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Characterization of category

Sometimes it's okay to make cupcakes just so you can lick the beater. There are some fun things to do out on the Web; if you have an extra ten minutes at the end of class one day, why not go to one?

Examples of this type

Beanie Babies Home Page (http://www.ty.com/)

They're everywhere, they're everywhere! Okay, maybe not as much as they were at Christmas 1996, but kids still adore this site, as do most of the grownups I work with.

Interactive Magic (http://pw2.netcom.com/~sleight/interactivemagic.html)

Truly mystifying. Magic over the Web. How do they do that?

Movies.com (http://www.movies.com/)

Though maybe it's not for younger students, Movies.com has a variety of really interesting movie trailers.

Recommended activities

I'm recommending these sites primarily just for fun, and am more generally saying that it's okay to ocassionally just have a good time on the Web. But seriously, folks, Interactive Magic's on-line tricks can spark a very teachable moment in higher level thinking skills. Fun and games is not all fun and games.

This Web site and presentation copyright 1997, The Regents of the University of Michigan. Site created by Jon Margerum-Leys. Duplication by permission only, please.