SI 519 / PubPol 688

Links for September 8 class:



I asked you to watch Nina Paley & Norman Szabo's Minute Meme #1: Copying is Not Theft and Nina Paley's Minute Meme # 2: All Creative Work is Derivative, and to search the Internet for comparably short videos that supported strong intellectual property rights. Here are links to the videos each of you you identified as the most persuasive short video you found advocating strong intellectual property rights. Please watch at least five of them before Wednesday's class:


  1. Aaron Williams, Anti-Piracy PSA (2008) (0:45)

  2. United States Chamber of Commerce, Intellectual Property — A Solution for America's Challenges (2010)(1:55)

  3. Dan Berman, The Horror (2010) (2:52)

  4. Michael RobGrieco, Copyright, What's Copyright? (2009) (3:41)

  5. Innovation Alliance, The Faces of U.S. Innovation (2009) (2:36)

  6. Slyth66, A Copyrighted Future (2010) (4:56)

  7. Business Software Alliance, Faces of Internet Piracy (2009) (2:20)

  8. World Intellectual Property Organization, Wanjiru Kinyanjui, filmmaker, Kenya (2010) (3:39)

  9. Tenacious D, Jack Black on Piracy (2006) (1:04)

  10. United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Interview with WIPO Director-General (2010) (3:23)

  11. Susan Ferris, Stealing Sucks: Black Coffin (2009) (1:02)

  12. Motion Picture Association of America, Piracy — It’s a Crime (2004) (0:43)

  13. Motion Picture Association of America, Public Awareness Campaign: "Happy Feet" PSA (2007) (0:33) (scroll down to the bottom and click on the center video, or watch it here)

  14. Motion Picture Association of America & Students in Free Enterprise, Anti-Piracy Commercial (2007) (1:02)

  15. Benjamin Frazen & Kembrew McLeod, Film Clip # 2 from "Copyright Criminals" (2009) (3:07)

  16. Music Matters, Why Music Matters: Nick Cave (2010) (2:27)

  17. Foreign Policy Magazine, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google discusses Intellectual Property (2007) (3:32)

  18. Weird Al Yankovic, Don't Download This Song (2009) (3:53)

  19. Gordon Ringold, When and How are Patents Important? (2003) (1:38)

  20. Church of Scientology, Human Rights Video: Copyright (2008) (1:03)

  21. Eric Faden, A Fair(y) Use Tale (2007) (10:14)

  22. Media That Matters, Eyes on Fair Use of the Prize (2006) (2:18)

  23. LawInfo, The Uniform Trade Secrets Act (2010) (1:06)

  24. Copyright Alliance, Behind the Scenes (2008) (3:32) (scroll down to the 4th video) or click below:

  25. Software Publishers Association, Don't Copy That Floppy (1992) (9:42)

  26. Software & Information Industry Association, Don't Copy That 2 (Official Sequel to "Don't Copy that Floppy") (2009) (4:55)

  27. Larry Lessig, Reexamining the Remix (2010) (18:46)