Marmalade Boy Episode Twenty-Six

"I'm too afraid to be happy"

This episode opens with Miki remembering her kiss with Yuu. She still can't believe that it happened. It feels too much like a dream.

SatoshiIn the next scene, Miki and Yuu are taking their temperatures. Yuu's is higher. They both are sick from being at the beach in the cold. They go up to their rooms and sleep. The next morning, they are both feeling better and Miki is cooking Yuu breakfast. She thinks about how cozy it is to cook for him. She is happy that their morning routine is the same as it has always been.

At school, Miki and Meiko are sitting outside talking. Meiko tells Miki that she is happy for her but has she told Ginta yet. She says that she is going to and that Yuu is going to talk to Arimi.

Miki apologizes to Ginta. She tells him that she is sorry for missing his tennis match on Saturday. Ginta just stares ahead. He says that if they had gotten together in the eighth grade, they would be together now but then Matsuura would have stolen her anyway. Then he gets really angry. He tells Miki that if Yuu ever hurts her, he'll kick his a**. He will keep his anger until then. Then he decides that he feels better. Miki asks him to be her friend forever and he calls her an idiot. Of course he will. Then they go play tennis.

Yuu and Arimi are in a cafe. She congratulates him on making a confession. She asks if he has known of his feelings for Miki for a long time. She explains that he is very hard to read. He's always been a loner. He says he wants to change that now. She's glad he is finally a human with real feelings. They say goodbye and they hug. Arimi starts crying.

so sadSONG: "If I take my hand out of yours.
I won't be able to reach you anymore.
I close my eyes.
I can't control my feelings.
Don't cry until the end.
I want to engrave your voice and face.
I love you far too much."

The next morning, Yuu and Miki leave the house. They hold hands on the way to school. They decide to keep their relationship a secret from their parents. They are concerned about the parent's reactions. Ryouko takes Namura's place as the teacher in Miki's classroom. She is happy but wants Meiko to be happy too.

The scene suddenly shifts to the library later in the day. Satoshi is asking Meiko out. She tells him no. He pouts and she walks away. Meiko turns back and says that she might like to go out for tea, though. Satoshi gets very happy.

We are now at Chiyako's office where she walks out of her office with a very attractive young girl. Suzu-chan is a model. Suzu sees a picture of Yuu and is instantly in love.

Miki is in her room looking at Yuu's picture in her locket. Yuu comes to the door and tells Miki that the family is getting together at a restaurant to celebrate Chiyako's new line. The go to the same restaurant that they all met at in the beginning. After dinner the adults go off and leave Miki and Yuu alone. They go for a walk and sit on a park bench. There they exchange medallions. They hug.

The are back at home looking in a photo album. Rumi tells Chiyako to tell them the big news. It turns out that Suzu wants Yuu in the commercial with her. Miki says that she would love to see Yuu in a commercial. Yuu then reluctantly agrees. Miki becomes very concerned when she finds out the main model is Suzu-chan.

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