Google Scholar Profile

Selected Papers

Owen-Smith, Jason (2001) "Managing Laboratory Work Through Skepticism: Processes of Evaluation and Control." American Sociological Review 66(3): 427-452. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell (2004) "Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community." Organization Science. 15(1):5-21 [ pdf ]

Powell, Walter W., Douglas R. White, Kenneth W. Koput & Jason Owen-Smith (2004) "Network Dynamics and Field Evolution: The Growth of Inter-organizational Collaboration in the Life Sciences." American Journal of Sociology. 110(4): 1132-1205. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason (2005) "Dockets, Deals, and Sagas: Commensuration and the Rationalization of Experience in University Licensing." Social Studies of Science. 35(1): 69-97. [ pdf ]

Bunker Whittington, Kjersten, Jason Owen-Smith & Walter W. Powell. 2009. "Networks, Propinquity, and Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Industries." Administrative Science Quarterly. 54(1): 90-122. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason. 2011. "The Institutionalization of Expertise in University Licensing." Theory & Society. 40(1): 63-94. [ pdf ]

Kabo, Felichism. Natalie Cotton-Nessler, Yongha Hwang, Margaret Levenstein & Jason Owen-Smith. 2014. "Proximity Effects on the Dynamics and Outcomes of Scientific Collaboration." Research Policy. 43(9): 1469-1485. [ pdf ]

Kabo, Felichism. Yongha Hwang, Margaret Levenstein & Jason Owen-Smith. 2014. "Shared Paths to the Lab: A Sociospatial Network Analysis of Collaboration."Environment and Behavior. DOI 10.1177/0013916513493909. [ pdf ]

Weinberg, Bruce, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca Rosen, Lou Schwarz, Barbara Mcfadden-Allen, Roy Weiss & Julia Lane. 2014. "Science Funding and Short-Term Economic Activity." Science 344: 31-44 [ pdf ]

Lane, Julia, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca Rosen & Bruce Weinberg. 2015. "New Linked Data on Research Investments: Scientific Workforce, Productivity, and Public Value." Research Policy. In Press. [ pdf ]

Zolas, Nikolas, Nathan Goldshlag, Ron Jarmin, Paula Stephan, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca Rosen, Barbara McFadden Allen, Bruce Weinberg & Julia Lane. 2015. "Wrapping in up in a person: Examining Employment and Earnings Outcomes for Ph.D. Recipients." Science. 350: 1367-1371 [ pdf ]

Funk, Russell & Jason Owen-Smith. 2016. "A Dynamic Network Measure of Technological Change."" Management Science. 63(3): 791-817 [ pdf ]

Publications Organized by Year

RJ Funk, J Owen-Smith, SA Kaufman, BK Nallamothu & JM Hollingsworth. 2018. "Association of Informal Clinical Integration of Physicians With Cardiac Surgery Payments." JAMA surgery 153 (5), 446-453 [ pdf ]

Jordan Everson, Russell J Funk, Samuel R Kaufman, Jason Owen–Smith, Brahmajee K Nallamothu, Francis D Pagani & John M Hollingsworth. 2018. "Repeated, close physician coronary artery bypass grafting teams associated with greater teamwork." Health services research 53 (2), 1025-1041 [ pdf ]

HMK Ghomrawi, RJ Funk, ML Parks, J Owen-Smith & JM Hollingsworth. 2018. "Physician referral patterns and racial disparities in total hip replacement: A network analysis approach." PloS one 13 (2), e0193014 [ pdf ]

Y Chhabra, MC Levenstein & J Owen-Smith. 2018. "Local Fiscal Multiplier on R&D and Science Spending: Evidence from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." [ pdf ]

R Sattari, JI Lane & J Owen-Smith. 2017. "New Insights into Food Safety Research Teams." Measuring the Economic Value of Research: The Case of Food Safety, 113

