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Q1. What is the status of your cookbook of your grandmother's recipes? What type of recipes are they?

A1. Well, the status of the book right now is we're firming up some of the recipes and we are talking to various publishing houses about it and so hopefully within the year or the beginning of next year we'll have a firmer idea about where it's going to be published. It's basically southern cooking cause my grandmother was from Durham, N.C. and so it's a kind of stick to your ribs kind of food. I suggest that when you eat this food your run to the gym don't walk run. But it's good.

Q2. Do you think that Dr. Quinn reasonably portrays the struggles of Blacks in the 1800's? If yes or no where do you think it's strength's are and it's weaknesses in portraying the Black struggle during this time period?

A1. Well, I think that Dr. Quinn, more than portraying our struggles because we are always showing how we are the have nots and during that time there were some of us who were the haves. And so Dr. Quinn is showing that there was another group of black people who were very much instrumental in forming the West and survived and succeeded in that. However, there are storylines coming up that will show about Shanty Town and a storyline having to do with Grace and wanting the education of other blacks who are not as fortunate as Robert E and Grace. So, I think that there will be more storylines being introduced to show more across the board blacks in the West. However, they concentrated on a certain group that they wanted to portray and I think that was good. Because all to often we really haven't been shown in the West and when we are we are shown, we are always about the struggle and hard times and hardships and not saying that didn't exist however the other existed too.

Q3. Do you have a favorite moment or event on the set of Dr. Quinn? If so what was it?

A3. Well, I think one of my favorite moments was in the first season of the show when we did the first Thanksgiving and incorporated Cloud Dancing and all us were at the cafe and we were all together as a cast. And I thought that was very powerful. It was very powerful because it depicted the unity but not only the unity of the show but of people working together. I thought that was wonderful.

Q4. Is there an episode which has been your favorite? If so, which and why?

A4. Well, there are a lot of them that I've enjoyed. But I have to say that the one that will be coming up and it will probably be airing in December and it's when I teach school in Shanty Town. I'm really quite proud of that particular episode and also of the dynamics of Grace teaching school, but also what realization she comes to about going into business with Preston and any more I won't go into. You have to watch it.

Q5. What do you like about Robert E? Grace?

A5. I like his determination, his quiet strength and that he is there and that they have a very strong support unit and I can depend on him. However, he accepts me as an independent woman also. He's great. About Grace: Everything. I just love her. I really do.

Q6. What, if anything, would you like to change about Robert E? Grace?

A6. Nothing really. I think that they are good people but I also think they are flawed people. I don't think that they are one dimensional people. I like them and now with the addition of our son there will be more storylines having to do with the family unit which I think is very important. And, also the fact that you'll be seeing the interior of our home this season. I like that as well.

Q7. Are there any particular stories that have involved Grace and Robert E which you wish had been developed further? If so, which and why?

A7. I would've liked to seen more involvement with Grace in the Buffalo Soldiers storyline. I like the fact that the Buffalo Soldiers were depicted and they actually used a regiment of writers who go around the country depicting the Buffalo Soldiers and some were descendants of the Buffalo Soldiers. So I thought historically it was wonderful that they did that but I would have liked to have been more involved than I was in that particular story. But I'm glad the story was told.

Q8. What character to date have you portrayed that has had the most impact on your life?

A8. I would have to say on stage Sylvia in "Two Gentlemen of Verona," that was very important to me career wise because that opened me up a whole other venue of people. I also think Doreen on "Generations" she was an interesting character to play and people remember her very fondly. And, I would have to say Grace because of the fact that she is an African American Woman in the West and she is one of the first character woman to be depicted in a prime time Western. So I think that that is important as well.

Q9. How do you feel when the subject of Grace's or Robert E's race comes up? Does it make you feel awkward on the set?

A9. Well, I think that when, especially when we were doing the KKK episode there was a kind of solemn feeling on the set because everyone stopped and thought a lot about what was really being depicted and there was a sense of how far have we really come. Because while we were doing that particular episode there were things in the news being talked about, racial issues in the news that were happening around the country that made us stop and think. Well, how far have we really come? So that particular episode made everybody a bit uneasy while we were doing it. And so it should have.

Q10. Will there be any storylines concerning black settlers from American history that will be portrayed on Dr. Quinn?

A10. Well, I don't know but that sounds like a great idea. If you could perhaps tell us some names of people who you would like to see. The writers are always interested in that kind of thing. The writers always want hear from the viewers. And, yeah it would be nice to integrate real life characters with fictional characters, they did that with General Custer and other characters on the show. That would be wonderful. I think that's a great idea.

Q11. Well Grace be featured more this coming season?

A11. Yes.

Q12. Will Grace ever have an indoor hotel/spa?

A12. It's interesting you say that, in an episode coming up you'll hear about that. Right now she may be going into business with someone who is opening a spa. But having her own spa that's a good idea too.

Q13. Will Grace ever have a child?

A13. Well, we have the little boy Anthony right now who is ten years old. But Grace having a baby who knows, I mean that could happen. In true television fashion you never say never.

Q14. It seems that Grace is much older than you. Why is she played as an older woman than you are?

A14. Well, I don't know if it's so much that Grace is older than I am. It was more serious times. She has an authority and a groundedness that may make her seem older than her years and where as I'm, I don't know, I'm sitting here with a baseball cap on (laughs). People of that time did have a more groundedness to them which would make them seem older, I would think.

Q15. How much control do you have over the character of Grace, i.e., how much of her is your creation?

A15. I think it's a collaborative thing. I think that the character was created by Beth Sullivan however, over the years when you're playing a character you do bring yourself to it. And it's a marriage, the writers will see you do something that'll give them an idea and they can expound on it. So I think it's a collaborative effort. I can't say where one ends and the other begins. It's a collaboration.

Q16. What did you do before Dr Quinn?

A16. Oh well, I have to send you my resume, I've done a lot of work. I don't know maybe I am older (she says laughingly).

Q17. Do you have a favorite role that you've played to date? If so, what was it?

A17. Oh, I always like to enjoy what I'm doing at the time I'm doing it. Because if I'm not doing that I'm thinking about the past or whatever. And I think the here and now is where one should be. So I'm very happy with playing Grace right now.

Q18. Do you have any projects in the works for the hiatus of Dr. Quinn?

A18. Yes, we're working on some ideas for movies of the week and feature films. So stay tuned.

Q19. If you could play any kind of role what would it be?

A19. Well, I know it would have something to do with singing and dancing because I did come from the musical theater. So I would like to be able to do a role that would combine all of those things I like to do. Which is singing, dancing comedy, drama. You always like to do something that incorporates all the things that you can do.

Q20. What do you do when you have time off?

A20. Hang out with my animals, read mysteries, ride horses go to the gym. I love to go to the gym. You know, do stuff for me.

Q21. It is often said that Dr. Mike and Grace are equal and that much of their struggle as woman in the West were the same during this time period. Do you see their story of struggle as the same or do you think there are some real differences? Do you think they will ever become better friends?

A21. There is a story coming up, (I guess by the time you hear the answer to these questions you would have seen the episode), yes, they will become closer. I think the fact that they are women and they came out to the West and that they did things that were thought of as unconventional make them contemporaries of each other in that respect. However, Dr. Quinn is a woman who is from Boston from a very well to do family and who is white and Grace was a house servant and a slave in New Orleans. But in that respect being a house servant in a big home in New Orleans gave her a sort of privilege that she won't have if she was out in the fields. But there are those differences and you can't deny that. But then there are the similarities as well.

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