Marmalade Boy Episode Nine

"The War Of Love Depends On Sales."

This episode opens up with Meiko in the school library. The door opens and she turns around in anticipation. Miwa Satoshi, student body president, walks in. He hits on Meiko and she is perturbed. Meiko walks out of the library.

Don't compare me to a horse!Namura is walking down the hallway of the school when Ryouko calls after him. She asks him to meet with her later. He agrees.

Ginta is walking up the stairs at school and thinks about the promise he made with Arimi. He regrets making it.

Yuu finds Miki at her locker and asks about tennis practice. It has been canceled. Yuu then grabs her by the arm and takes her to the Junk Jungle with him to help out for the grand opening sale. Ginta hears where they are going.

At the Junk Jungle, Yuu and Kijima comment on how good Miki is with the customers. A few customers start to call for Yuu when Miki realizes that he really does have a fan club. Then Kijima asks Miki if she would like to keep working there and Yuu says "no way". He says it would be bad if some strange guy tried to pick Miki up. Miki is touched. Then she makes fun of him sticking his tongue out. He plays along with her.

What's he up to?Just then, Ginta and Arimi walk in the door. Arimi says that they are on a date and saw the sale sign so they came in. Just then, Rokutanda sees them through the door and barges in the store. He starts making fun of Ginta in front of everyone and Arimi gets embarrassed. Then he challenges both Ginta and Yuu. Kijima decides to have a "sale" challenge. Whoever sells the most items, wins. The loser has to shave his head.

Namura and Ryouko walk by and see all the commotion and stop in. The kids sell things like crazy. At the end, though, Rokutanda loses by one shirt. Kijima gives him a few shirts as a consolation prize. When Miki and Yuu get home, they see suitcases by the door. It seems that the parents are going away on a trip for a few days. Yuu and Miki will be alone for a few days.

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