RJ Funk, J Owen-Smith, BE Landon, JD Birkmeyer & JM Hollingsworth. 2017. "Identifying Natural Alignments Between Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Local Health Systems." Medical care 55 (2), e9-e15 [ pdf ]

John M Hollingsworth, Russell J Funk, Spencer A Garrison, Jason Owen-Smith, Samuel A Kaufman, Francis D Pagani & Brahmajee K Nallamothu. 2016. "Association between physician teamwork and health system outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting." Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 9 (6), 641-648 [ pdf ]

J Owen-Smith. 2016. "Network theory: The basics." Organizational Theory Class, University of Michigan. Lecture [ pdf ]

John M Hollingsworth, Russell Funk, Amy Luckenbaugh, Jason Owen-Smith, Samuel Kaufman & Brahmajee Nallamothu. 2016. "PD25-09 CLINICAL INTEGRATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOWER COSTS OF CARE AMONG PATIENTS UNDERGOING PROSTATECTOMY." The Journal of Urology 195 (4), e591 [ pdf ]

H Ghomrawi, R Funk, J Owen-Smith & J Hollingsworth. 2016. "Important differences in the networks of physicians who treat total hip replacement patients in communities with high vs. low proportions of African American residents." Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24, S233 [ pdf ]

RJ Funk & J Owen-Smith. 2016. "A dynamic network measure of technological change." Management Science 63 (3), 791-817 [ pdf ]

Lane, Julia, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca Rosen & Bruce Weinberg. 2015. "New Linked Data on Research Investments: Scientific Workforce, Productivity, and Public Value." Research Policy. In Press. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason, Natalie Cotton-Nessler & Helena Buhr. 2015. "Network Effects on Organizational Decision-Making: Blended Social Mechanisms and IPO Withdrawal." Social Networks. 41:1-17. [ pdf ]

Kabo, Felichism. Natalie Cotton-Nessler, Yongha Hwang, Margaret Levenstein & Jason Owen-Smith. 2014. "Proximity Effects on the Dynamics and Outcomes of Scientific Collaboration." Research Policy. 43(9): 1469-1485. [ pdf ]

Kabo, Felichism. Yongha Hwang, Margaret Levenstein & Jason Owen-Smith. 2014. "Shared Paths to the Lab: A Sociospatial Network Analysis of Collaboration." Environment and Behavior. DOI 10.1177/0013916513493909. [ pdf ]

Weinberg, Bruce, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca Rosen, Lou Schwarz, Barbara Mcfadden-Allen, Roy Weiss & Julia Lane. 2014. "Science Funding and Short-Term Economic Activity." Science 344: 31-44 [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason, Christopher Thomas Scott & Jennifer B. McCormick. 2012. "Expand and Regularize Funding for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Journal of Policy Analysis & Management. 31(1):714-729. [ pdf ]

Scott, Christopher T., Jennifer McCormick, Mindy DeRouen, & Jason Owen-Smith. 2011. "Democracy Derived: New Trajectories in Pluripotent Stem Cell Research." Cell. 145(6): 820-826. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason. 2011. "The Institutionalization of Expertise in University Licensing." Theory & Society. 40(1): 63-94. [ pdf ]

Scott, Christopher T., Jennifer McCormick, & Jason Owen-Smith. 2010. "Federal policy and the use of pluripotent stem cells." Nature Methods. 11: 866-867. [ pdf ]

Buhr, Helena & Jason Owen-Smith. 2010. "Networks as Institutional Support: Law Firm and Venture Capitalist Relations and Regional Diversity in High-Technology IPOs." Forthcoming, Research in the Sociology of Work. Vol. 20. [ pdf ]

Scott, Christopher T., Jennifer McCormick, & Jason Owen-Smith. 2009. "And then there were two: Use of hESC lines." Nature Biotechnology. 27(8):696-697. [ pdf ]

Bunker Whittington, Kjersten, Jason Owen-Smith & Walter W. Powell. 2009. "Networks, Propinquity, and Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Industries." Administrative Science Quarterly. 54(1): 90-122. [ pdf ]

