hard-boiled sleuthing, and non-stop action make this a hard SF thriller that will grab the reader and not let go until the last page.
Product Details
Dewey 813
Series Quadrail
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 384
Original Publication Year 2008
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/2/2010)
Store Borders
Purchase Price $2.99
Purchase Date 12/28/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
Odd Girl Out (2008) 379 pages by Timothy Zahn.


This is the third book in the Quadrail series. Telling you any of the plot is a spoiler for the first book, Night Train to Rigel, so I'll keep that to a minimum. Frank Compton is sort of the 1950s witty private eye, thrown into an SF universe. I think all three books start off with a murder that and he becomes the prime suspect.

Compton is quick to recognize a change in tactic and infer what is happening. He uses that skill along with the having the spiders and Bayta on his side to thwart the enemy.

It's a quick read, the pace is fast, there is easy to follow action, and then the mystery angle. I'm not saying this is great literature, but it is great fun, I really liked it. I suggest reading the books in order. Reading either this one or Third Lynx would be a big spoiler for Night Train to Rigel.