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See Current Information

Characterization of category

The Web, by nature, is an ever-changing environment. These sites, however, make it their business to provide information which is in constant flux. One of the major advantages of using the Web over other resources is that, unlike textbooks or CD-ROMs, the Web can combine the advantages of relative stability (always the same URL) with constant freshness and low distribution expense.

Examples of this type

EarthCam Index (http://www.earthcam.com/)

WebCams are automatic or user-controlled cameras which take pictures and immediately post them to the Web. It's a great way to see exactly what a place looks like.

Earthquake of the Day (http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~polet/recofd.html)

Every day, a new earthquake is posted to this caltech Web site. They are from throughout the world, representing a full range of seismic activity.

The Weather Channel (http://www.weather.com/weather_news/)

There are lots of weather sites available, but this is one of the best at providing current data in an understandable format.

Recommended activities

Monitoring these sites over time can give students a view of trends in scientific data. Checking in daily with sites which feature current information might be a good use of one computer in a classroom.

Some teachers set the home page for their classroom computers to a current information site. That way, whenever students start up their Web browser, they automatically get a quick look at some current data.

This Web site and presentation copyright 1997, The Regents of the University of Michigan. Site created by Jon Margerum-Leys. Duplication by permission only, please.