McCormick, Jennifer, Jason Owen-Smith, & Christopher T. Scott. 2009. "Distribution of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines: Who, When, and Where." Cell Stem Cell. 4: 107-110. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell. 2008. "Networks & Institutions." Forthcoming in Greenwood, R. et al. (eds.) The Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. New York: Sage. [ pdf ]

Powell, Walter W., Jason Owen-Smith & Jeannette Colyvas. 2007. "Innovation and Emulation: Lessons from American Universities in Selling Private Rights to Public Knowledge." Minerva 45: 121-142.[ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Jennifer McCormick (2006) "An International Gap in Human ES Cell Research." Nature Biotechnology. 24(4): 391-392. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell (2005) "Accounting for Emergence and Novelty in Boston and Bay Area Biotechnology." Forthcoming in P. Braunerhjelm & M. Feldman (Eds.) Cluster Genesis: The Emergence of Technology Clusters and Their Implications for Government Policy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason (2005) "Commercial Imbroglios: Proprietary Science and the Contemporary University." Pp. 63-90 in K. Moore & S. Frickel (eds.) The New Political Economy of Science: Institutions, Networks, Power. University of Wisconsin Press. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason (2005) "Trends and Transitions in the Institutional Environment for Public and Private Science." Journal of Higher Education. 49(1-2): 91-117. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason (2005) "Dockets, Deals, and Sagas: Commensuration and the Rationalization of Experience in University Licensing." Social Studies of Science. 35(1): 69-97. [ pdf ]

Powell, Walter W., Douglas R. White, Kenneth W. Koput & Jason Owen-Smith (2004) "Network Dynamics and Field Evolution: The Growth of Inter-organizational Collaboration in the Life Sciences." American Journal of Sociology. 110(4): 1132-1205. [ pdf ]

White, Douglas R., Jason Owen-Smith, James Moody, & Walter W. Powell (2004) "Networks, Fields, and Organizations: Scale, Topology and Cohesive Embeddings." Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 10:95-117. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell (2004) "Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community." Organization Science. 15(1):5-21 [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell (2003) "The Expanding Role of University Patenting in the Life Sciences: Assessing the Importance of Experience and Connectivity." Research Policy 32(9): 1695-1711. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason (2003) "From Separate Systems to a Hybrid Order: Accumulative Advantage Across Public and Private Science at Research One Universities." Research Policy 32(6):1081-1104. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason, Massimo Riccaboni, Fabio Pammolli, & Walter W. Powell (2002). "A Comparison of U.S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences." Management Science. 48(1): 24-43. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason (2001) "Managing Laboratory Work Through Skepticism: Processes of Evaluation and Control." American Sociological Review 66(3): 427-452. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell (2001) "To Patent or Not: Faculty Decisions and Institutional Success in Academic Patenting." Journal of Technology Transfer 26(1): 99-114. [ pdf ]

Owen-Smith, Jason & Walter W. Powell (2001) "Careers and Contradictions: Faculty Responses to the Transformation of Knowledge and Its Uses in the Life Sciences." Research in the Sociology of Work. 10: 109-140 [ pdf ]

Powell, Walter W. Kenneth W. Koput, Laurel Smith-Doerr, & Jason Owen-Smith (1999) "Network Position and Firm Performance: Organizational Returns to Collaboration in the Biotechnology Industry." Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 16: 129-159. [ pdf ]

Smith-Doerr, Laurel, Jason Owen-Smith, Kenneth W. Koput & Walter W. Powell (1999) "Networks and Knowledge Production: Collaboration and Patenting in Biotechnology." in R.T.A.J. Leenders & S. Gabbay (eds.) Corporate Social Capital and Liability. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Powell, Walter W. & Jason Owen-Smith (1998) "Universities and the Market for Intellectual Property in the Life Sciences" Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 17(2): 253-277. [ pdf ]

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